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10 Chairman & Chief Editor DR. SHARAD GANDHI Vice Chairman & Asst. Editor KALPNA GANDHI MD & Associate Editor GYANSHYAM RAKHOLIYA Executive Editor ARJUN VIRANI Resi. Editor (Mum.) V. D. CHOKSI General Manager KANAKSINH CHAUHAN Overseas Editor MANISH TOMAR Overseas Marketing Manager BHARAT GANDHI Marketing Manager (GUJ.) MAHESH GANDHI Area Manager (Mumbai) PRAKASH DUBEY Marketing Executive VIKRANT OZA VIJAY RATHOD YOGESH JETHWA SHANIL VYAS Graphic Designers DK'S VINODRAY CHAUHAN SUNIL VAGHELA MIRAL GANDHI Proof Reader KISHOR KAYASTH Circulation Head VASUNDHARA KAHODARIYA Legal Advisor KISHOR SOJITRA Year : 13 Continue Issue : 59 Sept - Oct JEWELLETORIAL WELCOME JINDAGI Global Jewellery Trade Fairs : SHOW MUST GO ON... જ સન બ ય બબ લ વ આમ કહ સ પ ય ગ! 16 COVER STORY 18 SPECIAL FEATURE 407, Mangaldeep Complex, Hira Baug Circle, Varachha Road, Surat Phone : / 61 Mo : info@diamondcitynews.com Web News Portal : India Overseas 1 year : 100 $ 3 year : 250 $ 5 year : 360 $ No Part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written permission. The views expressed by writers in 7Stars Worldwide do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor and Publisher. Is Trade Show the Complete Solution for buyers and sellers? Lightweight Jewellery.. Women's First Choice The use of CAD CAM programs has really brought jewelry design to another level : Claudia Endler Page 42 1 year : ` year : ` year : ` 2400

11 e Pag 34 NEW APPROACH - NEW DIRECTION Tasty and Healthy Tips For the Retail Jewellers Do not Escape or find Excuse of Competition e Pag 36 Designer Desk Bina Goenka e Pag 58 on's How Kate Middlete is a engraved necklacthersubtle nod to mo iana in-law Princess D e Pag 52

12 Global Jewellery Trade Fairs : SHOW MUST GO ON... The Magic and Mystery of Diamonds are ever most thrilling experience for those who possess it. We find most memorable, heart touching and energetic stories behind every unique and ancient Gems and Jewelleries. With time, diamonds have continued to hold great allure and romanticism everywhere in the world. The intrinsic magic of a diamond can be used as a unique selling tool for all diamond jewelry retailers. And that's why International Gems and jewellery trade fairs become most beautiful and fruitful platform for all of us. Above all, we must be fully learned and then to spread the truth. What is there in diamonds that has continuously fascinated and intrigued those who buy them. Stories behind each diamond, glitter speaks loudly about it's Historical Myth. From their early discovery in India in the 4th century BC, diamonds have been a source of myth, legend,and folklore. Legends of the diamond s magical properties have been carried along and passed on ever since the 1st century AD. Regional stories developed as the diamonds travelled from India to Persia, the Middle East and Egypt and finally to Europe. Because these rocks are invincible, as their strength is unlike anything else known to man, their owners attributed all kinds of magical powers to them. Diamonds were believed to delay aging, generate invincibility, cure disease and protect against enemies. Read about the myths that diamonds have taken over the ages. You ll see folklore about how certain religions have used diamonds to determine the innocence or guilt of someone accused of a crime. Other religious beliefs that diamonds were the tears of the gods or possibly even splinters that had broken off from falling stars. Here s another informative guide that details specific diamonds through history and their stories. It's Modern Day Magic, that today, people are continued to be captivated by the idea of holding something in their hands that is rare or seemingly unattainable. Diamonds are one of the oldest treasures a person can acquire, as they can take billions of years to form inside the earth s crust. SEPT - OCT

13 Diamonds are a cherished possession, valued high above their market price and often passed on as family heirlooms. To own a diamond, to wear a piece of diamond jewelry, is to possess something special and singular. Just like a fingerprint, a snowflake, or a human being, no two diamonds are alike. This means that a person s diamond is his own unique and original possession. That's what creates magic for the diamond jeweler who use the allure and mystique of a diamond to help make a sale. Try to find that sweet spot with your customer in the world's open market, as well Despite of the recent jewelry crimes that took place during Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair and IIJS India are reminders of the vulnerability of exhibitors and jewelry professionals during industry events, especially anywhere in the world. It reminds exhibitors that safety and security should be on top priority at all times. as gems and jewellery trade fairs. I am damn sure by participating in such a trade fair you will learn who they are. What are their religious beliefs, their creative flairs and if they enjoy a good story. Use these myths and magical attributions to inspire and delight them. Here you will definately find some other great ideas for marketing your jewelleries. Capitalizing on the entertaining resonance of diamonds is a smart and successful technique to make a sale. But to find out it's beauty and mystique is an greatest achievement itself, too..! Enjoy and best of luck to all..!! GJEPC interacts with Jewellery Industry in West Bengal Takes steps to achieve the vision of India as a leading jewellery supplier to the world The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) conducted a meeting with jewellers and representatives of various jewellery associations, and government officials in Kolkata, reports suggest. West Bengal is among the prominent centers for gold jewellery manufacturing in India. The agenda of the meeting centered around 'How to achieve No. 1 Status in Jewellery Exports, as per reports. GJEPC Chairman Praveenshankar Pandya addressed the gathering which was graced by Dr. Amit Mitra, Hon ble Finance Minister of the Government of West Bengal. The GJEPC with the encouragement of the Hon ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, envisions to see India grow as the leading jewellery supplier to the world and achieve jewellery exports worth US$ 60 billion by 2022, reports added. GJEPC focused on encouraging talent in design, manufacturing and merchandising among jewellery manufacturers to upgrade the quality quotient; which is reflected in the establishment of the Common Facility Centres (CFCs) where advanced technology and facilities can be commonly used by independent manufacturers as needed, as per reports. Mr. Pandya expressed plans to set up three CFCs in West Bengal. GJEPC was assured support towards its initiatives by Dr. Mitra, reports added. SEPT - OCT

14 જ સન બ ય બબ લ વ આ મ કહ સ પ ય ગ! ત ન ભ ત મ ર હ પથ થર ત ક ધર જ ય ગ?! શ ર ર મ ર જ યશ સનન ક ય પ રત ધ ય ન આપવ ઉત વળ કરર ન ર જ યસભ મ ગ ય. ત ય જઈ ર મ લક મણન આજ કરર, મહ લન દ ર જ અન જ ક ઈ અરજ કરવ આવ લ હ ય ત ન મ રર સમક ષ ઉપસ થ ત કર. લક મણ થ ડર વ રમ જ જઈન પ છ આવ ય અન બ લ ય, હ પ રભ, ર જ યમ ક ઇ જર રર ય ત મ દ હ ય એવર ક ઈ વ યતત દ ખ ર નથ ર. આમ છત પણ ર મ આગ રહપ ર વક કહ, ત પ ન જ અન ચ વટ ર ખર ન ફરર થ ર તપ સ કર મ ર પર સહ જ પણ બ દરક ર રહ વ ન દ ષ ર પણ થ ય ક ર જ યમ લ શમ ત ર અધર મ નજર અ દ જ થ ઈ જ ય એ હ ઈચછ નથ ર. લક મણ ફરર થ ર ગ ય ત ય ર ત મણ મહ લન દ ર પ સ બ સર રહ લ એક ક તર ન જ ય.આ ક તર ન મ થ મ થ ર લ હર વહર રહ હત. લક મણ પ રત ત ક ન જ ઈ રહ લ ક તર એ દ ખર થ ઈન ર દન કર ય. લક મણ પ છ ય, શ થ ય છ? ત અહ ક મ આવ ય છ? ક પ કરર ડરર શ નહ, ક મ ક ત મન બધ જ કહર શક છ. ક તર એ જવ બ આપ ય, હ ભગવ ન શ ર ર મ સ થ જ સર ધ સર ધર વ ત કરવ મ ગ છ. ત મન ચરણકમળ દર કન તનભ ય પ રદ ન કર છ અન ત ઓ દર ન દ ખર જ વ ન આશ રય છ. ત ય ર લક મણ ત ન કહ, જ ત રર ક ઈક કહ વ નર ઈચછ હ ય, ત સ વય ર જ ન કહ વ મ ટ ત ર વ ગત છ, ત દરબ રમ આવર શક છ. પર ત શ ન કહ ક, હ ત જનમ અધમ પ ર ણર છ. હ મ દ ર મ, બ હ મણ ન ઘર મ ક ર જમહ લ મ પ રવ શ કરવ પ ત ર નથ ર. ર જ ત સર વ ધમમ ન મ ર ત મ ત વર પ છ, સર વ દ વ ન પ રત ન ધ છ અન જ વમ ત રન કલ ય ણકર ત છ.શ ર ર મનર વ શ ષ પરવ નગર વગર હ ત મનર સમક ષ આવવ ન સ હસ કરર ન શક. જ ય ર લક મણ આ બ બતન અહ વ લ આપ ય ત ય ર ર મ તરત જ આદ શ આપ ય, ત જ ક ઈ હ ય, ત ન વ ન વ લ બ અ દર લઈ આવ! ત ય ર ત શ ન દર નત થ ર ર મનર સ મ આવ ય અન કહ વ લ ગ ય, હ પ રભ, ર જ પ ર ણ પ ર ષ ત તમ પરમ શ રન પ રત ન ધ હ ય છ. એ રર, ત ઓ જ વમ ત રન ત રણહ ર છ. જ ય ર અન ય લ ક શ ત પ ર વક ન દ ધર ન હ ય છ, ત ય ર ર જ પ ત નર પ રજ ન કલ ય ણ મ ટ સદ જ ગ રત રહ છ. ત પણ, ત મનર ઉપર જ બધ આધ ર રહ લ હ વ થ ર, જ ય ર ર જ બ દરક ર બન છ, Welcome H±~É{ÉÉ NÉÉÅyÉÒ ત ય ર ત નર પ રજ ન જલ દ ન શ થ ય છ. ર જ ધર મન સ દ ન રક ષક હ ય છ અન ત થ ર ત અન ષ ટ પર બળ ન અ ક શમ ર ખ છ. જ લ ક ધર મન પ લન કર છ, ત ઓ આ જનમમ ત મજ ભ વ જનમમ સ ખ પ મ છ. એ રર ધર મન રક ષણ કરવ થ ર ર જ ન મહત તપ ણ યનર પ ર તત થ ય છ. હ ર મ, તમ ત ધર મન ષ ઠ ર જ ન આદર શ ઉદ હરણર પ છ. આપન ચરણકમળમ મ ર મ ક મ ક હ આપનર દ ય ય ચ છ. મ ર આપનર સમક ષ જ વ ત કરવ નર છ ત સ ભળર ન આપ ક પ કરર ગ સ થ શ નહર. ર મ આશ સન પ ર વક ખ ત રર આપત કહ, કહ વ મ ડ! ભ ય ર ખ ય વગર બ લ! ર જ તરફથ ર આ રર પ ર તસ તહ થ વ થ ર ક તર એ કહ, સવ યથ તસદ ન મન એક ભ ક ષ બ હ મણ મ ર ક ઈ વ ક-અપર ધ ન હ વ છત મ ર મ થ પર ઈજ કરર છ. ર મ તરત જ પ ત ન સ વક ન મ કલર સવ યથ તસદ બ હ મણન બ લ વર લ વવ કહ. થ ડર વ ર પછર સવ યથ તસદ બ હ મણ ર જ ર મ સમક ષ હ જર થ ય. ત ય ર ર મ આ બ હ મણન પ છ ય, તમ આ શ ન પર ક મ પ રહ ર કર ય છ! ત ન ક ય અપર ધ હત? ક ધ જ વલ ણ શત ર હ ય છ. ત એક ત ક ણ તલવ ર જ વ હ ય છ ક જ ન વ રથ ર સર વ પ ણ યન ક ષ ય થ ઈ જ ય છ. ક ધ મન ષ યન દર ઘ ય ક ળન ભ ગ થ ય લ વ રત-તપન પ ણ યન ન ષફળ કર છ.ત થ ર શ ણ જન વ ચ ર, વ ણર થ વર તનમ ત નર ઉપ ક ષ કરર ન પ ત ન ક ધથ ર મ ત ર ખ છ.હ બ હ મણ, મન ષ યન ખર વભ વ કદ પ છ ન રહ ત નથ ર,ભલ પછર મન ષ ય ત ન છ પ વવ મ ટ ગમ ત ટલ પ ર યત ન કર. ક મ, ક ધ અન લ ભન પર બળ પર જ મણ વ જ ય મ ળવ ય નથ ર, ત મન દ ષકમમ હ મ શ ઉઘ ડ પ ડ છ. બ હ મણ જવ બ આપ ય, હ ભ ક ષ ટન કરત હત, ત ય ર મ આ શ નન ર નર વચ વચ SEPT - OCT

