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2 TRETMANI LICA FACIAL TREATMENTS Ekskluzivna destinacija za njegu duha i tijela, Energy Clinic jedan je od prvih energetskih centara u svijetu koji osim osjec aja ugode i zadovoljstva svojim klijentima prenosi svježu, revitalizirajuc u i uc inkovitu energiju. Nakon godina istraživanja tradicionalne kineske medicine te drugih alternativnih i komplementarnih metoda njege tijela, Energy Clinic se drži stajališta kako je ljudski dodir ne samo najmoc nija tehnika vec je i najosnovnija od svih iscjeljiteljskih metoda. Našim klijentima su ponuđeni brojni jedinstveni tretmani te premium linija organskih kozmetic kih proizvoda marke Energy Clinic. Također pri tretmanima koristimo svjetski poznate brendove kao što su Sisley, Babor, Decleor, Thalgo i drugi. Odabiremo samo visoko kvalificirane te motivirane spa profesionalce koji su obrazovani i obuc eni u Energy Clinic Wellness Akademiji, našem jedinstvenom centru izvrsnosti. Danas Energy Clinic nudi zaokruženo i cjelovito spa i wellness iskustvo koje ide u korak sa strateškim i infrastrukturnim razvojem po najvišim svjestskim standardima. Energy Clinic is an exclusive international center for the well being of body, mind and inner self, focusing on revitalization and restoration of energy and the feeling of complete relaxation, balance and enjoyment. Energy Clinic restores, revitalizes and relaxes your physical and inner self through a unique fusion of contemporary western and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), along with other alternative and complementary body and face treatments designed to restore energy lost in the daily grind. With that in mind, we offer various unique treatments and manufacture our own premium line of homegrown organic cosmetic products. We also use and re-sell high-end health and beauty brands such as Sisley, Babor, Decleor, Thalgo and others. Our holistic approach to health and well being even includes education we run a successful wellness academy, providing extensive the- oretical and practical know-how for a whole generation of tomorrow s wellness, beauty and health specialists. Today, Energy Clinic offers a rounded, comprehensive spa and wellness experience coupled with full strategic and infrastructural support.


4 TRETMANI LICA FACIAL TREATMENTS ENERGY CLINIC ENERGY CLINIC proizvodi kreirani su od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka organskog ili biljnog podrijetla i ekstrakta biljaka poznatih po iznimnim terapijskim uc incima. Svi su proizvodi proizvedeni u Hrvatskoj, u suradnji s najpoznatijim struc njacima iz podruc ja farmaceutike. Misao vodilja pri kreiranju proizvoda bila je ponuditi klijentima proizvode s najkvalitetnijim prirodnim sastojcima koji pomažu održavanju prirodne elastic nosti kože i vrac aju je u energetsku ravnotežu. Anti-Fatigue Espresso 40 min / 360 KN / 48 EUR Savršen tretman za umornu, sivu i neujednac enu kožu s proširenim porama. Posebno osmišljeni proizvodi pomoc i c e u zatezanju i osvježavanju umorne kože, dajuc i joj novi sjaj. Signature Hydrating POPULAR 60 min / 630 KN / 84 EUR Posebno osmišljen tretman lica, namijenjen svim tipovima kože i dubinskoj hidrataciji. EC struc njaci osmislili su izvrsnu formulu protiv dehidracije, za vrac anje kože u prvobitno, zdravo stanje. ENERGY CLINIC ENERGY CLINIC products are produced from premium quality ingredients of organic or natural origin and plant extracts known for their exceptional therapeutic qualities. All products are manufactured in Croatia, in cooperation with the most renowned experts in the field of pharmaceutics. The guiding principle in designing the product was to offer customers products with highest quality ingredients that help maintain the natural skin elasticity and restore energy balance. Anti-Fatigue Espresso 40 min / 360 KN / 48 EUR Perfect facial treatment for tired, grey and uneven skin with large pores. This specially designed product will help to tighten and regenerate tired skin, thus providing it a new radiant glow. Signature Hydrating POPULAR 60 min / 630 KN / 84 EUR Facial treatment specially designed for all skin types and deep hydration. EC experts developed the perfect formula for preventing dehydration and restoring the original healthy condition of the skin.

