Elective Home Learning. Year: 11

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1 Elective Home Learning Year: 11

2 Subject: German GCSE Year: 11 OVERVIEW Next half-term you will be completing the reading and listening exams as well as the writing exam Task 1 - Vocabulary: Make a spider diagram with key vocabulary on it for each sub-topic within the three themes. This should summarise the topic area. Ensure you use either Higher or foundation vocabulary. Create a vocabulary learning game for someone else in the group to use to revise from Task 3 Reading: Use the BBC Bitesize website from the reading section choose two of the topics to complete. Start with the revise section, then watch the video and complete the test Complete a practise reading paper Task 4 Listening: Use the BBC Bitesize website from the listening section choose two of the topics to complete. Start with the revise section, then watch the video and complete the test Complete a practise listening paper Listen to a German song and summarise the meaning in English Task 5 Writing: Choose a topic area from the sub-themes. Write an on each one to your German partner using etwinning. Use the BBC Bitesize website from the writing section choose two of the topics to complete. Start with the revise section, then watch the video and complete the test Task 6 Translation: Use the website: - choose a news article and translate a paragraph in to English

3 Art KS4 Year 11: Artist links are of high importance and refer to 25% of your overall marks in your GCSE. They bend and shape the way our work develops over the year and are often the missing link we need to create exciting, high quality and different work. Throughout your exams you are expected to research and create reference sheets relating to an Artist Link that suits, bends or shapes your work. The sheets should be seen as a piece of art work in itself, and display the quality and ability you have as an artist, along with signs of understanding the artists work; through trying the techniques used and maybe writing a little about it (annotation). Expected number of Artist links for the exam preparation work 4

4 Chemistry Year 11: Next half term you will be practicing past paper questions and full exams. In preparation for this please go onto r drive on the VLE and download a past paper from the old syllabus. Attempt as many of the questions as you can if in doubt speak to your teacher about whether the question is still relevant. Back this up with production of more revision materials for your file. Also use Youtube tutorials, the revision guide and bbc bitesize to research and make notes on topics from last year. Include diagrams and important reactions/equations. You can present your work however you want information sheets, a poster or revision materials to help you understand the application of the ideas in class.

5 Subject: DT Year:11. Print out at least 2 past exam papers and bring in for your teacher to mark from the AQA website.

6 Geography Year:11 What is a micro-loan and how can it help LIC s?.. They can help by:... How tourism can reduce the development gap in Jamaica Jamaica a popular destination because: Impacts of tourism have been:.....

7 Is it a sustainable strategy? Now evaluate Tourism has helped reduce the development gap in Jamaica by. Another way tourism has helped reduce the development gap has been. However.. In addition.. Overall

8 English Year: 11 Students should be revising at home as part of the preparations for their exams. - Use the CGP revision guides provided by the English department and complete the quick and in-depth questions. Students can bring completed questions in to be marked by their teachers. - Use the Mr. Bruff revision videos on YouTube for revision. Links for the most useful playlists are listed below: Power and Conflict poetry: An Inspector Calls: Macbeth: Jekyll and Hyde: Language Paper 1: Language Paper 2: GSeqYup7PXId4pbldQVq

9 Subject: French Year: 10 Ensure you can answer all of these questions in French from memory; use the grid to improve your answers. Answer booster Aiming for a solid answer Aiming higher Aiming for the top Verbs Opinions and reasons Other features Different tenses (past, present, near future) Je prefere/ Je suis fana de J ai horreur de Je ne supporte pas c était/ ca va etre Negatives e.g. ne.. Pas/ ne.. Jamais Ne.. Plus= no longer Ne que= only Qualifiers- tres/ un peu/ assez/ vraiment connectives Et, mais, aussi, parce que, quand Different tenses and people e.g. il/ nous/ vous A mon avis/ je crois que/ personellement/ je suis passioné de/ j ai horreur de Depuis +present tense (since) e.g. je joue au tennis depuis 6 ans Car, ou, lorsque, donc, alors Imperfect/ near future Si clauses e.g. si j étais riche j acheterais.. Comparatives e.g. plus que moins.. que Superlatives e.g. c est le meilleur Direct object pronoun e.g. je la/le/les trouve= I find it/them Par contre Ca pour ca que De l autre cote HOME AND LOCAL AREA