15 બ ઠ લ જ ય.ત મણ મ ર મ ર ગ ર ક લ હત ત થ ર મ ત ન, મ ર ગ આપ! એમ કહ, પર ત ત ણ ઉઠવ મ એટલર વ ર કરર ક મ ત ન મ થ પર મ ર દ ડ વડ પ રહ ર કર ય. હ અત ય ત ભ ખ ય થ ય લ હત ત થ ર મ ર ક ધ સહજ રર જ ગ ત થ ય હત. હ ર જ, હ મ ર અપર ધ કબ લ કર છ. તમન ય ગ ય જણ ય ત સજ મન કર, અન જ વનનર નરકદશ મ પતન પ મ વમ થ ર મન બચ વ. ર મ પ ત ન મ ત રર ગણ તરફ વળ ય અન પ છ ય, આનર ક વર સજ થ ઈ શક? ન ય ય ત થ વ જ જ ઈએ, ક રણ ક અપર ધર ન ય ગ ય સજ આપવ થ ર લ ક ન મનમ જ વ શ સ જનમ છ ત અન ય કશ યથ ર આવત નથ ર. ભ ગ, વસ ષ ઠ, કશ યપ અન અન ય ધર મજ એ ઉત તર આપ ય, બ હ મણ કદ પ દ ડન પ ત ર હ ત નથ ર. ધર મન સ દ ન જ ણક ર ન ષણ ન આ સર વસમ ત મ તવ ય છ. ત મ છત હ ર મ, તમ જ અ ત મ ન ય યકર ત છ ક રણ ક તમ જ અખ લ બ હ મ ડન વ મર છ. તમ જ સ વય ભગવ ન વ ષણ છ. એટલ તમ ર વડ જ કહ વ ય છ, ત જ સન તન ધર મ છ. શ ન વચમ પડર કહ, હ ર જ, તમ મન પ છ ય હત, ત ર મ ટ હ શ કરર શક? જ તમ મન ખર ખર ર જ કરવ ઈચછ હ, ત ક પ કરર ન આ બ હ મણન ક લ જર મઠન ક લપત પદ નર મ. ર મ શ નનર ઈચછ પર પ ર ણ કરર અન હર ષ ત બ હ મણ સવ યથ તસદન ક લપત પદ અભ ષ ક થ ય ત મજ ત ન શણગ ર લ ભવ ય હ થ ર પર બ સ ડર વ દ ય કરવ મ આવ ય. ત ય ર મ ત રર ઓ ઊ ચ નર થ ઈ ગ ય અન વ ર ધ કરવ લ ગ ય, હ ર જ, આન દ ડ કહર ન શક ય! બ હ મણન લસજ ત કરવ ન બદલ તમ ત ન ખ બ જ મહ મ ય ત પદ પ રદ ન કર ય છ! ર મ જવ બમ કહ, તમ કર મનર જટ લ આ ટર ઘ ટર ઓન જ ણત નથ ર, પર ત આ ક તર જ ણ છ. ર મ પ ર રણ કરવ થ ર શ ન ખ લ સ કર ય, મ ર પ ર વજનમમ હ ક લ જર મઠન ક લપત હત. હ દ વ થ બ હ મણ ન ય ગ ય રર પ જન કરત હત. હ મ ર ન ત ય ધર મક ર ય ક ળજ પ ર વક કરત હત અન સ વક-સ વ ક ઓન ય ગ ય રર પ ષણ કરત હત. ત પણ કશ ય કર તવ ય છ ડ વગર આટલર ક ળજ પ ર વક કર તવ ય કરવ છત ક ઈ અજ દ ષન લર ધ મ શ ન તરર ક જનમ ગ રહણ કર ય છ. હવ પ ત ન ક ધન સ યતમ કરર ન શકત આ બ હ મણન જર વ ચ ર કર! ત ધ ર મ ક અગ રણર ક લપત થ વ મ ટ ત તદ દન અ ય ગ ય છ. આ પદ સ વ ક રવ નર ત નર ધ ષ ટત ન લર ધ ત પ ત ન ક ળનર સ ત પ ઢર ન પતન નર પજ વશ. જ મ ણસ પ ત ન મ જ જન ક બ મ ર ખર શકત નથ ર, ત ન બ હ મણ, ગ ય ક અર ચ વ ગ રહનર પ જ ક યન ઉપરર પદ ક વર રર ર ખર શક ય? જ મન ષ ય દ વ, બ હ મણ, સ ત ર ક બ ળકન ધનનર ચ રર કર છ ત ન આપ લ ધન પ છ લ ન રન થ ય ત વર જ સજ થ ય છ અન ત પ ત ન જ વ ન શ ન તર છ. સ ચ જ, દ વ થ બ હ મણ નર સ પત ત નર ચ રર કરવ ન વ ચ ર મ ત રથ ર પણ મન ષ યન સર વ ધ ક અધમ નરકમ જવ પડ છ. આમ કહર ન ત શ ન સહસ અદ શ ય થ ઈ ગ ય અન બર જ બધ તવ ફ ર ત ન ત ર જ ઈ રહ. પ ર વજનમમ જ ક બહ ઉચ ક ળમ જનમ લ હ વ છત ત જ વન ક ઈ પણ ક રણસર શ નન શરર ર ગ રહણ કરવ પડ. અ ય ધ ય ન ર જદરબ રમ થ ર ચ લ ય ગ ય પછર ત શ ન વધ સ ર જનમ પ ર ત કરવ નર આશ થ ર અન નજળન ત ય ગ કરર શરર ર ત યજ દર ધ. સત હ ક ઈ પણ હ ય ર જનર ત, ધર મ, શ ક ષણ, સમ જ એ અથ યવ યવસ થ ક ઈ પણ ક ષ ત રમ સત ત ધર શ પ સ એ સત ત ન જ ન ન હ ય, સમજણ ન હ ય અન ખરર દ નત ન હ ય ત ય ર આફત આસમ નમ થ ર ઉતર છ. આપણ એવ સમજ એ છર એ ક પ પન ઘડ ભર ઈ જવ એ વ ર ત ઓનર કથ વ છ.પણ વ વમ ક દરતનર લ ઠર વ ઝ ય ત ય ર આવજ થ નથ ર. પ પન ઘડ આજ પણ ભર ઈ છ અન આજ પણ ફ ટ છ ન આજ પણ અદ શ ય લ કડર દ ખ ર નથ ર. ધર મ ક ષ ત ર જ ય ર જ ય ર પ પન ઘડ ફ ટ છ હ હ ક ર થ ય છ. આપણ કહ વ ર ધ ર મ ક પ રજ ધર મન ન મ થ હ હ ગ ક ર મ જ ત વ યતત પર ત પથ થર મ ર કરર એ જ છર એ જ ક મ ન ય ય લ યન છ, સરક રન છ ત આપણ હ થ મ લઈએ જ છર એ. ત મ છત ય આપણ ત ય સ ધર સર તમ રહર જત નથ ર. જ ગ રત પ રજ તરર ક આપણ વ ર ધ બ લક લ ય ગ ય છ. જવ બદ રર પ રજ તરર ક આપણ વ ણર વ ત ર પણ ય ગ ય છ. પણ એક સવ લ હ મ શ અધધરત લ લટક છ ક તળ વમ પ ચ- સ ત મ છલર સડ લર હ ય અન ત ન તળ વનર બહ ર ક ઢર ન ખવ મ આવ ત ય ર તળ વ વધ ર ગ દ બન છ ક વધ ર વચછ બન છ. ધર મન ક ષ ત રમ થ ર પ ચ-સ ત દ ર જન ન ત મન અપર ધ ન દ ડ દ વ મ આવ ત શ ધર મન ક ષ ત ર પર સર વધ ર વચછ નથ ર બનત? પણ આપણ ઘ લર પ રજ તરર ક શ કરર એ છર એ? આપણ અન ય સ ધ ઓ, સ ત, મહ ત, બ બ ઓ, વ મર ઓ, ભગવ ત, ય ગર ઓ, ગ ર ઓ બધ ન શ ક નર દ સષ ટથ ર જ વ લ ગર એ છર એ. છ બડર મ થ ડ ક ફ લ ગ દ હ ય, ખ ટ હ ય એન ક રણ બધ જ ન ર મળ પ ષપ ન ખર બ ઠ રવર દ વ એ ક ય ન ન ય ય? ધર મ શ દ છ, વ શ સ છ, આસ થ છ, ધર મ જ વનન ર ગ છ, ઉમ ગ છ, ઉલ સ છ, ધર મ જ દગર ન ક વ ય છ, ધર મ ગ ગ છ, ધર મ હ મ લ ય છ, ધર મ સમ જન પ ર ણ છ. ધર મ ભ રતનર રત વ હ નર છ, ધર મ ર ષ ટ રન ધબક ર છ. આ દ શ ર મક ષણન દ શ છ. ર ધ - સર -લક મર -દ ર ગ ન દ શ છ, ર મ યણ અન મહ ભ રત આ દ શન હ દ યમ વસ છ. સત ઋષ ઓનર આ ખ થ ર આ દ શ દ તન ય ન જ ઈ છ. ક મસ ત રન રચ ત ન આ દ શન ઋષ કહ છ. ચ રવ ક, દ ર વ સ અન પરશ ર મન મહ ન ગણ વ ય છ. આ દ શમ શબરર અન સ રદ સ ભત શ ર મણર કહ વ ય છ. આ દ શમ થ ય લર મર ર જ વર અપ ર પ ય બર જ ક ઈ સ ત ર થ ઈ નથ ર. આ દ શ એક હજ ર વર ષ ગ લ મ રહ છત અડર ખમ ઉભ છ. ક રણ ક જ ય ર જ ય ર આ દ શ પડ ત ય ર ત ય ર ધર મનર ન ષ ઠ અન મ લ ય એ ત ન ઉભ કર ય છ. બર જ સ ત ર નર જ મ ધર મમ પણ પ રદ ષણ આવવ ન ન આપણ સજ ગ રહર ન એ પ રદ ષણન દ ર પણ કરવ ન પણ જ જ ક ય ક એવ ન બન ક પ રદ ષણ દ ર કરવ નર લ હ મ ન લ હ મ આપણ પવ ત ર આતમ ઓન મ થ મ છલ ન ધ ઈ ન ખર એ. મત કહ આક શ ન ક હર ઘન હ, યહ ક સ ક વયક ત ગત આલ ચન હ! - દ શ ય ત ક મ ર SEPT - OCT

16 Is Trade Show the Complete Solution for buyers and sellers? Specially for buyers, it's an amazing platform, as face-to-face interactions will strengthen your industry relatioships and increase the chances to expand and fly high with your business. What is trade show and what one can earn from it..?! It's big, but overall benificial question. Most industries offer trade shows, and the diamond and jewelry industry is no different. But should you be spending the time and money to go? What are the benefits of attending? Are all trade shows created equal? What should you expect to get from a trade show? What something new you learn here is how much potential do you have or you lack..!! that's great..!! As we know,a trade show is a structured exhibition for Jewelry and gem trade shows feature designers, diamond wholesalers, manufacturers and related business such as jewelry cleaning products, packaging and retail displays. You will also find companies who work within the industry that provides support and advice, for information services and trading platforms for diamonds and jewelleries. From a Cost perspective you need several thosands of dollars while you attend any trade show, especially if it is not local. But always remember the cost is not major factor rather than you are going to be benifitted. Make it as a part of an investment. So be relaxed and you will wonder of it's results sooner or later. companies in a specific industry to showcase and demonstrate their products and services. They may also be referred to as a conference, summit, event or convention. Trade shows are usually not open to the public and can only be attended by company representatives and registered members. SEPT - OCT

17 Normally the shows are usually organized by trade associations and can be regional, national, or even international. Some shows often include lectures and workshops about the trade, to get reviews of developing trends, the challenges arising in the industry and marketing and merchandising ideas for jewelers. Jewelry and gem trade shows feature designers, diamond wholesalers, manufacturers and related business such as jewelry cleaning products, packaging, and retail displays. You will also find companies who work within the industry that provide support and advice for information services and trading platforms for diamonds and jewelleries. From a Cost perspective you needs several thousands of dollars to attend any trade show, especially if it is not local. But always remember the cost is not the major factor rather than you are going to be benifitted making it as a part of an investment. So be relaxed and you will wonder of it's results sooner or later. You may still be wondering why you should go attend such a trade fair. One of the best reasons is networking. It is important to realize that you will be able to see and meet hundreds of diamond suppliers and buyers in one place under one roof! More than 50 % of trade show exhibitors said they value face-to-face meetings with potential and current customers as well as suppliers and resellers. A trade show brings the industry players in one place. At the same time there is a unique opportunity for you to build relationships Arjun Virani Executive Editor viraniarjun@gmail.com with buyers, suppliers, peers, customers, and even your own employees. The focused climate allows attendees to share experiences and gain new ideas and insights. Specially for buyers it's an amazing platform to make as face-to-face interactions which in turn will strengthen your industry relationships and increase the chances to fly high. Face time at trade shows helps build these relationships, plain and simple. It's a perfect place, opportunity and combination for both diamond jewelers and dealers to promote your business as well your products. Last and least, off course trade shows are a way to find out what is new and trending in the diamond jewelry retail business. It s a forum where all the major players usually attend. Trade shows are a great reflection of what is going to be hot in the upcoming retail landscape. You will excaimed the buzz from the show floor unlike any other buying opportunity that retailers have access to, and only by attending trade shows can merchants gain from this. Trade shows are proved to be ever best educational resources which needed for the growth not only for your bussiness,but for entire industry. Here, the only challenge you face is to find the right trade show for your business. Finally i would like to conclude with clear note that Trade shows offer big benefits to diamond jewelry retailers and dealers of all sizes and innvaluable experience and memories not only for you, but four your coming generations..!!