5 TRETMANI LICA FACIALS Anti-Age Strategy NEW 75 min / 818 KN / 109 EUR Anti-Age Strategija koristi EC hyaluron proizvode i masažnu tehniku koja usporava proces starenja, osvježava kožu i ublažava bore. U kombinaciji s anti-age maskom, vaše c e lice biti potpuno obnovljeno. Hydra-Man 60 min / 630 KN / 84 EUR Tretman lica posebno osmišljen za mušku kožu, izjednac ava ten i njeguje, a ujedno se bori protiv starenja. Maska 20 min 112 KN / 14 EUR Anti-Age Strategy NEW 75 min / 818 KN / 109 EUR Anti-age Strategy uses EC hyaluronan products and massage technique designed to slow down the ageing process, to refresh the skin and to reduce wrinkles. In combination with the anti-age face mask, your skin will be completely renewed. Hydra-Man 60 min / 630 KN / 84 EUR Facial treatment specifically designed for male skin, refines the complexion and nourishes the skin while at the same fighting against the signs of ageing. Mask 20 min 112 KN / 14 EUR

6 TRETMANI LICA FACIAL TREATMENTS Thalgo La Beaute Marine More je izvor života s više od vrsta algi, od kojih se danas upotrebljava manje od 30. Thalgovi laboratoriji, pioniri pomorskoga znanstvenog istraživanja, stekli su jedinstveno znanje o uc inkovitosti aktivnih sastojaka iz mora. Koristec i iskustvo i znanje o djelovanju algi i koncentrirajuc i se na prirodne sastojke koje tijelo najbolje prihvac a, Thalgo je u moguc nosti ponuditi proizvode za njegu lica i tijela koji su izrazito uc inkoviti, a ujedno i potpuno sigurni te blagi za kožu. Thalgo Mega Warm Ritual 60 min / 790 KN / 105 EUR Tretman za suhu i vrlo suhu kožu koji intenzivno osvježava te dubinski hrani i vlaži vec nakon prvog nanošenja. Izrazito djelotvorni Algomega kompleks potic e lipide i jac a funkciju zaštite kože. Rezultat je podatna, meka i pomlađena koža. Refreshing Marine Ritual POPULAR 60 min / 912 KN / 122 EUR Tretman za osjetljivu kožu hladnom morskom maskom poboljšava cirkulaciju krvi i idealan je za sve koji žele umiriti iritacije i omekšati osjetljivu kožu koja postaje bolje opskrbljena kisikom, osvježena i blistava. Javlja se osjec aj intenzivne, umirujuc e svježine. Thalgo La Beaute Marine The sea is source of life with more than species of algae, of which less than 30 species are used today. Thalgo laboratories, known for their pioneering work in the field of maritime scientific research, have acquired unique knowledge about the efficiency of active ingredients from the sea. By using its experience and knowledge about the effects of algae and focusing on the natural ingredients that are best accepted by the body, Thalgo can offer facial and body care products which are exceptionally efficient while at the same time completely safe and gentle on the skin. Thalgo Mega Warm Ritual 60 min / 790 KN / 105 EUR This treatment for dry and very dry skin intensely refreshes, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin already after the first application. The exceptionally efficient Algomega complex stimulates lipids and strengthens the function of the skin barrier resulting in a smooth, soft and rejuvenated skin. Refreshing Marine Ritual POPULAR 60 min / 912 KN / 122 EUR This treatment for sensitive skin with cold sea mask improves blood circulation and is ideal for all those who wish to calm and soften their sensitive skin. The skin s oxygenation improves and it becomes refreshed and radiant. Sensation of intense, calming freshness.