10 Describe where you live;- décris ta ville Ma ville s appelle=my town is called Il y a (there is) il n y a pas= there isn t C est= it is ce n est pas= it isn t J y habite depuis..ans=i ve lived there for years Describe what you can do there; Qu est-ce qu on peut y faire? Dans ma ville on peut=in my town you can Pourtant on n y peut pas= you can t Talk about the advantages of your town Quelles sont les avantages de ta ville? Les avantages de ma ville sont= the advantages of my town are Que c est= that it is Qu il y a= that there is Talk about the disadvantages of your town Quels sont les inconvenients de ta ville? Les inconvenients de ma ville sont= the disadvantages of my town are What would your ideal town be like?; Décris ta ville idéale Ma ville idéale serait= my ideal town would be. Il y aurait= there would be On pourrait= you would be able to Talk about what you did in your town last weekend Qu est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier dans ta ville? Le weekend dernier, dans ma ville= last weekend in my town Je suis allé(e )= I went J ai fait= I did j ai mangé= I ate C était= it was j étais= I was Describe your house; décris ta maison j habite avec= I live with Dans = in (add type of house) C est= it is Nous avons= we have Nous n avons pas de= we don t have Ma chambre est au.. étage= my room is on the floor Je pense que ma maison est= I think that my house is What would you change about your house if you could? Qu est-ce que tu changerais si tu pouvais? Si je pouvais je changerais= if I could I would change Describe where you would like to live in the future and why Ou voudrais tu habiter dans le futur? Dans le futur je voudrais habiter à= in the future I would like to live in

11 Je voudrais habiter dans= I would like to live in Car ce serait= because it would be Talk about what you are going to do next weekend in your town Qu est-ce que tu vas faire dans ta ville le weekend prochain? Le weekend prochain dans ma ville= next weekend in my town Je vais= I am going to Ce sera= it will be Holidays Qu est-ce que tu fais normalement pour les vacances? Qu est-ce que tu aimes faire pour les vacances? Tu preferes faire du camping ou rester dans un hotel? Pourquoi? Ou est tu allé pour tes vacances l année derniere? Ou est-ce que tu vas aller en vacances l année prochaine? Ou est-ce que tu voudrais passer tes vacances idéales? Describe what technology you use; Qu est-ce que tu utilise comme technologie? J utilise= I use En plus je me sers de=i also use Car c est= because it is J ai besoin de= I need Give opinions of technology Qu est-ce que tu penses de la technologie? A mon avis la technologie est= in my opinion technology is Ma technologie prefere est= my favourite technology is Give advantages of the internet Quels sont les avantages de l internet? L internet est bon car= the internet is good because Give disadvantages of the internet Quels sont les inconvenients de l internet? Par contre l internet n est pas bonne car= on the other hand the internet is not good because Describe your family; Décris ta famille Dans ma famille il y a= in my family there is/ are il/ elle s appelle= he/she is called Il/elle a..ans= he/she is..years old

12 Il/elle a les cheveux+colour= he/she has coloured haid Il/elle a les yeux+ colour= he/she has.. coloured hair Il/elle est= he/she is Say who you get on well with and why; tu t entends bien avec ta famille? Je m entends bien avec= I get on well with Je ne m entends pas bien avec= I don t get on well with Car il/elle est= because he/she is Say who you don t get on with and why; Avec qui tu n entends pas bien? Pourtant je ne m entends pas bien avec= however I don t get on well with Talk about your future family plans; décris ta vie dans le futur Dans le futur je voudrais= in the future I would like to Me marier = to get married Habiter = to live avoir= to have Talk about what you like to do in your free time and why; Qu est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant tes temps libres? Pendant mes temps libres= during my free time Je préfère =I prefer Aller= going faire= doing Regarder= watching Car je pense que c est= because it s Describe what you did last weekend Qu est-ce tu as fait le weekend dernier?; Le weekend dernier=last weekend Je suis allé(e)= I went J ai fait= I did j ai mangé= I ate C était= it was Describe what you are going to do next weekend; qu est-ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain? Le weekend prochain= next weekend Je vais = I am going to Aller= to go faire= to do Ce sera = it will be Talk about what music you like and why Tu aimes quelle sorte de musique? Je suis fana de= I am a fan of Car il est/ elle est= because he/she is Mon chanson préféré est= my favourite song is Talk about what you like to watch on TV and why Qu est-ce que tu aimes regarder a la télévision? Je préfère regarder= I prefer watching Je suis accro a= I am addicted to Car c est = because it is