18 Lightweight Jewellery.. WOMEN'S FIRST CHOICE The demand for lightweight jewellery in India is unwavering as evidenced by the recent collections released by most brands. Even brides prefer light weight jewellery that they can wear on a daily basis. Thanks to the online revelation and the embracing of modern technology, a lot is happening in the jewellery industry nowadays. The geopolitical climate and the economy have a great bearing on the jewellery industry, when it comes to jewellery manufacturing and the preferences of the people. Half the year is already over, and we thought this is the right time to take stock of what is currently popular and hot when it comes to jewellery. We did an online and survey on many jewellery retailers spread across all major states, dealing with all types of jewellery and we received responses from 150 retailers and designers across India. The survey helped us understand what really sells in different cities and the consumer mindset when it comes to jewellery buying. The landscape of Jewellery design is ever-evolving in India. While gold still seems to be the most-preferred metal by all and sundry, people are increasingly inclined towards experimenting these days. And this in-turn has opened up a coliseum of opportunities for designers who thrive on creativity and are now trying out precious stones like tourmaline and yellow sapphire in their jewellery. They are also taking a cue from international runways and are creating jewellery that is practical and wearable, because women all over the country have their eyes on lightweight jewellery. From emerald and other green precious stones to multi-purpose jewellery pieces and big bold statement earrings, this year is witnessing a mélange of interesting jewellery trends. Trends are always cyclical; designers often take cues from the yesteryear and one trend in the earring department which has made a major comeback is the stud. When it comes to studs, the big bold ones are very in according to our survey. From studs in floral motifs encrusted with precious stones and diamonds to the ones in gold and geometric shapes are particularly trending. Modern and abstract stud designs in a combination of precious stones such as emeralds and diamonds, sapphires and rubies and even pearls are vastly popular according to many retailers. While jhumkas and statement hoops are still popular, customers come looking for bold studs. For those who like to make a statement, the big, bold ones are in while those who prefer a more minimalist approach, dainty ear studs and even solitaires are fast moving. Wide cuffs that latch on to the delicate wrist have been in fashion for a few years now and the trend is not going anywhere. If you look at the latest collections launched by many a retailer and designer, cuffs take the center stage. These cuffs normally make a statement themselves and are SEPT - OCT

19 deeming to be a promising fashion investment among customers. exclusive collections pertaining to broad cuffs have been extremely popular. Even in the bridal line, cuffs in the form of statement kadas in pure gold are selling like hot cakes. When we asked designers and retailers about the most fast moving piece of hand jewellery, they unanimously voted for broad cuffs. From sleek neck huggers to chunky, studded ones, chokers have the attention of most jewellers right now. A retro favourite, women have worn chokers for generations either in the traditional manner or with a hint of modish appeal. From Oscars to Cannes and our very own Indian award shows, red carpets were full of dazzling chokers. Chokers today come in a smattering of precious stones like diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies and even tanzanites. These colourful gemstones shine best when studded in these neckhugging necklaces. The demand for lightweight jewellery in India is unwavering as evidenced by the recent collections released by most brands. Even brides prefer light weight jewellery that they can wear on a daily basis. Many women and young girls opt for light-weight jewellery. This enables them to adorn fine jewellery in a subtle and elegant way. They like to invest in palm bracelets, cuffs, full finger rings or sometimes they can chose to wear a bold statement necklace or a long diamond studded chain. The brand recently launched a trendy light weight collection for the modern working woman. They are anytime go to jewellery pieces and fit in comfortably in the many roles a woman assays from dawn to dusk. Mumbai based fine jewellery brand recently launched an elegant range of light-weight jewellery called the Star Dust collection.the collection ranges from delicate earrings, pendants, rings to neck pieces all crafted in 18 K rose gold. Women these days have an active social life and they look for design-oriented, versatile & statement jewellery which woul complement both modern & traditional silhouettes. There s also been a significant rise in professional, working women who prefer practical wearable jewellery in light-weight designs. Technological innovations and ingenious craftsmanship techniques like micro-pave setting in diamond jewellery also help us design jewellery which looks big yet weightless,a jeweller said. A Senior Designer says, The industry is witnessing a shift of preference towards light weight jewellery. Even if the look is bold, it helps if the overall product is light. With the younger client opting to buy precious jewellery, the focus shifts from heavy, traditional jewellery to more wearable lightweight products. While abroad, there is a distinct trend of selfpurchasing women, in India, jewellery stores are still frequented by housewives according to our survey. Ours is a family run jewellery brand, besides being blessed with loyal customers we have a lot of new customers coming in to chec light weight jewellery which

20 is currently trending in the market. We have customers ranging from 21 to 65 years and above, jeweller said. Emerald Envy If the jewellery shows and tradefairs have taught us one thing, it is the reigning popularity of emerald. Considering green is the Pantone colour of the year, jewellers are putting their money in emeralds. Emeralds have ascertained their supremacy as a favorite with the jewellery connoisseur. The winning combination of diamonds and emeralds is a huge draw among clients. Many brides too like emeralds in their wedding jewellery. This gemstone is here to stay, says jeweller. While people have all eyes on this green beauty, other precious stones like rubies and sapphires come a close second. Rubies, emeralds as well as sapphires are all fast moving these days. India is a great market for colour stones and we at Aurelle love experimenting with shapes forms and colors,he added. Rising Popularity of Designer Jewellery An exposure to what s happening around the world in terms of jewellery and a change in the perception of aesthetics has given rise to the demand of designer jewellery. People, the upper class especially, who can afford designer jewellery, want their jewellery to be one of a kind. The Indian customer is increasingly becoming more design-conscious, is aware of fashion trends and at the same time also ready for making an investment, says jeweller. People understand the jewellery they want to buy and they are inclined towards expressing their personality through the jewellery they buy. With more and more products being mass produced and having a generic language, the customer today craves for a product which is unique and expresses their individuality. Mumbai based Jeweller has rightly identified the rise in demand for silver jewellery. Lately, silver has gained a lot of prominence. It is gaining popularity at a very fast pace because of the availability of a wide variety designs. They are easy on the pocket and millennial nowadays like experimenting with their looks on a daily basis and silver aids as a mix and match for their styling. PMLA rules to apply to Gem & Jewellery Sector with Immediate Effect According to the notification, any dealer of precious metals, precious stones, and other high-value goods with a turnover of Rs. 2 crore or more in a financial year will be covered by the Act. The Rs. 2-crore limit will be calculated on the basis of the previous year's turnover, according to the notification. The provisions of the Prevention of Money-laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, will apply to the gem & jewellery sector with immediate effect, the Centre has said in a notification. According to the notification, any dealer of precious metals, precious stones, and other highvalue goods with a turnover of Rs. 2 crore or more in a financial year will be covered by the Act. The Rs 2-crore limit will be calculated on the basis of the previous year's turnover, according to the notification. The Directorate General of Goods and Services Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI) will be appointed under the Act to monitor and adjudicate with respect to the gems & jewellery sector. Issued in the Gazette of India on August 23, the notification has taken the sector by surprise. Sources say the government s move to apply the provisions of PMLA to the sector is a spillover of income-tax raids on jewellers soon after the government's decision to demonetise high-value currency notes last November. At the time, jewellers had sold gold and jewellery at a huge premium for banned currency notes. This is yet another step by the government in the past few weeks to stop the misuse and laundering of money. Last Friday, the government had banned gold coins and articles coming from South Korea at zero duty under the Free Trade Agreement. Before that, it had banned the export of jewellery above 22 carats. SEPT - OCT

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22 16.90 carat diamond ring highlights Bonhams New York Fine Jewelry Sale The Bonhams New York Fine Jewelry Sale will be highlighted by a carat diamond ring. The 180 lots set to go under the hammer on September 19th, will also include Kashmir sapphires and signed jewelry from Cartier, Harry Winston, René Lalique and Raymond Templier, magnificent diamonds and Colombian emeralds. The Superb Diamond Ring leading the sale is a carats step-cut diamond ring, set with round brilliant-cut diamond shoulders and is estimated at US$ 1,600,000-2,200,000. The diamond is certified as D color, Internally Flawless and classified as Type IIa, meaning that it has been recognized as the most chemically pure and with exceptional optical transparency. Susan Abeles, Head of Jewelry, Bonhams US, says: "This distinctive stone embodies rarity according to every criterion by which a diamond is measured: color, cut, clarity and transparency. Type IIa diamonds make up less than two per cent of all natural diamonds and are extremely rare. This is a phenomenal specimen and its crystal limpid characteristics will attract clients who are searching for the finest example of a diamond to add to their jewelry collection." Many of the most famous diamonds throughout history have been Type IIa: the world's largest cut diamond the Cullinan, the Koh-i-Noor and the Hope Diamond. The second notable lot is An Important Sapphire and Diamond Ring. The oval-shaped sapphire, weighing 7.54 carats, set within a surround of round brilliant-cut diamonds, is estimated at US$ 375, ,000. It is accompanied by two reports stating the The sale will offer 180 lots including Kashmir sapphires, signed jewelry, magnificent diamonds and Colombian emeralds sapphire is of Kashmir origin and has no indication of heat. Among other Kashmir sapphires on sale are A sapphire and diamond ring by Stephen Russell featuring a sugarloaf cabochon sapphire, weighing 5.33 carats, set within a frame of old European cut diamonds. It is estimated at US$ 150, ,000. It is accompanied by an AGL report stating the sapphire as: Classic Kashmir origin, no indications of heat or clarity enhancement. A sapphire and diamond ring. This ring features a mixed-cut Kashmir sapphire, weighing 1.66 carats, flanked by two old European-cut diamonds, weighing approximately 2.50 carats, set throughout with similarly cut diamonds. It is also accompanied by an AGL stating the sapphire has no indications of heat or clarity enhancement and has a presale estimate of US$ 28,000-35,000. The sale will also include lots featuring emeralds. The top lot in this section is An Emerald and Fancy Colored diamond ring estimated at US$ 200, ,000. The ring features an oval-shaped modified brilliant-cut emerald, weighing 7.00 carats, flanked by similarly cut Fancy Vivid Yellow diamonds. The emerald is Colombian origin and the Fancy Vivid Yellow diamonds weigh 1.09 carats and 1.04 carats and are VVS2 and VS1 clarity respectively. One of the largest colored stones to be offered in the sale is a Rare Black Opal and Diamond Pendant/ Brooch estimated at US$ 200, ,000. This extraordinary opal of approximately carats, is SEPT - OCT

23 set within an old European-cut diamond frame and originates from Australia, the primary source of black opals. Susan Abeles adds: "The most rare opals display a very vivid play of color which ranges across the entire spectrum and are rarely found in large sizes. This stone exhibits a remarkable confetti explosion of red, orange, blue and green flashes. This, combined with its significant size, sets this opal in a unique league and makes it a prized gemstone." Harry Winston, Cartier, René Lalique and David Webb are some of the signed pieces to feature in the sale. Highlighted lots include an Important Diamond and Ruby Bracelet by Harry Winston, estimated at US$ 180, ,000; a pair of Diamond and Fancy Colored Diamond Earrings by Harry Winston estimated at US$ 75,000-95,000; an Art Deco Diamond Brooch by Raymond Templier, circa 1930, estimated US$ 50,000-70,000; an Enamel and Glass Medusa Pendant by René Lalique, circa 1905, estimated at US$ 30,000-50,000; a Diamond Necklace by Cartier, estimated US$ 100, ,000. Fine jewelry from the personal collection of Gigi Guggenheim Danziger, wife of the former owner of Cartier Paris will go under the hammer for the first time at the September sale. The collection features 32 pieces of fine jewelry, with the earliest piece dating back to It includes a number of signed Cartier pieces from the 1960s and 1970s when the Danziger family owned Cartier Paris. Susan Abeles, Head of Jewelry for Bonhams US, says: "We have a really interesting sale this September which features best in class colorless diamonds, Fancy colored diamonds, Kashmir sapphires and some really wonderful examples of signed jewelry by world renowned houses and designers which are always in demand." An $8 garage sale diamond, emerald and ruby brooch, circa 1900, was purchased at a garage sale in Ohio a number of years ago for $8.00. The owner gave the brooch to her daughter, who did not give it a second thought. On a chance visit to a jeweler many months later, when sharing the story about how she acquired it to the jeweller, she was told the brooch was not costume, it was real. Bonhams was then approached and its jewelry experts sent the stones in the brooch to be tested by the Gemological Institute of America and reports confirmed they were gem quality and of the highest standard. The brooch was consigned for auction and has a pre-sale estimate of US$ 20,000-30,000. Set throughout with old European-cut diamonds, the brooch features an old mine-cut diamond, D color, VS1 clarity, weighing 1.39 carats, a rectangular-shaped emerald originating from Colombia, weighing approximately 1.50 carats, an oval-shaped Burmese ruby, weighing approximately 0.60 carat. De Beers to make largest investment Diamond Marketing since 2008 Will invest over US$140 million this year De Beers Group has announced it will invest more than US$140 million in marketing this year its biggest spend since The increased investment will be focused on generating further consumer demand for diamond jewellery in the leading markets globally, with the greatest spend targeted in the US, China and India. While the majority of the investment will support De Beers proprietary brands, Forevermark and De Beers Diamond Jewellers, the company will increase its spend on partnership marketing, including with the Diamond Producers Association and India s Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council. Stephen Lussier, De Beers Group s Executive Vice President of Marketing and CEO of Forevermark, said: Total consumer expenditure on diamond jewellery for the last five years collectively has been the highest on record and the outlook is positive. However, we cannot take future growth for granted. Increasing our spend from a strong position will help support continued demand in both mature and developing markets, particularly among millennials, who are already the largest group of diamond consumers despite this generation not having yet reached its maximum earning potential. SEPT - OCT