7 TRETMANI LICA FACIALS Silicium Super-lift 75 min / 1110 KN / 148 EUR Intenzivan tretman za osobe c ijoj koži nedostaje tonusa, c ije crte lica više nisu definirane, s vec formiranim borama. Tretman je idealan za uc vršc ivanje kontura lica i vrata, a vec prvi djeluje na restrukturiranje iznutra pa se koži vrac a tonus i elastic nost. Crte lica postaju primjetno zaglađenije, a ten blistav. Nakon prvog tretmana, lice izgleda pomlađeno. Ocean Man 45 min / 513 KN / 68 EUR Za muške klijente, koji žele zdravu, odmornu i c istu kožu: kožu lica vrac a u ravnotežu, štiti je od vanjskih utjecaja i svakodnevnih agresija (brijanje, nec istoc e i stres). Trenutno briše znakove umora. Silicium Super-lift 75 min / 1110 KN / 148 EUR This intense treatment is intended for persons whose skin has lost tonus, whose facial lines are no longer defined and have visible wrinkles. The treatment is ideal for strengthening facial and neck contours. The first treatment already affects the internal restructuring and the skin regains its tonus and elasticity. Facial lines become visibly straightened and the complexion restores radiance. After the first treatment, the face looks rejuvenated. Ocean Man 45 min / 513 KN / 68 EUR For male clients who want a healthy, rested and clean skin. This treatment restores the balance of the facial skin, protects from harmful environmental effects and daily aggressions (shaving, impurities and stress). Signs of fatigue disappear instantly.

8 OSNOVNI TRETMANI BASIC TREATMENTS OČI Bojanje trepavica 20 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Bojanje obrva 20 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Oblikovanje obrva 15 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Bojenje trepavica i obrva te oblikovanje obrva 40 min 334 KN / 45 EUR EYES Eyelashes Tint 20 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Eyebrows Tint 20 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Eyebrows Shaping 15 min 137 KN / 18 EUR Eyelashes And Eyebrows Tint And Eyebrows Shaping 40 min 334 KN / 45 EUR

9 OSNOVNI TRETMANI BASIC TREATMENTS RUKE Sportska manikura 50 min 274 KN / 37 EUR Brzo c išc enje, oblikovanje i popravak noktiju kako bi mogli zdravo rasti. Na nokte se nanosi prirodni zaštitni sloj i lak u jednoj boji. Energy Clinic spa tretman ruku POPULAR 75 min 426 KN / 57 EUR Luksuzni tretman ruku ukljuc uje osvježavajuc i piling za nježnu i meku kožu, završnu manikuru, poliranje noktiju, hranjivu masku s aromatic nim uljima i opuštajuc u masažu. Lakiranje 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Francusko lakiranje 129 KN / 17 EUR HANDS Sports Manicure 50 min 274 KN / 37 EUR Fast cleaning, shaping and repairing nails, so that they can grow healthy. A natural protective coat and a singlecoloured nail polish are applied on the nails. Energy Clinic Hand Spa Treatment POPULAR 75 min 426 KN / 57 EUR A luxury hand treatment which includes a refreshing hand scrub for soft and smooth skin, manicure, nail polishing, nourishing mask with aromatic oils and a relaxing hand massage. Nail Polish 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR French Nail Polish 129 KN / 17 EUR