13 Describe the last film you saw Décris le dernier film que tu as vu Le dernier film que j ai vu était= the last film I saw was Les acteurs étaeint= the actors were What subjects do you study? Qu est ce que tu étudies? J étudie.. = I study What do you like to study and why? Qu est-ce que tu aimes étudier? je suis fana de= I am a fan of Car c est= because it is What do you not like to study and why? Qu est-ce que tu n aime pas étudier? Pourtant je ne supporte pas= however I can t stand Car c est= because it is What are you good at? Qu est-ce que tu fais bien? A mon avis je suis fort en= in my opinion I am good at What are you bad at? Qu est-ce que tu ne fais pas bien? Pourtant je suis faible en=however I am bad/ weak at What is your favourite and why? Quel est ton meilleur sujet? mon meilleur sujet est= my best subject is Compare French and English Comparez l anglais et le francais Je pense que le francais est plus.. que l anglais= I think French is more.. Than English Which subject is the most interesting? Quel est le sujet le plus interessant? Je trouve que le sujet le plus intéressant est..car I think the most interesting subject is..because Which subject is the least fun? Quel est le sujet le moins amusant? Je trouve que le sujet le moins amusant est..car I think the least fun subject is..because What must you study? Qu est ce que tu dois étudier? On doit étudier= we must study What can you study?

14 Qu est-ce qu on peut étudier? on peut étudier= we can study What have you chosen to study and why? Qu est-ce que tu as choisi? J ai choisi car= I chose.. because Describe what school is like; Décris ton college Dans mon collège=in my school Il y a (there is), Pourtant il n y a pas(there isn t) Je pense que c est=i think it is Describe a school day Décris une journée scolaire A.. Heures= at o clock J ai un cour de= I have a lesson of Je mange/je bois= I eat/ I drink Compare your teachers Comparez vos profs Est plus +adj+ que= is more..than Est moins+adj+ que=is less..than Est mieux que= is better than Describe the rules Décris le reglement On doit porter=you must wear On doit être= you must be On ne doit pas= you must not Describe your primary school Décris ton école primaire Mon école était=my school was Il y avait= there was Les profs étaient=teachers were Describe your future plans Quels sont tes projets pour le futur? Dans le futur= in the future Je voudrais étudier=i d like to study Je voudrais être= I would like to be

15 Describe what people do at work; Décris le travail Je travail comme= I work as.. Au travail je= at work I Je trouve que c est = I think it s Describe the advantages of a job; Décris les avantages d un travail Les avantages d etre sont que..= the advantages of being are that C est= it is Describe the disadvantages of a job Décris les inconvenients d un travail Les inconvenients d etre.. Sont que= the disadvantages of being.. Are that.. C est= it is Say how much money you get Tu recois combien d argent? Je recois. euros = I receive.. Euros Par semaine= per week Par mois= per month Say what you do to earn money Que fais tu pour gagner de l argent? Pour gagner de l argent= to earn money Je travail comme= I work as.. Au travail je= at work I Say what you do with your money Qu est ce que tu fais avec ton argent? Avec mon argent de poche= with my pocket money J achete= I buy Je vais= I go Je fais= I do

16 Subject: History Year: 11 Ensure you can answer all of these questions to develop your understanding of the topic.

17 Physics Year 11: Next half term you will be practicing past paper questions and full exams. In preparation for this please go onto r drive on the VLE and download a past paper from the old syllabus. Attempt as many of the questions as you can if in doubt speak to your teacher about whether the question is still relevant. Back this up with production of more revision materials for your file. Also use Youtube tutorials, the revision guide and bbc bitesize to research and make notes on topics from last year. Include diagrams and important reactions/equations. You can present your work however you want information sheets, a poster or revision materials to help you understand the application of the ideas in class.

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