24 Lulo Yields Seven Diamonds Over 50 ct Image Lucapa Diamond Company has recovered seven stones exceeding 50 carats at its Lulo mine in Angola, including two type IIa gems, the miner announced Thursday. Those two diamonds weigh 83 carats and 68 carats respectively, Lucapa reported. All seven will be part of the next parcel that Sociedade Mineira Do Lulo (SML), the mining company in which Lucapa has a 40% stake, is scheduled to sell in September, the diamond producer added. The latest large-diamond finds came from Lulo s mining block 8, where Lucapa recently resumed alluvial operations following the end of the wet season, the miner said. The section is known The meeting will be held at the September edition of the Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) will hold the next meeting of its Young Diamantaires group at the September edition of the Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair. The meeting will feature a special session on the benefits that blockchain technology can bring diamond and jewellery businesses. WFDB Promotion Committee Chairman Rami Baron, who created the initiative last year to encourage younger members of the diamond industry worldwide to network, said the breakfast meeting on September 15 would include a discussion on the advantages that blockchain can provide. Leanne Kemp, the founder of Australian start-up Everledger, which uses blockchain, smart contracts and machine vision to prevent risk and fraud for banks, insurers and open marketplaces and to ensure ethical trading, will make a presentation on the technology. Leanne and Rami will then hold a question and answer session for attendees. "In the first two hours of announcing the meeting, half the tickets went, said Baron. "I would urge younger members of the diamond trade who will be attending the show to register now as attendance for yielding large and high-value diamonds, including Angola s biggest recorded diamond, the 404-carat 4th February Stone, which sold for $16 million in February 2016.The most recent tender of rough diamonds from the Lulo mine brought in revenues of $1.5 million, Lucapa reported last month. Blockchain Technology at the Heart of WFDB's Annual Young Diamantaires Meeting is going to be limited. Blockchain is a fascinating technology which can provide huge benefits to the diamond and jewellery industries, and this will be an opportunity to learn all about it," he added. The group consists of younger members of organisations, diamond firms, bourses and diamond retailers from around the world who communicate on a regular basis using social media to discuss issues affecting them. "If diamonds are the major source of your income you are welcome to join, said Baron. The meeting will take place on September 15 from to in Room 201 C AWE at the Asia World Expo building in Hong Kong where loose diamonds and gemstones are exhibited. WFDB Promotion Committee Chairman Rami Baron, who created the initiative last year to encourage younger members of the diamond industry worldwide to network, said the breakfast meeting on September 15 would include a discussion on the advantages that blockchain can provide. SEPT - OCT

25 Indian Government restricts import of gold, silver items from South Korea The Indian government yesterday restricted imports of gold and silver items from South Korea in a bid to check spurt in inbound shipments of precious metals from that country. The importers will now have to obtain a license from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) for importing gold and silver from South Korea. These restrictions are being imposed against the backdrop of sudden surge in imports of precious metal from South Korea, with which India has a free trade agreement since January Gold imports from South Korea has jumped to US$338.6 million between July 1 and August 3 this year. The import in stood at US$70.46 million. "Imports from South Korea of articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal...;articles of goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares and parts thereof...and coins are restricted," the DGFT said in a notification. The showroom aims to deliver an even bigger, better jewellery shopping experience Leading jewellery retail entity Joyalukkas, also renowned as The world s favourite jeweller, inaugurated its showroom in the Indian city of Gurgaon. The showroom was inaugurated by Dr. Narhari Banger (Additional Commissioner - Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon) in the presence of Mr. R. S Rathee (President - Gurgaon Citizen's Council), Mr. Rajesh Krishnan (Manager - Retail, Joyalukkas), Mr. Sunil P. S (Regional Manager - North Zone, Joyalukkas) and other dignitaries. This new showroom is opened at Gold Souk, Gurgaon. It aims to deliver an even bigger, better jewellery shopping experience to jewellery connoisseurs. Under the free trade pact between India and South Korea, basic customs duty on gold was eliminated. Further, the 12.5 per cent countervailing duty on gold imports has been subsumed in the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Accordingly, the imports now attract only 3 per cent integrated GST. Imports of gold from non-fta countries, attract 10 per cent customs duty. India is the world's second biggest gold consumer after China. The imports mainly take care of demand by the jewellery industry. The collections from customs duty and IGST from imports post implementation of GST has almost doubled to Rs. 30,000 crore in July. Gold imports contributed significantly to this increased collection. The revenue collected include those on account of customs duty, Integrated-GST (IGST) from imports, countervailing duty (CVD), special addition duty (SAD) and cess collection on imported items. E-way Bill Exempted for the Gems & Jewellery Industry The industry welcomes Government s move of exempting the e-way bill after GJF s representation of the problem. The post-gst era witnessed the implementation of Waybill compliance, wherein, supply of goods cannot happen without obtaining waybills from VAT authorities. However, E-way bill, an electronic bill for movement of goods that can be received on the GSTN (common portal) has been quite a challenge for the gems & jewellery industry. Movement of goods equivalent to Rs 50,000 or more could not be moved without a registered person without an e-way bill. The concern surrounding this was represented by the GJF to the Government. On hearing the concern, the Government has decided to exempt the jewellery industry from the e-way bill. After quite a few setbacks this year, this has been hopeful news for the industry. Chairman, GJF, Nitin Khandelwal thanked the Government for hearing the industry s concern and acting on the same. SEPT - OCT

26 Fancy Intense Blue diamond, a Fancy Gray-Blue diamond and a Kashmir sapphire ring highlight Bonhams London Fine Jewelry sale The Bonhams London Fine Jewelry sale slated on 20th September, will feature a Fancy Intense Blue diamond, a Fancy Gray-Blue diamond and a Kashmir sapphire ring as the headlines among the 188 lots offered in the sale. The sale overall will comprise of a selection of white and colored diamonds, sapphires from Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka, signed jewelry from Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels, and the largest private collection of jewelry ever to come to auction by Anglo-Italian designer Andrew Grima. The Fancy Intense Blue diamond estimated at 1,200,000-1,500,000, is a pear- shape diamond, weighing 4.03 carats and has been in a UK private collection for over 30 years. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, only one in 10,000 diamonds has a fancy color, which makes such stones rare and highly sought after. Often referred as "miracles of nature", colored diamonds have, on average, increased in value by 100 per cent over the past decade with blue stones showing the strongest growth over the past 12 months (+5.5%), according to the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index*. (Data to end of Q supplied by the Fancy Color Research Foundation). Jean Ghika, Head of Jewelry for Bonhams UK & Europe, said: "We are delighted to bring this exceptional stone to the market. Blue diamonds are extremely rare and highly coveted. We are looking forward to showcasing this stone, along with other selected lots in London, New York, Hong Kong and Geneva, where we anticipate considerable interest." Staying with colored diamonds, the second headline lot is A Fancy Colored Diamond brooch. This features a central square step-cut Fancy Gray-Blue diamond, weighing 4.83 carats, with a Fancy Dark Brown-Greenish Yellow stepcut diamond to either side, weighing 2.51 carats and 2.38 carats respectively, suspending a pear-shape Fancy Pink Diamond drop below, weighing 1.90 carats. The brooch dates from the mid- 20th century and has a pre-sale estimate of The sale will also offer the largest private collection of jewelry ever to come to auction by Anglo-Italian designer Andrew Grima 650, ,000. The third notable lot in the sale is A Kashmir sapphire single-stone ring, weighing 9.61 carats. The octagonal step-cut sapphire has no indications of heating and is estimated at 500, ,000. Jean Ghika added: "Kashmir sapphires are amongst the most highly prized gems for serious collectors given the mines were only open for a period of approximately 30 years from the late 1880s onwards. This stone has the classic attributes associated with sapphires from the Kashmir region, a rich and intense blue color coupled with a velvety appearance." Bonhams will also be auctioning a number of signed pieces of jewelry by Cartier as part of its sale. These include A pair of Art Deco diamond clip brooches by Cartier, circa 1935, estimated at 40,000-60,000. Adding a further touch of color to the sale is An emerald and diamond bracelet by Cartier. The bracelet, which dates from the 1960s, features a series of alternating step and octagonal-cut emeralds, accented to either side by brilliant-cut diamonds and has a pre-sale estimate 50,000-70,000. Among the white diamonds, will be a charming example of an old-cut diamond. The old marquisecut diamond single-stone ring, weighing 4.61 carats, is D color, VVS2 clarity, and potentially flawless. It is SEPT - OCT

27 accompanied by a letter from GIA stating that the diamond is Type IIb. It has a presale estimate of 80, ,000. The largest private collection of jewels by Andrew Grima ever to appear at auction will bring to the auction table 55 pieces of jewelry designed by Grima. Highlights include pieces from his admired "About Time" watch collection for Omega, one of the most innovative collections of watches ever made, as well as works from the "Rock Revival" collection in that incorporated large, uncut and unusual gemstone crystals. Flipkart to Sell Jewellery and Other Grima's groundbreaking designs, which drew inspiration from art, sculpture and the natural world, injected desperately needed originality and glamor into what had become a stagnant jewelry scene in post-war Britain. He created bold and unusual jewels whose value lay in their aesthetic composition rather than just in the carat weight of expensive diamonds and precious gems. He is recognized as one of the great modernist jewelry designers of the 20th century and his pieces are highly sought after worldwide. Made in India Products in Nearly 200 Countries One of the India s leading e-commerce companies, Flipkart has launched a new programme to give buyers in nearly 200 countries across the globe access to its products, specifically those that are manufactured in India. Media reports on the company s new thrust indicate that Indian jewellery will be one of the key product categories, the others being saris, handicrafts and accessories, among others. Flipkart Global as the programme is known, comes close on the heels of the completion of the acquisition of ebay.in, which itself was a part of a recent infusion of capital into the Indian ecommerce start up by global investors including Tencent, ebay and Microsoft. Flipkart officials have told the press that the aim is to focus on Made in India products, and the focus of sales will be primarily the large NRI populations across the globe. In the first phase, it will only be open to sellers under the Gold category, but eventually all other sellers will also be allowed to participate. Under this programme, an estimated 25,000 existing retail export sellers listed on ebay India will move to Flipkart Global and over 171 million active customers of ebay in over 190 international markets will have direct access to these and other products, it is reported. Orders will be fulfilled through tie-ups with various domestic and international carriers, including some whom Flipkart has already partnered with under the 'Global Powership', and others like India Post, with whom the erstwhile ebay.in had a tie-up. Flipkart will be interacting with sellers across India over the next few weeks to help them make the switchover.anil Goteti, Head Marketplace at Flipkart and Head of ebay India was quoted as saying that it would benefit the many SMEs who have unique products but don't know how to make them available to global buyers. Flipkart will be interacting with sellers across India over the next few weeks to help them make the switchover. Anil Goteti, Head Marketplace at Flipkart and Head of ebay India was quoted as saying that it would benefit the many SMEs who have unique products but don't know how to make them available to global buyers. SEPT - OCT

28 ICEX goes live with launch of Diamond Futures It will be the world s first derivatives contract in diamonds Adding a new leaf to the history of India s commodity markets, Indian Commodity Exchange Limited (ICEX), a screen-based online derivatives exchange for commodities, went live on August 28th. ICEX commenced operations with the launch of Diamond Futures, which will be the world s first derivatives contract in diamonds. The formal inauguration unfolded at a function held in Mumbai and attended by prominent dignitaries from the diamond industry and the exchange industry ecosystem. Mr. Praveen Shankar Pandya, Chairman, Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council was the chief guest at the event. Also present were, Mr. V N Kaul, Ex- Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Independent Director of Reliance Capital, which is one of the prominent shareholders of ICEX, and Mr. Anoop Mehta, President, Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB). Mr. Pandya congratulated ICEX on its launch and said, I am sure the new exchange will be able to make a meaningful contribution towards further development of India s commodity markets. Mr. Ashok Sinha, Chairman, ICEX added, The vision behind ICEX has been to establish a world-class platform that offers de-risking avenues against the price vagaries in not only the Indian manufacturing sector but also in the agricultural sector. We want to see that the benefit of One India-One-Price helps even small farmers. Highlighting the importance of the exchange, Mr. V N Kaul said, Launch of ICEX will give a further fillip to Indian trade and commerce and help in harnessing the true potential of the Indian commodity derivatives market. Mr. Sanjit Prasad, MD & CEO of ICEX, said: ICEX shall offer a fair, transparent and nationwide market, bringing in large market participation into diamond trade. It shall result in efficient price discovery and provide an effective hedging platform for all stakeholders of the diamond industry. ICEX brings together the best technology in terms of trading platform from MIT (Millennium IT - a leading innovative trading technology business), renowned vaulting services offered by MALCAAMIT and credible grading certification by IIDGR. This will fulfill the objectives and standards as set up by the Regulator and the Government of India. The diamond contract launched by ICEX initially is in size of 1 carat with compulsory delivery. This will create an entirely new market for the diamond industry players where the sellers can deliver their certified quality diamonds to different set of buyers from across the country. The launch of Diamond Futures trading on ICEX will lead to efficient price discovery based on demand and supply fundamentals and a nationwide market participation. Till date, more than 100 members and around 4,000 clients have been registered with the exchange. Sawansukha Jewellers wins Leading Luxury Label award at Globe Luxurié Awards 2017 in Dubai Sawansukha is not new to the awards. It has achieved 26 national and international awards. Each year, Sawansukha Jewellers as a brand have attained milepost with one achievement and another. On the eve of celebrating India-UAE success story on 26th August 2017 at Palazzo Versace Dubai, Sawansukha Jewellers were selected under the Gems & Jewellery category for the Leading Luxury Label, in the GLOBE LUXURIÉ AWARDS 2017 (GLOBE LUXURIÉ DÉCODÉ 2017 Redefining Luxury). The glittering night of award commenced with the much talked about glamour and glitz. Amidst various national and international brands, Sawansukha Jewellers paved way to winning the label and restore the pride it always held. A name which arises from the heritage of 250 years, a promise to provide the best in the field #sawansukhajewellers; A knowledge imparted to bring out the best in everyone #sawansukhainstitute; An initiative to provide for the needful #bachpan; all in all a name to be taken when you ask for the best #sawansukhagroup. Siddharthaa Sawansukha, the CEO of Sawansukha Jewellers Siddharthaa Sawansukha, the top brass of Sawansukha Jewellers was honoured with the award by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa from Royal Diamond Group. Siddharthaa swears by the motto We Live For Jewellery and, hence has made a notable contribution in the luxury sector. Globe Luxurie Awards is an exclusive platform and witnessing felicitation of the leading luxury label has definitely raised the bar, said Siddharthaa Sawansukha, the CEO of Sawansukha Jewellers. It was a night and an event to remember as Sawansukha Jewellers have left behind its mark in the international sector. SEPT - OCT