10 OSNOVNI TRETMANI BASIC TREATMENTS STOPALA Sportska pedikura 60 min 296 KN / 39 EUR Uljepšavanje noktiju i stopala, upotpunjeno nanošenjem energizirajuc eg i osvježavajuc eg balzama za njegu stopala. Tretman ukljuc uje lakiranje noktiju u jednoj boji. Detoks pedikura 70 min 388 KN / 52 EUR Njega stopala u blagoj otopini hipermangana koja djeluje protuupalno i dezinficirajuc e. Uljepšavanje noktiju i kože stopala upotpunjeno je detoks maskom na kraju tretmana. Energy Clinic spa tretman stopala POPULAR 90 min 509 KN / 68 EUR Posebno osmišljena luksuzna pedikura posebnim esencijalnim uljem, upotpunjena pilingom i maskom za stopala od ljekovitog bilja, masažom stopala, uljepšavanjem noktiju i, prema potrebi, lakiranjem noktiju. Lakiranje noktiju 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Francusko lakiranje noktiju 129 KN / 17 EUR FEET Sports Pedicure 60 min 296 KN / 39 EUR Beautifying of toenails and feet, completed by gentle application of energizing and refreshing foot balsam. The treatment includes a singlecoloured nail polish. Detox Pedicure 70 min 388 KN / 52 EUR Foot care in potassium permanganate solution with an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. Beautifying of toenails and skin of the feet is completed with a detox mask at the end of the treatment. Energy Clinic Foot Spa Treatment POPULAR 90 min 509 KN / 68 EUR Specially designed luxury pedicure with special essential oils, completed with foot scrub and foot mask with medicinal herbs, foot massage, beautifying of toes and, if required, nail polishing.. Nail Polish 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR French Nail Polish 129 KN / 17 EUR

11 OSNOVNI TRETMANI BASIC TREATMENTS DEPILACIJA Depilacija cijelih nogu 60 min 274 KN / 36 EUR Depilacija pola nogu 182 KN / 24 EUR Bikini zona 182 KN / 24 EUR Depilacija ruku 182 KN / 24 EUR Depilacija pazuha 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Depilacija prsa i trbuha 182 KN / 24 EUR Depilacija nadusnice 15 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Depilacija leđa i ramena 182 KN / 24 EUR WAXING Full Leg Waxing 60 min 274 KN / 36 EUR Half Leg Waxing 182 KN / 24 EUR Bikini Zone Waxing 182 KN / 24 EUR Arms Waxing 182 KN / 24 EUR Underarms Waxing 20 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Chest & Abdomen Waxing 182 KN / 24 EUR Lip Zone Waxing 15 min 99 KN / 13 EUR Shoulder & Back Waxing 182 KN / 24 EUR

12 NJEGA TIJELA BODY CARE Energy Clinic piling tijela / 258 KN / 34 EUR Osvježavajuc i aromatic ni piling tijela koji kožu c ini baršunastom i mekom, zahvaljujuc i uravnoteženoj kombinaciji ljekovite morske soli i aromatic nih ulja što hrane kožu. Ovo je idealan tretman za trenutno obnavljanje energije i svježine. Energy Clinic Body Wrap 45 min / 327 KN / 44 EUR Umotavanjem tijela u foliju smanjuje se celulit, poboljšava izgled kože i potic e intenzivno izluc ivanje vode i zaostalih toksina iz tijela. Energy Clinic antistresni piling tijela POPULAR 70 min / 620 KN / 83 EUR Kombinacija pilinga tijela 40-minutnim utrljavanjem aromatic nog ulja prema vašem izboru za potpunu regeneraciju, svježinu i ljepotu kože. Body Scrub / 258 KN / 34 EUR A refreshing aromatic body scrub making the skin velvety smooth and soft due to the balanced combination of medicinal sea salt and aromatic oils nourishing the skin. This is an ideal treatment for an instantaneous renewal of energy and freshness. Energy Clinic Body Wrap 45 min / 327 KN / 44 EUR Wrapping the body in foil reduces cellulite, improves the appearance of the skin and stimulates intensive withdrawal of water and residual toxins from the body. Energy Clinic Anti-Stress Body Scrub POPULAR 70 min / 620 KN / 83 EUR Body scrub treatment supplemented with a 40-minute rubbing aromatic oils of your choice in the skin for a complete renewal, freshness and beauty of your skin.

13 NJEGA TIJELA BODY CARE Otoci u struji 75 min / 772 KN/ 103 EUR Energy Clinic tim osmislio je ovaj ritual kako bi vam pomogao da se potpuno opustite i obnovite svoj um i tijelo. Tretman poc inje energic nim pilingom, nakon c ega slijedi 45-minutna opuštajuc a masaža uljem lavande. Za kraj, izmjenom vruc ih i hladnih obloga stimulira se cirkulacija i protok energije kroz meridijane cijelog tijela, oslobađajuc i vas nakupljenog stresa. Energy Clinic Fit Figure NEW 60 min / 715 KN / 95 EUR Izvrstan novi detox&slim ritual poc inje brzim c etkanjem tijela kojim se potic e cirkulacija. Potom se nanosi serum zagrijavajuc eg djelovanja koji prodire u dublje slojeve epiderme. Tretman završava vezivno-tkivnom masažom koja koži vrac a sjaj. Islands In The Stream 75 min / 772 KN/ 103 EUR This package was specially created by Energy Clinic team of experts in order to help you to achieve deep relaxation and regeneration of both body and mind. The treatment starts with a vigorous aromatic scrub followed by a 45-minute soothing massage with lavender oil and ends with alternating hot and cold compresses stimulating circulation and energy flow through the meridians of your entire body, relieving you of accumulated stress. Energy Clinic Fit Figure NEW 60 min / 715 KN / 95 EUR The fantastic new detox & slim ritual starts with a quick and energetic body brushing stimulating the circulation. It is followed by the application of a special serum with a warming effect, penetrating in the deeper layers of epidermis. The treatment ends with a connective tissue massage which restores the skin s glow.

14 MASAŽE MASSAGES Relaksirajuća masaža za stopala 25 min / 266 KN / 35 EUR Prirodna, ljekovita masaža djeluje stimulirajuc e na refleksološke toc ke vaših stopala, poboljšavajuc i cirkulaciju i potic uc i tijelo da obnovi svoju prirodnu ravnotežu. Idealna u lijec enju tegoba povezanih sa stresom, poput glavobolja, nesanice, umora i slic nih tegoba. Parcijalna masaža za noge 25 min / 266 KN / 35 EUR Intenzivna 25-minutna masaža nogu, dobar izbor u sluc aju akutnih problema. Zdrava kralježnica (masaža leđa i vrata) 25 min / 327 KN / 44 EUR Kombinacija tehnika koristi se za olakšavanje i ublažavanje mišic ne napetosti u leđima, vratu i ramenima. Aromatična masaža lica i tjemena / 327 KN / 44 EUR Ugodite si ovom izrazito umirujuc om masažom koja stimulira limfnu drenažu, otvara pore i omoguc ava koži da diše, dok blago stimuliranje akupresurnih toc aka ublažava napetost u glavi, vratu i ramenima. Antistress terapija za leđa i noge POPULAR 45 min / 448 KN / 60 EUR Opuštajuc i tretman koji ukljuc uje masažu nogu i leđa. Djeluje na poboljšanje cirkulacije te bolji protok limfe. Tretman završava izmjenom hladnih i toplih obloga. Relaxing Foot Massage 25 min / 266 KN / 35 EUR Natural healing massage stimulating the reflex points of your feet, improving circulation and stimulating the body to restore its natural balance. It is ideal for healing stress-related discomforts such as headaches, insomnia, fatigue and similar discomforts. Partial Leg Massage 25 min / 266 KN / 35 EUR Intensive 25-minute massage is a good choice when dealing with acute problems. Fine Spine (back and neck massage) 25 min / 327 KN / 44 EUR A combination of techniques is used to ease and soothe muscle tension in your back, neck and shoulders. Face & Scalp Aromatic Massage / 327 KN / 44 EUR Indulge yourself with this exceptionally soothing massage that stimulates lymphatic drainage, opens pores and enables the skin to breathe, while mild stimulation of acupressure points releases tension in the head, neck and shoulders. Anti-Stress Back and Leg Therapy POPULAR 45 min / 448 KN / 60 EUR Relaxing treatment that includes a legs and back massage stimulating circulation and lymph flow. The treatment ends with alternating warm and cold compresses.