29 Rio Tinto unveils its largest Fancy Red Diamond at Australian preview Rio Tinto unveiled the largest Fancy Red diamond in the history of its Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender during its Australian preview. Rio Tinto chief executive J-S Jacques showcased The Argyle Everglow at the first Australian viewing of the 2017 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender at a special preview in Perth. J-S Jacques said, the market fundamentals for pink diamonds remain robust. The combination of healthy demand and extremely limited supply continues to support significant value appreciation for pink diamonds. This year s Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender is an exceptional offering of the world s most coveted diamonds. At more than a billion years old, each Argyle pink diamond is a fluke of nature, commanding the attention of investors, collectors and diamond connoisseurs across the world. The Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender is the annual showcase of the rarest diamonds from Rio Tinto s Argyle mine. The 2017 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender is named Custodians of Rare Beauty in honour of its rich provenance and honourable pedigree. Surat Diamantaire to Offer Training in Diamond Cutting to Inmates of City Jail Authorities in the district jail in Surat in association with a local diamond manufacturer have initiated a programme to train selected inmates in the art of cutting and polishing diamonds so that they can find employment more easily on completion of their term, according to a media report. The jail superintendent has taken this step in association with the directors of Kohinoor Diamonds. Initially the project is being taken up with eight selected prisoners, each of whom is trained in the art of cutting with diamonds supplied by the company. Two emery wheels have been installed in the jail premises, it was reported, and the training is being conducted by an employee of the firm and some others. At the end of each working The Argyle Everglow was showcased at the first Australian viewing of the 2017 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender The 58 diamonds in the Tender weighs a total of carats including four Fancy Red diamonds, four Purplish Red diamonds, two Violet diamonds, and one Blue diamond. The Argyle Everglow, a 2.11 carat polished radiant cut diamond, is the centrepiece of the 2017 Tender. The collection comprises five hero diamonds, including The Argyle Everglow, selected for their unique beauty and named to ensure there is a permanent record of their contribution to the history of the world s most important diamonds: Lot 1: Argyle Everglow, 2.11 carat radiant shaped Fancy Red diamond; Lot 2: Argyle Isla, 1.14 carat radiant shaped Fancy Red diamond; Lot 3: Argyle Avaline, 2.42 carat cushion shaped Fancy Purple- Pink diamond; Lot 4: Argyle Kalina, 1.50 carat oval shaped Fancy Deep Pink diamond; Lot 5: Argyle Liberté, 0.91 carat radiant shaped Fancy Deep Gray- Violet diamond. The 2017 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender is being showcased in Perth, Hong Kong and New York with bids closing on 11 October day, the diamonds are kept in the safe custody of the jail authorities after inspection by the company representative. Those engaged in the work receive payment on par with employees of a similar level in the company s own set up, it was reported. The project is a part of a larger programme to develop skills among the inmates so that they find jobs more easily after their release, the jail authorities have said. Other inmates are being trained on powerloom machines also. The response to the programme has been good, the officers confirmed. Directors of the firm have assured the authorities that they would increase the number of cutting and polishing wheels if the initial results are positive. SEPT - OCT

30 De Beers Invests US$ 3 Mn in Business Education Programmes for African Youth De Beers Group has entered into a three-year partnership agreement with Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), investing US$3 million in order to facilitate the empowerment of young, aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, the Company said. The newly formed partnership plans to launch two programmes in 2018: Seed Transformation Programme The Stanford Seed Transformation Programme is a year-long leadership programme, taught by Stanford GSB faculty and Seed-trained local facilitators, the Company announced. The programme will provide management training, leadership team workshops and networking support to assist southern African leaders to grow their businesses, create jobs and help lead their regions to greater economic diversity and prosperity. Established business owners in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa can participate in this programme. Stanford Go-To-Market Stanford Go-To-Market is an intensive, one-week entrepreneurship boot camp, taught by Stanford GSB faculty, De Beers explained. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and small-group discussions, it will help budding entrepreneurs gain the confidence and skills to commercialise their business ideas and accelerate their route to market. It is envisaged that this programme will initially run in Botswana; and may be extended to include participants from other southern African countries once it is fully established. The partnership will work in collaboration with a range of Government entities in Botswana, including the Botswana Innovation Hub and the Botswana The India International Jewellery Week 2017 (IIJW) will be held on September 24 and 25, 2017 at The St. Regis hotel in Mumbai, the organizer of the event, The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has announced. The IIJW is an initiative to showcase India s finest in jewellery, be it design or innovation, supported by top-of-the-line craftsmanship, technology and quality to customers around the globe. Ministry of Tertiary Education. Economic diversification and youth employment opportunities are priorities for our government partners and are priorities for De Beers Group as well, commented Bruce Cleaver, CEO De Beers Group. We all believe these two programmes, in partnership with a world-renowned educational institution, have excellent potential to help accelerate diversification and stimulate more opportunities for young and ambitious southern Africans. Dr Alfred Madigele, Minister of Tertiary Education for the Government of the Republic of Botswana, said: We welcome the private sector s support of developing programmes that will enhance diversity and have a socio-economic impact for the youth. The Botswana Innovation Hub will be the government s contribution providing a facility, infrastructure, operational and technical support. The impact that this initiative will have on the expansion and transformation of the economies, primarily focussing on mining, to technology, innovation, and the entrepreneurial economy is immeasurable. Jesper Sørensen, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Faculty Director of Stanford Seed, added: We are excited to work with the young and established entrepreneurs in the Southern African region through this collaboration. As with our experiences in East and West Africa, we are coming to learn as much as we are to teach. If the business and job growth that follows matches what we are seeing in our other locations, I anticipate this will be a very impactful initiative. The programmes will be headquartered at the Botswana Innovation Hub, a Science and Technology Park in Gaborone, Botswana. IIJW 2017 to be Held on September 24-25, 2017 in Mumbai GJEPC has invited applications for registration of interest from those who wish to participate in this high profile event. The applicant can be from either of the following categories: established individual designers (entities with their own established label or brand), design houses (a group of jewellery designers led by a leading designer or a company) or budding designers. The last date for handing the completed application forms is September 4, SEPT - OCT

31 DPA Study reveals Millennial Women s Preference for Authentic and Unique Luxury Goods Millennial women in the US have a distinct preference for luxury goods that are authentic, unique and not mass-produced, reveals a study conducted by the Diamond Producers Association (DPA), with 94% of the highest earning millennials expressing a preference for one more expensive item that is genuine, over lots of cheaper ones, the DPA said in a statement. While nearly 9 out of 10 women (89%) confirmed that they are looking for authenticity when buying luxury items such as diamonds, they also indicated preference for fewer and finer items, DPA reported. Some of the other key findings of the study are: Long term value emotionally and financially. 75% of millennial women see diamond jewellery as an investment in themselves and 82% see diamond jewellery as a long-term investment; among the highest earning millennials ($150,000+); these numbers jump to 94% and 91%, respectively. These stats help explain why millennial self-purchase of diamonds continues to grow, with a recent De Beers report showing self-purchase by U.S. millennials accounted for 31% of all non-bridal diamond sales in 2015, compared with 25% in Pride in legitimacy of goods purchased. Nearly 9 in 10 (89%) millennial women look for authenticity when purchasing diamonds and luxury items, and this desire for authenticity is even greater among high-earning millennials, with 85% saying they would be embarrassed knowing that they own a knock-off, especially for luxury items. The Swiss watch export industry recorded its third consecutive month of growth with value of exports rising by 3.6% in July as compared to a year earlier, the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH said in a statement released yesterday. Growth was driven by the stronger performance of goods at the upper end of the price spectrum and by watches manufactured in precious metals and steel, the statement revealed. Expressing confidence in the continued recovery on the export front, the federation said that the industry is steadily approaching stability as per their forecast. In a reversal of the trend seen over the last several months, watches priced at less than 200 francs (export price) posted a substantial fall both in the number of pieces (-14.7%) and in value (-18.2%). Timepieces priced above 500 francs performed well, and the above Expression of self-confidence. Luxury goods offer modern women a way to visually express their selfconfidence with 2 in 3 (66%) millennial women are saying they feel more confident in themselves when wearing diamond jewellery. Deborah Marquardt, Chief Marketing Officer of the DPA said, Millennial consumers in particular are defining luxury beyond price. When evaluating luxury purchases, they seek items that are genuine, unique and not mass-produced, and have inherent meaning and value. This preference speaks directly to the diamond promise - in an increasingly artificial world diamonds remain authentic, rare and precious. The DPA commissioned survey to understand the relationship between women and luxury goods was conducted online by KRC Research in mid-july and covered 995 millennial women between the ages of in the US. Swiss Watch Exports Rise 3.6% in July on Growth in Higher Priced Categories 3,000 francs category showed significant growth in both volumes and value. Watches in precious metals (+8.9% in value terms) and steel (+5.2%) made a strong contribution to the overall growth in value while other materials, such as bimetal products, declined. Volumes remained stable overall. The increase for timepieces made of steel offset the decline in the other metals and other materials categories. Steel timepieces account for over 50% of total sales in terms of units and over 40% by value. In terms of markets, Hong Kong continued to show further recovery with exports rising by 16.8%, although on a favourable base, while China also continued with strong y-o-y growth of 22.3%. In Europe, the UK reported a decline of 8.5%, its first fall for the current year, Italy declined by 14.3% and France by 1.7%. Exports to Germany rose by 13.4%, the federation reported. SEPT - OCT

32 Government of Botswana Signs MoU with Anglo American and its Group Companies The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry Government of the Republic of Botswana, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) yesterday with Anglo American, Debswana and De Beers Global Sightholder Sales. The MoU was signed to reaffirm and strengthen the Tokafala Enterprise Development programme and to ensure its expansion. Tokafala is a collaborative effort geared towards promoting economic diversification and job creation in Botswana through personalised business mentoring, advisory support tailored to the specific needs of the enterprise, and facilitating access to finance and market for clients, De Beers elaborated. The MoU establishes principles of cooperation under which the partners will work together to continue expanding the Tokafala programme to support the growth of small, micro and mediumsized enterprises (SMMEs) in Botswana, as well as for capacity building of select Government enterprise development institutions. Tokafala was initiated as a pilot programme in January 2014, and till date has already delivered significant performance improvements for participating businesses. This has included strong revenue growth, with participants growing revenues by an average of 39 per cent in the first two years of Tokafala s operation, De Beers said. Microsized businesses were the biggest beneficiaries, growing by an average of 260 per cent during this timeframe. The programme has also bolstered employment generation: it has supported more than 1,500 jobs, including the direct creation of more than 280 jobs De Beers said. Over BWP 11 million has been accessed from commercial sources by participants who saw their access to finance improving significantly. We are delighted to be continuing our successful partnership with Anglo American, De Beers Global Sightholder Sales and Debswana Mark Cutifani, Chief Executive of Anglo American, said: A strong and vibrant business community benefits the whole of Botswana. Through the Tokafala programme, and our strong partnership with Government, we are providing a pathway to enable motivated small and medium-sized businesses realise their growth potential and contribute to a strong and diversified economic future for Botswana. Bruce Cleaver, CEO, De Beers Group, commented: As longstanding partners, Botswana s interests are also our interests and, through this MoU, our partnership will be able to support even more Botswana enterprises achieve commercial success through improved market access, supply chains and access to finance. Balisi Bonyongo, Managing Director, Debswana, said: We have been very pleased with the success of the Tokafala programme to date and look forward to the next phase of the programme, part of which will focus on Debswana s mining sites. We believe this is critical as it adds enterprise and business development to the legacy that we would like to leave in the areas around our mines and across Botswana in general. to further expand the reach and impact of the Tokafala Business Development Initiative through the signing of this MoU, commented Vincent T Seretse, Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry. The further diversification of Botswana s economy and the creation of new jobs for Botswana is a key priority for Government. We are delighted to have the support of our valued private sector partners Anglo American, Debswana and De Beers Global Sightholder Sales to assist us in achieving these goals and we look forward to growing the already successful Tokafala programme together. The MoU was signed to reaffirm and strengthen the Tokafala Enterprise Development programme and to ensure its expansion. SEPT - OCT

33 ORRA launches its fourth flagship store at Bengaluru, Phoenix Market City The inauguration saw glamour hit the ramp with models displaying an elaborate range of jewellery from the brand s selected offerings. A scintillating experience of diamonds, unmatched to any other, ORRA India s most trusted brand for diamond jewellery has opened the doors to its fourth flagship store in Bengaluru. Located at Phoenix Market City, the store promises to bring an essence of luxury to patrons at Whitefield road. Hosting a range of diamond, platinum and gold jewellery including the celebrated ORRA Crown Star, the store was inaugurated by CEO and Director, Vijay Jain. The inauguration saw glamour hit the ramp with models displaying an elaborate range of jewellery from the brand s select offerings. From dazzling diamonds to scintillating hues of gold with the perfect touch of platinum. In addition, celebrated pieces of jewellery that have won awards across the country including Retail Jeweller, JJS-IJ Jewellers Choice Design Awards and National Jewellery Awards were on display. Jewellery that dazzled the red carpet at the Academy Awards over the years having being won by stars such The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX), India s first listed exchange, has received approval from the capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to launch options contract in gold. While MCX has not made an official statement so far, the news was widely reported in the business press based as Julianne Moore, Helena Christenson, Paula Patton and Molly Sims were also on elaborate display. The event also saw a special art display for every patron walking into the store allowing for them to engage in their own curated work of art. Commenting on the launch, Vijay Jain (CEO & Director ORRA) says, A bustling cosmopolitan city, Bangalore has a younger working population as compared to the other metro cities of India which is a huge advantage to both growing as well as established brands. Consumers here look for that which helps them exude their own individual personality, and ORRA through its design centric offerings provide exactly that. With jewellery theme around the latest contemporary trends, lightweight and stylish, we have been able to cater to an ever increasing consumer base leading to us opening the doors to our fourth store. As compared to a few years ago when the focus in the Southern market was primarily on gold, today we have been able to create a niche for diamond and platinum jewellery. SEBI gives the Nod for MCX to launch options Contract for Gold on information received from MCX officials. The exchange will soon be announcing the launch dates. It is understood, and one report stated that mock trading sessions were being conducted over the past weeks to prepare the market for the options. SEBI had earlier announced guidelines and norms for the launch of commodity options. SEPT - OCT