15 MASAŽE MASSAGES Cellulite Free Girl 45 min / 502 KN / 67 EUR Intenzivni tretman za izluc ivanje toksina koji ubrzava eliminirajuc e procese i mobilizira nakupljene masne stanice u svim kritic nim zonama. Ponovo uspostavlja ravnotežu vode u tijelu i stimulira mikrocirkulaciju. Koži vrac a tonus, glatkoc u i zdravi sjaj. Antistresna masaža za trudnice 45 min / 494 KN / 66 EUR Masaža idealna za posebne potrebe trudnica. Terapija masažom poboljšava funkciju mišic a,cirkulaciju i tonus kože. Relaksirajuća masaža sa toplim uljem 50 min / 540 KN / 72 EUR Masaža u kojoj se koriste topla aromatic na ulja koja tijekom cijelog tretmana zadržavaju finu, koži iznimno ugodnu temperaturu. Ulja koja se koriste istodobno smiruju i c iste, osiguravajuc i pritom duboko opuštanje. Energy Clinic klasična masaža 50 min / 456 KN / 61 EUR Kombinacijom pet osnovnih pokreta usmjerenih prema srcu, stimulira se tijelo, krvožilni i limfni sustav. Ova je masaža idealna za poboljšanje cirkulacije, eliminaciju toksina, za uklanjanje napetosti i duboko opuštanje. Cellulite Free Girl 45 min / 502 KN / 67 EUR Intensive, toxin-releasing treatment that speeds up the releasing processes and mobilizes the accumulated fat cells in all critical zones. It rebalances the water in the body and stimulates microcirculation. Skin tonus, smoothness and healthy glow are restored. Anti-stress Massage for Pregnant Women 45 min / 494 KN / 66 EUR Massage ideal for the special needs of pregnant women. The therapy massage improves the muscle function, circulation and the tonus of the skin. Relaxing Warm Oil Massage 50 min / 540 KN / 72 EUR Massage with warm aromatic oils maintaining a fine, for the skin exceptionally comfortable temperature during the entire treatment. The oils which are used are calming and cleansing at the same time, thereby providing deep relaxation. Energy Clinic Classical Massage 50 min / 456 KN / 61 EUR Massage stimulating the body, the vascular system and the lymphatic system by combining five main movements directed towards the heart. It is an ideal massage for improving circulation, eliminating toxins, releasing tension and for deep relaxation.

16 MASAŽE MASSAGES Sportska masaža 50 min / 502 KN / 67 EUR Oporavite se brzo nakon napornog vježbanja ili sportskih aktivnosti i pomognite svome tijelu da eliminira metabolite, toksine i mlijec nu kiselinu. Ova intenzivna sportska masaža dovest c e tijelo u prirodnu ravnotežu. Četveroručna energetska masaža 50 min / 965 KN / 129 EUR Jedinstvena kombinacija klasic ne metode masaže dvoje masera i akupresurom, kojom se intenzivno oslobađa stara energija i otvara put novoj. Ova masaža opušta i stimulira cirkulaciju i limfni sustav. Ublažava stres i popratne tegobe. Korištenje aromatic nih ulja olakšava protok energije i obnovu ravnoteže. Energy Clinic masaža pindama napunjenim biljem NEW 50 min / 678 KN / 90 EUR 80 min / 828 KN / 110 EUR Relaksirajuc a masaža koja se izvodi toplim, biljnim jastuc ic ima (pindama) i biljnim uljima. Vrlo je opuštajuc a i ugodna zbog mirisa, opušta i vrac a energetsku ravnotežu. Ako se odluc ite za 80-minutni tretman, dodatno c ete uživati u akupresurnoj masaži lica eteric nim uljima prema vlastitim potrebama. Sports Massage 50 min / 502 KN / 67 EUR Recover fast after a strenuous workout or sports activities and help your body to eliminate metabolites, toxins and lactic acid. This intensive sports massage will restore the natural balance of the body. Four-Hand Energizing Massage 50 min / 965 KN / 129 EUR A unique combination of classical massage performed by two masseurs and acupressure, intensively releasing old energy and making way for new energy. This massage relaxes and stimulates circulation and the lymph system. It relieves stress and all accompanying discomforts. The use of aromatic oils facilitates the energy flow and restores balance. Energy Clinic With Herbal Pads (Pinda) NEW 50 min / 678 KN / 90 EUR 80 min / 828 KN / 110 EUR Relaxing massage performed with warm, herbal pads (Pinda ) and herbal oils. It is very relaxing and pleasant because of the scent of essential oils, and it provides deep relaxation and restores energy balance. If you decide for an 80-minute treatment, you will additionally enjoy an acupressure facial massage with essential oils selected according to your needs.

17 MASAŽE MASSAGES Masaža toplim kamenjem 70 min / 547 KN / 73 EUR Korištenjem zagrijanog kamenja, ali i aromaterapijskih ulja dobiva se izrazito opuštajuc i uc inak. Kamenje postupno otpušta toplinu, potic uc i duboko opuštanje tijela i uma. Energy Clinic masaža s potpisom POPULAR 80 min / 790 KN / 105 EUR Najpopularniji oblik masaže koji je namijenjen opuštanju, s uravnotežujuc im uc inkom na tijelo. Tretman tonizirajuc e djeluje na tijelo i ima blagotvoran uc inak na ligamente i tetive, kao i na cirkulaciju, protok limfe i živc ane putove. Nakon masaže cijelog tijela, osjec at c ete se gipki i puni energije. Hot Stone 70 min / 547 KN / 73 EUR By using heated stones as well as aromatherapy oils a very relaxing effect is achieved. The stones release heat progressively, thus stimulating deep relaxation of both body and mind. Energy Clinic Signature Massage POPULAR 80 min / 790 KN / 105 EUR This is the most popular form of massage for deep relaxation and with a balancing effect on the body. The treatment tones the body and has a beneficial effect on ligaments and sinews as well as blood circulation, lymph flow, and nerve tracts. After the full-body massage, you will feel supple and full of energy.