34 NEW APPROACH - NEW DIRECTION Tasty and Healthy Tips for the Retail Jewellers Special Feature KETAN SHUKLA At current scenario, retail selling is heavily dependent on young, vibrant, smart, competitive and new young generation,completely loaded with latest technology and ideas. In this case, it seems very difficult to survive with old fashioned business styles. Each one of us has to accept and adopt new costumes to stand firm in the market which is vastly global and nowadays, digital too...! In today's world, technology and millennials are the future of gems and jewellery sector in india. These factors are going to redesign prospects of retail trade in coming years. Looking at the current market scenario and the changing demographics of the buyers, only change in the way Indian gems and jewellery industry conduct their business seem to be of help for the survival. So what are those crucial and important changes needed at this time? Is it the need to give importance to design elements in a product, need for quality over quantity, need to hire trained professionals, need for MRP similar to international jewellery brands, need for USP that would help the brand stand out, need for smart stock management especially in terms of old stock, need for online presence and social media or all? Most of the international retailers and few in India have already incorporated some or all of Off course, jewellery is a not just culmination of design but each element used in a particular jewellery is a magical creation in itself and therefore it is supremely special. So when you create a design, you are creating a story. the changes in their working patter and are doing great. Indian industries are changing accordingly to the influx of this new generation which is young, vibrant, smart, and competitive with full of new ideas, old ways might fall a little short in terms of selling. It is very important to know the changing patterns and work progressively towards them. Not to forget the equal weight-age given to the other many luxury items like mobile phones, travel etc in comparison to gold and diamonds. Great service and personal touch is what majorly works for this on the going generation and there is absolute need to learn and understand their language. Specially when we talk about being an indian choice of future jewellery market, we need to give importance to design elements in a product. Over the decades, the primary focus of jewellery has moved from being an investment to SEPT - OCT

35 ornamentation. The current government s policy has been focused around discouraging investments in jewellery for investment purposes and would rather have people making investments in the financial sector. In such a scenario, design and appeal of product will become the primary focus from a consumer s perspective. As we observe the market, the current trend we see in jewellery industry is that most of the jewellery pieces have usually been designed with a deep understanding of the buyer in mind. The jewellery industry is flooded with competitions, and the only thing that differentiates one jewellery brand from another is its design. Product Design describes how brand values and deep customer insights are translated into how a product looks. Hence, it is crucial to give importance to design elements in a product especially now due to the competitive market scenario. Off course, jewellery is a not just culmination of design but each element used in a particular jewellery is a magical creation in itself and therefore it is supremely special. So when you create a design, you are creating a story. When design is innovative, the story behind it is new also. It will not only help you define your brand value but will also help you stand out in the crowd. Thus, design is not only the core but also the crucial element in jewellery. Diamond Jewellery is all about emotions and personal satisfaction. For a wearer, the jewellery is an extension of her personality and what she would want to be seen as. It is an unique amalgamation of personal style and perceived value appraised by others. Hence as the society is becoming increasingly more individualistic and financially secure, design is becoming the key differentiating factor for profitability. Now a days, everyone loves a brand and a good brand for jewellery needs to be perceived as a design leader. They should lead by example of what a classy design evolution in the jewellery market should be like. So anyone who wants not only to survive but also creates a great legacy and heritage in the jewellery industry needs to invest and promote design as the core differentiator in its product. It is obvious, a brand s success and growth depends on the quality of its products. In India brands need to move away from being commodity driven to being consumer driven. As the consumer moves away towards looking at jewellery for ornamentation for the purpose of occasions such as weddings, engagements etc., not only design but quality will also play an important role. Therefore, the focus would be on the quality of product. As far as concern to retail jeweliers, in the long run, favouring quality over quantity will increase company s reputation and Indian brands need to move away from being commodity driven to being consumer driven. As the consumer moves away towards looking at jewellery for ornamentation for the purpose of occasions such as weddings, engagements along with self - purchase. so,not only design but quality will also play an important role.always remember customer is a smart online customer and you are selling dreams.. consumer trust along with sustainability of the business. The jewellery brand moves ahead is not based on the easiest or the quickest way to create something, but the best way to create something. This line of thought is evidence in every jewellery piece we make. In India we are on cross roads of continuously changing trends of growing economies, life styles, choices and challenges. We ought to drive in the direction of wind to be succeed. There is no choice, option or excuse. After all, it is good for our health and betterment for entire gems and jewellery sector. SEPT - OCT

36 DO NOT ESCAPE OR FIND EXCUSE OF COMPETITION Everyone worries about their competition - some people even obsess about them! Being overly aware of your competition can become a problem if it turns into a fixation. The best businesses do their own thing and don t allow what they can t control to bother them. Having said that, looking at what your competitors do and learning from it is a positive way to impact your business if you adopt their best practices. But who are your competitors? It s easy to assume it s just the other jewelers in your mall - but they aren t the only one s who might be competing with you for the shopper s dollar. Most businesses that attract disposable income are your competition. Geography is no longer the only criteria either. Once upon a time you only had to worry about your suburb or town; now it s the whole world. Here are a few tips on how you can benefit from looking at your competitors. Define your competition. As we ve established, you aren t just talking about your industry competitors, but those w h o are also after your customers. One of the closest competitors (and one you can learn from) is the cosmetics and perfume industries. They are heavily brand driven (as jewelry is becoming) and are experts at selling the dream. What can you learn from this industry? Look for promotional ideas that work. If you see a great idea, use it! There is no such thing as an original idea anymore. Rather than cursing your competition, look at what they do that works. I know store owners who have successfully adopted new promotional ideas they saw being used by building supplies companies. There are good ideas everywhere. Keep your eyes open and see what can work for you Study their customer service. What do you like about it? What don t you like? What do they do well that you can adopt? What about guarantees? Some businesses offer very effective guarantees that help them close the sale. Do you know what your competition offers in this way? How do you counter it? Are there guarantee ideas you ve seen other businesses use that could work well for you? Why not ask them about it? Building a customer list. Again many businesses run successful loyalty programs that bring customers back regularly. Are you on the mailing list of someone whose marketing you admire? Why not talk to them about how they do it? Seek out staff. If you re looking for new staff, are there people who have given you a good customer experience at other businesses? Do you have a hit list of potential people you d like to employ? Why wonder if you re next hiring is any good when you can choose people who have made a great impression on you. SEPT - OCT

37 Have you compared prices? It always interesting to mystery shop direct competitors. What do they charge for repairs and comparable product? If you don t know then you aren t really sure what you re up against. Check out windows. You can get great ideas for window displays and cabinet layouts from other businesses. Look at the props they use. How are they being innovative? What themes do you love that you can use yourself? Read their catalogs. Make a point of checking out the catalogs of direct competitors. What styles appear regularly? If the item has appeared in more than one catalog chances are it s a good seller. Could you be including something similar in your range? Follow their social media. This is a great way to see what their customers and fans respond to. What sorts of posts get the best response? This is a clue to what you can be posting on your social media pages. If they are showing images of product that is well received even better! Here again is a hint of the sort of thing that might sell well for you. You can spot new trends through this sort of thing. Look overseas. Thanks to the internet your competition is now global - but this also gives you access to new ideas happening elsewhere that you can see are working well. If it works well somewhere else, then it will probably work where you are. Never personalize your competition. It s too easy to become emotional about the impact others have on your business. Always remember you can t control what they do, but you can control your actions. See your competitors as businesses that can make you better and learn from them. The impact on your bottom line might leave you feeling grateful that they are around. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity to grow. But never over estimate the competition and underestimate yourself, too. You are always better than you think. SEPT - OCT

38 FOR 82% OF MILLENNIAL WOMEN: DIAMOND JEWELRY A LONG TERM INVESTMENT 75% of US millennial women see diamond jewellery as an investment in themselves, and 82% see diamond jewellery as a long-term investment In new study other findings show that among the highest earning millennials ($150,000+), 94% see diamond jewellery as an investment in themselves, and 91% see diamond jewellery as a long-term investment. These numbers, according to the piece, help explain why millennial selfpurchase of diamonds continues to grow. According to the study, 89% of millennial women look for authenticity when purchasing diamonds and luxury items. 94% of the highest earning millennials expressed a preference for one more expensive item that is genuine, over lots of cheaper ones. 85% of high-earning millennials say they would be embarrassed knowing that they own a knock-off, especially for luxury items. Additionally, 66% of millennial women reported that they feel more confident in themselves when wearing diamond jewellery. The survey was conducted among 995 millennial women between the ages of 18 and 34 in the US. Deborah Marquardt, Chief Marketing Officer of the Diamond Producers Association, commented: Millennial consumers in particular are defining luxury beyond price. When evaluating luxury purchases, they seek items that are genuine, unique and not mass-produced, and have inherent meaning and value. This preference speaks directly to the diamond promise in an increasingly artificial world diamonds remain authentic, rare and precious. What's there in ENGAGEMENT RINGS...!!! Couples spent an average of $5,855 on an engagement ring in 2016 According to the latest Wedding Survey, couples spent an average of $5,855 on an engagement ring in In another survey published in December of 2016, the Diamond Producers Association (2016) found that millennial consumers want to give and receive diamond jewelry as much as any other age group, and that the top category of diamond jewelry women want diamond earrings and a diamond ring. But when did diamond rings and more particularly diamond engagement rings become so popular, and where does this proposal tradition spring from? According to a recent piece in Reader s Digest, the tradition of engagement rings dates back to the ancient Egyptians. They believed that circles were symbols of eternity, and wedded couples exchanged rings. No diamonds were present in this ceremony, obviously, since the rings were made out of braided reeds. Both men and women wore their rings on the left hand ring finger believed to have had a vein that ran directly to the heart. According to the American Gem Society, the tradition in more modern times (around the 2nd century BC) was kick started by the Romans, and had little to do with romance: the grooms gifted their brides with rings attached to small keys, symbolizing their husbands ownership. The first diamond engagement ring dates back to 1477, when Archduke Maximillian of Austria gifted the first ever diamond engagement ring. His lucky woman, Mary of Burgundy, set a trend for diamond rings for European aristocracy and nobility. In the Victorian era, engagement rings were already set with gemstones other than diamonds, and were often crafted in the shapes of flowers. WOMAN FINDS LONG LOST DIAMOND RING IN A CARROT 84-year-old finds engagement ring wrapped tightly around a carrot in her garden 1 3 years ago, Mary Grams, owner and resident in a farm in Camrose, Alberta, lost her engagement ring. Her daughter in law found it in a most unexpected place wrapped around a carrot that had been plucked from the garden. Grams, 84, said she lost the ring while she was weeding her garden in A frantic search yielded nothing, and she resigned herself to never seeing the ring again. It was given to her by her husband to be, Norman, in The long-lost diamond ring was found and brought to Grams by her daughter in law, Colleen Daley. Daley told Canadian news outlets that the carrot was malformed and that she briefly considered giving it to the family dog. Luckily, she noticed the ring in time and brought it to Grams. According to the 84-year old farmer, the ring still fits her finger. SEPT - OCT

39 Children's jewelry still something of an untapped market HOT & IMMERGING IDEA IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Ch ildren's jewelry is a sector of the market that has been quietly growing even though it receives little media coverage and is a much smaller part of sales than the adult sector. Traditionally, the children's jewelry sector has been composed of christening bangles and bracelets and commemorative brooches. However, it is now branching out to include earrings and charm bracelets, among other items. Meanwhile, the phenomena that is Pandora jewelry, has come about due sales largely to girls in age group. Jewelry items are available for a wide range of ages from three-year-olds all the way through to late teens. Indeed, one jewelry store owner in the New York area believes that it is such a strong market with high sales that he prefers to remain anonymous in discussing the subject. Profitability is good and these are clients who return time after time! The level of awareness among youngsters about metals and gems is incredible. The Internet, of course, helps them to do research and then they have a strong direction regarding what they want to buy and how much they should spend. There are few options for younger girls, for example, so demand for stylish, inspirational, high-quality jewelry is strong. jeweler said the way to bring about sales is by having an inventory to satisfy a wide range of gift occasions, and not simply milestone celebrations. Such jewelry is usually in the lower price range, she said, of $100-$300, but profit margins are more than reasonable. You can't accurately forecast what's going to be popular because youngsters can have very eclectic tastes. On the other hand, you find extraordinary demand for the same type of items as Fashions can change literally overnight. Some jewelers, such as Ikecho Pearls in Australia, have started selling baby jewelry set with pearls. Such jewelry might, at first, be regarded as unlikely to be a hot seller for children since it is usually considered a more conservative look better suited for older women. But the fact that it is so different is what may differentiate it from other more traditional styles. It also gives parents a wider variety of choice when looking for jewelry to mark a milestone event. Sterling silver enamel jewelry of the kind made by Norwegian firm Pia & Per is also popular with youths. You know retailers will get the sale straight away if they have the jewelry at their eye level. They are very quick at making decisions about what they like unlike older people. They tend to look around and 'consult' with their friends as well as checking on social media, so they know what's hot. Purchases that youngsters make are almost instantly uploaded to Instagram to show their friends and to win their friends' approval. Today, everything is much more instant. It's important to know that brands are also targeting this market very strongly via Instagram. They collect enormous amount of information about their target markets in this way. Many trading sites have been created that give them the ability to sell goods to their peers, such as Depop, a mobile shopping app. The phonebased trading site has more than 7,000,000 users worldwide, with about 15 percent being under the age of 16. Looking forward, it seems clear that the children's jewelry market is set to expand further, particularly given the rising wealth of emerging markets and their tendency to follow Western societies. Consumer trends in general are targeting younger people, so anything related to children is set to increase in strength. Younger children and teenagers will want to imitate their idols and this trend is set to show a further rise. SEPT - OCT