18 BODY WORK BODY WORK YOGA 60 min 545 KN / 73 EUR YOGA 60 min 545 KN / 73 EUR


20 PAKETI PACKAGES Let Your Face & Body Glow POPULAR 100 min / 860 KN / 115 EUR Paket poc inje Energy Clinic Fit Figure tretmanom tijela koji potic e cirkulaciju, zateže kožu i vrac a joj sjaj. Za potpuni dojam slijedi Anti-Fatigue Espresso tretman lica koji c e vam obrisati sve tragove umora. New Line 120 NEW 120 min / 1086 KN / 145 EUR Paket poc inje anti-age tretmanom lica koji mu vrac a sjaj i c vrstoc u. Nakon tretmana slijedi opuštajuc a masaža cijelog tijela vruc im uljem, uz koju c ete se zasigurno osloboditi nakupljenog stresa. After Plane Spa Comfort NEW 70 min / 646 KN / 86 EUR Tretman poc injemo Anti-Stress Back & Leg masažom koja opušta mišic e i otklanja umor nakon dugotrajnog putovanja. Izmjena toplih i hladnih obloga poboljšava cirkulaciju dok Anti- Fatigue Espresso osvježava i zateže umornu kožu lica dajuc i joj novi sjaj. Aroma Cocoon 100 min / 770 KN / 103 EUR Aromatic ni piling tijela hranjivim aromatic nim uljima i morskom solju. Ukljuc uje tretman omatanja tijela (body wrapping), osmišljen prema individualnom aromaterapijskom programu za detoksifikaciju i pomlađivanje kože. Tretman završava 30-minutnim utrljavanjem aromatic nih ulja. Za savršeno glatku i mekanu kožu! Preporuc uje se nakon zimskog razdoblja. Let Your Face & Body Glow POPULAR 100 min / 860 KN / 115 EUR The package begins with Energy Clinic Fit Figure body treatment which stimulates circulation, tightens the skin and restores its radiance. For a complete experience it is followed by Anti-Fatigue Espresso facial treatment which will clear away all signs of a tired skin. New Line 120 NEW 120 min / 1086 KN / 145 EUR The package begins with anti-age facial treatment restoring the skin s radiance and firmness. The facial treatment is followed by a relaxing full body massage with warm oil, relieving you from the accumulated stress. After Plane Spa Comfort NEW 70 min / 646 KN / 86 EUR We begin the treatment with an Anti- Stress Back & Leg Massage relaxing the muscles and eliminating the fatigue after a long trip. The exchange of warm and cold compresses improves circulation while Anti-Fatigue Espresso facial treatment refreshes and tightens tired skin providing it a new radiance. Aroma Cocoon 100 min / 770 KN / 103 EUR A body scrub with nourishing aromatic oils and sea salt. This treatment also features a body wrap aromatherapy program for detoxification and skin rejuvenation. The treatment is concluded with a 30-minute rubbing in of aromatic oils to achieve the perfectly smooth and soft skin. Recommended after winter season.

21 PAKETI PACKAGES Energy Clinic Cocoon 90 min / 770 KN / 103 EUR Aromatic ni piling tijela uz aromaterapijski tretman omatanja tijela nakon c ega slijedi masaža lica i stopala. Upotreba aromatic nih ulja olakšava protok energije i obnavlja ravnotežu tijela. Anti-Stres Cocoon 100 min / 1200 KN / 160 EUR Aromatic ni piling tijela hranjivim aromatic nim uljima i morskom solju. Ukljuc uje tretman omatanja tijela (body wrapping), osmišljen prema individualnom aromaterapijskom programu za detoksifikaciju i pomlađivanje kože, nakon c ega slijedi 50-minutna c etveroruc na masaža za cjelovito opuštanje. Man Only POPULAR 90 min / 825 KN / 110 EUR Paket predstavlja c išc enje i zatezanje muške kože lica i 50-minutnu sportsku masažu. Idealan za muškarce koji vode užurban i stresan život. Energy Clinic Cocoon 90 min / 770 KN / 103 EUR An aromatic body scrub and aroma therapy body wrapping treatment followed by face and feet massage. The use of aromatic oils facilitates the energy flow and restores the balance of your body. Anti-Stres Cocoon 100 min / 1200 KN / 160 EUR Aromatic body scrub with nourishing aromatic oils and sea salt. This treatment also includes a body wrap tailored in accordance with the individual aromatherapy program for detoxification and skin rejuvenation, followed by a 50-minute four-hand massage for complete relaxation. Man Only POPULAR 90 min / 825 KN / 110 EUR The package includes cleansing and firming of male facial skin and a 50-minute sports massage. Ideal for men leading a fast and stressful life.

22 TRETMANI LICA FACIAL TREATMENTS POKLON BONOVI SU DOSTUPNI NA RECEPCIJI ENERGY CLINIC-A Pdv je urac unat u sve cijene. Knjiga žalbe se nalazi na recepciji. GIFT VAUCHERS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE ENERGY CLINIC RECEPTION DESK Vat is included. Book of complaints can be found at the front desk.


24 TRETMANI LICA FACIAL TREATMENTS Energy Clinic - Hotel Kompas Kardinala Stepinca Dubrovnik CROATIA Poziv iz sobe / Internal hotel number: 5008 T E.


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