40 US Jewelry and Watch Sales Hit a Record High Last Year Americans spent $85.4 billion on jewelry and watches last year The U.S. Commerce Department s Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its revised figures for personal consumption expenditures by product type for 2016, an index that includes spending on jewelry and watches. According to the report, Americans spent $85.4 billion on jewelry and watches last year, a record sales number. This is an increase from the preliminary 2016 figure the bureau released in February this year, which listed the amount at $80.9 billion. The revision is typical, as the annually released preliminary figures are typically within $1 billion to $10 billion of the revised figures that come out in late summer. Jewelry and watch sales for 2016 were up from 6 percent from 2015, when they reached $80.6 billion. Since 2010, jewelry and watch sales have increased annually, according to the bureau s figures. In 2008 and 2009, during the time of the recession, sales were down. Women would rather shun make-up than jewellery New figures find that women would rather go without make up than jewellery when leaving the house. 59.5% of women would rather be seen without make-up than jewellery, according to a worldwide survey said. The survey was put to 17,285 customers in 51 countries, and revealed that jewellery makes consumers feel confident. A short survey conducted showed that the most popular pieces of jewellery to wear everyday were rings, closely followed by earrings and necklaces. Reports said: It was exciting to find that more women would rather leave the house without make-up than jewellery, we re delighted that our customers value the way that jewellery makes them look and feel. Report concluded with note that Jewellery indusry strive to discover beautiful designer jewellery that means something to our customers and makes them feel bold and confident. We think that jewellery transforms your look and I wouldn t be seen without mine CARAT FANCY BLUE GEM TO HEAD BONHAMS Bonhams London The pear-shape diamond has a Fine Jewellery pre-sale estimate of sale in September $1.54-$1.9 million will be headlined by a 4.03-carat fancy intense blue diamond. The pearshape diamond, Gem Konnect report, has a pre-sale estimate of million ($1.54-$1.9 million). The second headline is a diamond brooch with a central square step-cut 4.83-carat fancy grey-blue diamond, featuring a fancy dark brown-greenish yellow step-cut diamond to either side of 2.51 carats and 2.38 carats respectively. These suspend a pear-shape fancy pink diamond drop below, weighing 1.9 carats. The brooch has a pre-sale estimate of 650, ,000 ($836,390-$1.1 million). The sale will include 188 lots of white and coloured diamonds, sapphires from Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka, signed jewellery from Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels, and the largest private collection of jewellery ever to come to auction by Anglo-Italian designer Andrew Grima GHANA S GOLD AND DIAMOND MINING TO DROP AT LEAST 50% Ghana's crackdown on illegal mining is expected to hurt its production in 2017 President Nana Akufo-Addo s government, which took office in January of this year, has banned illegal artisanal mining and gold panning. Barbara Oteng-Gyasi, deputy minister of land and mines, is quoted as saying: We anticipate at least a 50% drop in production from the small miners of gold. As for diamonds, the minister said: The country s diamond output is also likely to fall substantially in 2017 as diamonds are mainly extracted by small-scale mines. In 2016, Ghana s gold production totaled 4.1 million ounces the highest level in nearly 40 years. These number made Ghana the Africa s second largest producer of gold. Ghana s diamond production totaled 143, 005 carats in SEPT - OCT

41 Rising stars in the high jewellery space - NEHA DANI & STEVEN ROYES Neha Dani is starting to make a name for herself in the US. Neha is shown here wearing her Evita collar, which is set with 4.7 carats of round full-cut diamonds and 4.98 carats of blue sapphires in 18-karat gold and custom blue rhodium. Neha Dani, one of the rising stars in the high jewellery space, turned heads at The Couture Show in Las Vegas with her exclusive collection of aquatic plantinspired jewellery. The handmade pieces are made of 18-karat gold and green, blue and purple rhodium, and set with fine sapphires, tsavorites, emeralds, tanzanites and diamonds. These pieces are inspired by aquatic plants, Dani told. Rings, earrings, cuff bracelets and necklaces feature lush leaf-like components arranged in whorls some thin and reed-like and others flat and kelp-shaped that gently sway or move as if submerged in water. One of Dani s exceptional creations is the Evita collar, an open-collar necklace in 18-karat gold and custom blue rhodium embellished with full-cut diamonds and sapphires. Light in spite of its voluminous appearance, the necklace beautifully rests on the collarbones, and is guaranteed to draw attention to its wearer. We have been building the brand in the US and we are now focused on reaching out to private collectors, Dani said. A certified Graduate Gemologist, Dani was named a Rising Star at JCK Las Vegas in Multi-award-winning jeweller Tresor Paris has won its legal dispute regarding trademark infringements seeing 47 companies shut down. The jeweller has been awarded compensation of over $250,000 ( 194,000) in its latest trademark battle. Salim Hasbani, director at Tresor Paris, said: from the far East in particular we have noticed about 70% less infringements on our trade mark. The only reason we haven t gone public about this operation to date is because we didn t want to influence the Luxury jewellers producing collections that are the epitome of artistry and beauty are steadily carving a prestigious niche in the US highly competitive market place. ongoing legal process. So far, 47 companies have been identified, shut down and had all assets frozen. This is the important part, and it has worked for us so well because it is absolutely necessary to freeze their assets otherwise Steven Royce Designs of Great Neck, New York has set a solid foothold in the fine jewellery scene with its coloured gemstone-studded pieces. Recently the company showcased its rare collection of alexandrites, and big-ticket items set with sapphires, emeralds, rubies and tanzanite gems. Some of its headturning pieces included a cuff bracelet embellished with more than 30 carats of emeralds and diamonds, and another arm candy set with 92 carats of sapphires and diamonds. Our company was founded 30 years ago, said Steven Royce s Jason Rahimi. Tanzanite has been one of the main foundations of this company, and we have been selling it since the early 1990s. It is a beautiful gemstone, and when you find a clear, dark blue tanzanite, it speaks to you. This natural colour-change gemstone is extraordinary. About 10 years ago, a gemstone dealer showed us alexandrite from India and Sri Lanka. I found the gemstone interesting but the samples showed to us did not have much colour-change properties. From there, my own curiosity took over. I want to see the best that s available. I explored the market and eventually got connected with the owner of a Brazilian mine. I will never forget the day I saw this 10-carat, emerald-cut alexandrite, which today costs about $5 million. When I saw that gemstone, I decided to start producing alexandrite jewellery, he said. Tresor Paris wins 194,000 in trademark feud against counterfeits they just start back up again the next day. The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) recently estimated the trade in fake goods to be worth half a trillion dollars ( 388,000,000,000) each year, with the jewellery sector being one of the hardest hit. DEC employs online counter intelligence techniques to identify importers of fake goods worldwide. Once identified evidence is collated and presented to courts, with the intention of seizing and destroying the product as well as freezing financial assets. SEPT - OCT

42 The use of CAD CAM programs has really brought jewelry design to another level : Claudia Endler Los Angeles-based designer Claudia Endler has been making jewelry for over decade, creating some of the finest custom pieces in the industry. In 2009, she was awarded the Phyllis Morris Award in Design. Her works have been featured in countless publications, and you ll find her pieces in the collections of cultural leaders, including entertainment stars, museum curators, architects, gallery directors, artists, and other jewelry designers. Claudia was kind enough to do a Q&A talking about her work, trends in jewelry and design, and much more.

43 Q : Tell us about yourself, including what you do and how you got there. Claudia Endler : I started my career as a jewelry designer a bit later in life and it was a journey. I always loved jewelry and fashion since I was a kid. You could not drag me away from the windows of every jewelry store in the mall. So after working as a sales representative in the fashion business, I wanted to pursue something of my own. I went on an exploration of what would make me happy and took many classes ranging from writing to graphic design to drawing, and considered interior design and architecture. I kept coming back to jewelry. Somehow I could not deny my love for carving and creating what I feel are little sculptures which you can wear. The road was very grass roots. Taking classes at night and on the weekends while working full time, building my collection one piece at a time on my kitchen table, before acquiring the right tools and equipment. To gain experience I also worked part time for another jewelry designer who had a retail store, joined professional jewelry organizations, entered design contests and talked to a lot of people. It has been about 10 years since I first launched my company. My works are shown at design shows, art galleries and clothing boutiques and I do custom designs for my clients. A good portion of my business is creating wedding and engagement rings alternatives to the traditional fare. Q : Tell us about your design style. What makes your collections unique in the industry? Claudia Endler : My design style is minimal, clean and elegant. Minimalistic in details; geometric forms; contrasting elements, like color texture and finishing; asymmetry because I love something a little unexpected. And above all elegance is the primary design principals. My work is usually substantial in look and feel. That is not to say heavy or clunky. I feel my work has masculine and feminine qualities and many of the shapes can be worn by either. It is often a matter of the right proportion. The slightest difference in thickness of line can change something from feeling elegant to too heavy. Q : What kind of person wears your jewelry? Claudia Endler : Both men and women who usually want something a little different, know they have their own style. They want to feel it reveals something about their taste and themselves rather than following the crowd, a label or a trend, and they usually are pretty sure about what they like. They like clean lines. Many like contemporary art, modern design, and often are creative people themselves who understand the nuances of proportion such as graphic designers, artists, architects, interior designers and the person that just enjoys those mediums. They may have other modern design objects in their home like furniture or home décor. They are usually well travelled, well educated, open to diversity and like to have their own expression. Q : As a designer, where do you draw your inspiration from? Claudia Endler : Many visual details and experiences influence my work. I am inspired because I am attracted to certain things not necessarily that I want to emulate them. I love Gustav Klimt and his work. I would pick out certain details from one of his very ornate portraits and be influenced by the shapes. I love the art deco period. I sometimes look at something from that period and see what I can take away and still have something wonderful. I describe my own work as minimal yet these ornate works inspire me. My stackable rings Streamline collection is inspired by this deco period. Yet it is pared down into single elements that can be combined into little SEPT - OCT

44 sculptures on your hand it looks more modern and minimal. The stackable idea was also because of a versatility factor much like a wardrobe you can add on and take away. This was influenced by some of the clothing lines I used to represent. Q : What s it like to see someone on the street wearing one of your creations? Claudia Endler : Happy. Wonderful! Once I get over staring! I love to make people happy and feel good with what I do. It is a tremendous satisfaction and a great honor. Q : What are upcoming trends in the jewelry design industry? Claudia Endler : There are several. I see fashion and fine jewelry merging and the lines will continue to blur. One influences the other with the uses of gold and gemstones on the fashion lines and the uses of alternative metals and materials in the fine jewelry industry. Right now gold is very high so I see more things made out of silver, brass and aluminum. Or mixing precious metals with not so precious materials like plastics or resins this helps with the big, bold, layered and colorful style trends that are fashionable right now. The use of CAD CAM programs has really brought jewelry design to another level. Designs you could never have made by hand or that were way too expensive are now possible and will only continue to be important. GREEN awareness is a trend. Hopefully it will just be incorporated into what we normally do. What most people do not know is that most gold jewelry is already made from recycled/refined gold. Reducing the carbon footprint, I see a bit of a backlash from shipping manufacturing overseas to wanting to buy US made goods or local goods. I see a future changing in how we buy things. The internet, social media and the mobile capabilities will change the jewelry design industry just like it will continue to change how we buy things in general. Maybe one day we will not even need to press a key board we will just say what we want and it will appear credit card on file of course. Q : Who are your favorite designers? Claudia Endler : I admire many designers for their creativity and their technology, like Niessing, with how their gold becomes silver in one ring. And Sarah Graham s metalsmithing. I admire the house of Munsteiner, which excels in combining two sculptures. The unique cutting techniques paired with jewelry design, color and execution precision is amazing. I admire Coco Channel who broke the boundaries of women s fashion at the time. Claude Chavent, George Sawyer and Breuning just to name a few. Q : What advice would you give to someone interested in getting into the jewelry design business? Claudia Endler : If you want to have your own company, get experience on the business end as well. Have a plan. Half of your job is creative problem solving. The other half is managing your business, production, marketing, development. So not only do you need to be creative in your designs for them to stand out, you need to embrace the business aspects, or delegate them. Be persistent, be open there is a way, create relationships and dream big. Q : What is your favorite piece you ve ever created and what made it so special? Claudia Endler : Oh that is a hard one. I would say that the ones that were the most difficult design challenges were also the ones that stayed with me the longest. I created an elliptical ring with suspended 2 carat diamond in the middle for a woman who inherited the diamond from her mother. The finished piece was so much more than I anticipated while making it. To me it was such a sculpture that changed when looking at it from all sides. I was commissioned a cross for a catholic deacon, in which the symbolic stole that went around the cross in the same manner the deacon actually wears his stole across his body. This was a very difficult project in concept and in its execution. The idea of making a cross look special and also the way that I decided to make the stole be the connecting point between all the other parts of the cross so that they looked floating. That project sat on my work bench for a long time and I had to come back and revisit it over months. Again, the finished piece felt like such an accomplishment with so much more dimension than I had anticipated. Even now when I see it on the person it makes me feel good and that he is still so happy with the end result years later. SEPT - OCT

45 World Diamond Mark Launches Chineselanguage website, Arabic and Spanish Sites to Follow The World Diamond Mark Foundation (WDM), in close cooperation with the Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE), has launched a full-fledged Chinese language mirror site, which can be directly accessed from the WDM home page. The translation and adaption was made possible with the direct involvement, encouragement and cooperation of SDE President Lin (Frank) Qiang and SDE Vice President Caroline Yuan, WDM said. Alex Popov, WDM's Chairman and CEO, said, "The Chinese diamond, gem and jewellery market is the undisputed rainmaker of our industry, and with the introduction of the Chinese-language mirror website we have significantly lowered the threshold for the Chinese B2B market to come and take part in the WDM's promotional efforts for diamonds and diamond jewellery." Popov added that he expected increasing interest among Chinese retail jewellers to take part in the WDM Authorised Diamond Dealer programme, as a direct result of the launch. The SDE and its leadership will be of crucial importance toward the WDM's expansion and success in the Chinese retail market," the WDM Chair added. With the addition of the Chinese-language website, the WDM site is now available in English, Russian and simplified Chinese. "Our next objective is to create mirror websites in Arabic and Spanish. i.e. for the Middle Eastern markets that have shown momentous growth, as well as in Latin America where the consensus for potential growth is significant as well. Toward that purpose, we hope to be cooperating closely with the WFDB member bourses in Dubai and Panama!" Popov said. Increase in De Beers Marketing Spend a Welcome Move Says WFDB President Ernie Blom The De Beers decision to increase its marketing spend this year to US$ 140 million is a welcome move that will benefit the global diamond and jewellery industries, World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) President Ernie Blom has said. Even if most of this is spent on its own brands, Forevermark and De Beers Diamond Jewellers, the advertising will have a positive ripple effect, he added. Blom also welcomed the miner s decision to increase its partnership marketing with the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) and India s Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC). "This is a most welcome move, concentrating resources on "This is a most welcome move, concentrating resources on the world's three main markets: the United States, China and India," the world's three main markets: the United States, China and India," he said. Stating that this year will see a very significant action in promoting diamonds in key markets as DPA has also taken a decision to increase its diamond jewellery promotional budget to US$ 57 million, Blom felt that the diamond industry globally can take heart from these decisions as they will serve to boost demand. He also welcomed the steps being taken with the industry uniting in recent times to tackle the issue of generic diamond jewellery marketing. Resources are very rightly being concentrated on the millennials market because that is a huge consumer market which has not been targeted for advertising before. The DPA's research shows that these younger buyers believe in the value of diamonds because they symbolise rarity and value, and we wish the DPA and De Beers success for the benefit of WFDB members and the entire industry," Blom added. SEPT - OCT

46 Harry Winston.. the name is more than enough Who is the King of Diamonds? It s a phrase bandied around frequently within the jewellery scene, often a self-titled and sometimes inaccurate moniker, laced with a hint of hubris. But one man who justifiably earned the title in the 20th century is Harry Winston, a New Yorker from modest beginnings who seismically changed the jewellery landscape. A new collection, launching this summer, pays tribute to his life as the ultimate diamond purveyor a man who sought only the very finest stones to set them in what was to become his signature Harry Winston style. The Legacy, 22 pieces of white diamond jewellery is, at first glance, a collection of exceptional stones (all 22 centre diamonds are D colour, Internally Flawless or above). But to appreciate the true intent behind the offering, one needs to understand that the Legacy is a homage to its founding father like a jewellery love letter on an extraordinary scale. Harry Winston s path to success began at an early age. In 1908 aged 12 and already displaying an instinct for gems, he bought a two-carat emerald in a pawnshop for 25 cents (the owner thought it was a piece of worthless glass); two days later he sold it for $800. Working at his father s jewellery shop until he turned 18, he noticed a gap in the market acquiring The ZCDC to stop all mining operations until it's issued an Environmental Impact Assessment certificate The Zimbabwe High Court has ordered the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC), owned by the state, to immediately stop all mining operations until it had been issued an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) certificate, according to Gem Konnect. The court responded to a suit filed by the Marange Development Trust (MDT) along with the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association. According to the report, the High Court said that the ZCDC knew that it was operating illegally, without an EIA and ordered it to stop operations immediately. Throughout Winston s life it s estimated that a third of the world s important gems passed through his hands and refashioning old estate jewellery, with outdated settings and fusty cuts. He would melt down the pieces and recut the stones, slowly starting to build an inventory, funds, and importantly a brand. Throughout Winston s life it s estimated that a third of the world s important gems passed through his hands. Among them was the President Vargas, a carat rough found in 1938; a carat Golconda emerald-cut diamond sourced for the Duchess of Windsor; the Idol s Eye, carats once owned by a 17th century Persian prince; as well as gems owned by Catherine the Great, and a 241-carat rough that would eventually become the carat Taylor-Burton diamond. Perhaps most famous of all, the Hope Diamond, a carat blue, found its way into his possession, until in 1958 he donated it to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. Throughout his life he continued to donate stones to the museum, and encouraged his clients to do the same, ensuring the creation of a permanent American gemstone exhibition, in itself an extraordinary testament to his gem-collecting prowess. Harry Winston died in 1978 aged 82, and, while the company continued to create jewellery, it s not unreasonable to say that its reputation as a house known for significant gems began to fade. ZIMBABWE: COURT HALTS ALL DIAMOND MINING IN THE COUNTRY The ZCDC was formed in February It took control over all diamond mining operations in the country, evicting eight private firms and one government-owned firm. SEPT - OCT

47 Why and What of Tanzanite Tanzanite a gemstone valued for its intense blue-violet hues, rarity and enigmatic history will continue to captivate the global jewellery and gemstone sector going forward. Discovered 50 years ago in Tanzania, near the city of Arusha and Mount Kilimanjaro, tanzanite has a special hold among genuine gemstone aficionados, according to dealers and jewellers. Despite a slowdown in demand during the first six months of 2017, gemstone traders remain upbeat about prospects in the second half of the year as buyers are expected to replenish their inventories for the holiday season. Finequality tanzanite jewellery, meanwhile, will always be highly sought after by discerning individuals who appreciate the stone s intrinsic significance. Tanzanite trade in the UK suffered a slight setback from January to June this year, largely due to major economic developments including Brexit, which affected consumer confidence.buyers partial to topquality gemstones, however, remain undeterred and continue to purchase high-end tanzanite jewellery. Consumers looking for truly fine-quality gems and It is rare and mysterious, and has an interesting back story. No other gemstone in the entire world possesses all three characteristics. jewellery still come forward and topend tanzanite is certainly one of those gems that they seek out because of its natural beauty and alluring story. Why are people drawn to tanzanite? It is rare and mysterious, and has an interesting back story. No other gemstone in the entire world possesses all three characteristics. People will continue to want it because these factors add to a customer s perceived value of the stone,according to a jeweler. Rare Multi Colour Gems mainly sells to the US and Asia, specifically to Hong Kong and China. The company is planning to expand its reach to other Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia and Singapore as part of its long-term goals.us customers are on the lookout for calibrated goods of up to 5 carats while Asian and Middle Eastern clients are attracted to stones of 50 carats to 70 carats. Chinese customers bought an enormous amount of tanzanite from 2010 to 2013, and now that they ve stopped buying, overall demand was affected, a dealer disclosed adding that if tanzanite dealers want to sustain their business given a lacklustre market, there s a need to diversify into other markets or offer other stones. Seeking Long-Term Value in Diamond jewelry Most US millennial women view their diamond jewelry as an investment, according to a recent survey that noted a rise in the trend of self-purchasing. The poll, which KRC Research conducted on among high-earning millennials, with 85% behalf of the Diamond Producers saying they would be embarrassed knowing Association (DPA), found that 75% that they owned a knock-off, especially for of US women between the ages of 18 and luxury items, the report said. 34 saw diamond jewelry as an investment Luxury goods offer modern women in themselves, while 82% were looking a visual way to express their selfconfidence, the diamond body noted: for long-term financial value in their purchases. The numbers jumped to Two-thirds of the 995 millennial 94% and 91%, respectively, among women surveyed said they felt more the highest-earning millennials those confident in themselves when wearing with annual incomes above $150,000. diamond jewelry. These figures help explain why more Millennial consumers in particular are millennials are buying their own diamonds, the defining luxury beyond price, said Deborah DPA explained in a statement this week, citing Marquardt, the DPA s chief marketing officer. that self-purchasing by US millennials accounting for When evaluating luxury purchases, they seek items 31% of all non-bridal diamond sales in 2015, compared that are genuine, unique and not mass-produced, and with 25% in have inherent meaning and value. Meanwhile, 89% of the survey respondents said She pointed to diamonds as filling that niche, they looked for authenticity when purchasing diamonds declaring that this preference speaks directly to the and luxury products, preferring to buy fewer but finer diamond promise in an increasingly artificial world, items. This desire for authenticity was even greater diamonds remain authentic, rare and precious. SEPT - OCT

48 Zim s diamond cutting, polishing sector struggling Zi mbabwe s diamond cutting and polishing sector is reportedly struggling to make ends meet as they are not getting enough supplies of rough stones. Local companies were entitled to tender 10 percent of the country s total annual output. To me, there are so many factors which have caused the Zimbabwe diamond cutting and polishing companies to struggle but the major cause is government itself. Starting with the licence fee, a cutter is expected to pay [for a] $ licence, Zimbabwe Diamond Technology Centre (ZDTC) chairperson, Lovemore Kurotwi Kurotwi was quoted as saying by The Standard newspaper. What is the point punishing a cutter who is trying to add value to our diamond, who is trying to create employment from a percentage of almost 80% of unemployment? If you are to go and buy diamonds for $ and sell them, you go back with $ or $ and within a few months that person can turn around so much out of it, but our government is subjecting us to this level. If you are to go and buy diamonds for $ and sell them, you go back with $ or $ and within a few months that person can turn around so much out of it, but our government is subjecting us to this level. He also said that local diamond processors were failing because of high government licence fees. Neighbouring countries, Kurotwi said, were charging between $200 and $300 for the same. Kurotwi also said Harare did not allow Zimbabweans to trade rough diamonds yet they were comfortable to allow other nationals to go and trade the diamonds in their respective countries. There is no prejudice for mining companies if people were to be allowed to go and buy rough diamonds. As long as one has a licence, they can sell to me at a certain margin and I can also sell at a certain margin, he said. So diamonds are supposed to change hands so many times before leaving the country, but in our scenario diamonds leave the country from Chiadzwa into the plane to India. We are being deprived of that opportunity to make money by the very same government. Zimbabwe was expecting to produce 2.5 million carats of diamonds this year after acquiring equipment for its stateowned Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC). BLUE FANCY DIAMOND PRICES UP 5.5% IN Q2 Pricing data analysis released by the FCRF for Q2 shows stability across all categories Pricing data analysis released by the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) for the second quarter of 2017, and quoted by Diamond World, shows stability across all categories year-on-year. Blue fancy diamonds were the main exception, rising 5.5% year-on-year, while yellow fancy color diamond prices fell 2.5% year-on-year. Overall, according to the report, the Fancy Color Diamond Index for all shapes and sizes was flat for the period. FCRF Advisory Board chairman Efraim Zion said: Demand in China and other Asian markets for extremely rare fancy color diamonds is still robust. However, the pipeline is experiencing continued supply shortages, which results in price stability, and in some categories continued appreciation. We will not be seeing changes in the foreseeable future. Yellow fancy color stones are enjoying healthy demand as well, however their price behaviour, especially for the commercial categories, more closely resembles that of white diamonds. India will become second largest market for Forevermark Diamonds De Beers' Forevermark brand of diamonds this year as the company expects to more than double its sales volume in India this year. "Last year, our sales volume in India stood at 60,000 pieces. This year, we expect this volume to increase and range between 100,000 to 130,000 pieces, thereby, making India the second largest sales volume generator for the Forevermark brand," said Stephen Lussier, chief executive officer of the Forevermark brand. diamond prices in India, as per the global trend, is poised to remain at 2016 price levels this year. SEPT - OCT


50 Distinct shift towards coloured gemstones The Indian gems and jewellery market is all geared up to embrace colours and vibrancy in collections. The Indian gem and jewellery market is undergoing a ransformation. After enjoying the aura and sparkle of diamonds for a couple of decades, the $40-billion gold-centric domestic market is now looking to add a distinct element of colour and vibrancy to its offering. Coloured gemstones like rubies, emeralds and sapphires are increasingly finding their ways into jewellery collections that raditionally confined themselves to the monochromic boundary of gold and diamonds. In fact, the domestic market for these precious gemstones has grown at an impressive annual rate of around 40 per cent in the last three-four years, even as the category constitute a very small portion (current size: $ 1 billion) of the overall market. Experts are of the firm view that coloured gemstones will continue to enlarge their share going forward. They believe that the next decade will be of colour where these precious gemstones will make major inroads in the market, growing at a CAGR of per cent. Currently, gold with around 92 per cent share is the major category, while diamond along with other categories form the rest. After ruling the market for more than a couple of decades or so, diamond is certainly struggling of late with considerable squeeze in margins and weakening of fundamentals. There is a distinct shift towards coloured gemstones and this trend is a global phenomenon where consumers are looking to add more colours and vibrancy to their purchases. The market is repositioning itself in favour of this category and trying to get adjusted as per the demand. Most of the stakeholders in the value chain are gearing up towards this end. In line with the global trend, the Indian jewellery market is also changing. The trend is getting pronounced with a buzz of activity. Demographics have changed and consumers are asking for more options and varieties and that is where coloured gemstones are coming into play. Commenting on this emerging market trend, renowned jewellery designer and gemologist said that the Indian jewellery market is undergoing a remarkable shift in the backdrop of multiple events. From gold, the market shifted to diamonds and now coloured gemstones which provide an ample scope for innovations for designers to make their collections. Consumer behavior has changed. Bored of traditional elements, they are ready to experiment in search of more variations. Today, innovation is the key and coloured gemstones can play a big role here with its variations and a wider range.as a whole the global market along with Indian market is realigning itself in favour of coloured gemstones. INDIA: GEM AND JEWELRY EXPORTS FELL 23% IN JULY India s gem and jewelry exports dropped 23.61% to $2.42 billion in July India s gem and jewelry exports dropped 23.61% to $2.42 billion in July Cut and polished diamonds exported reached totaled $1.645 billion, compared to $1.651 billion in July Imports of cut and polished diamonds fell 8.4% to $227.9 million, compared to $ million in July Rough diamond imports totaled $1.33 billion a 6.1% fall year-on-year. In volume terms, imports totaled 13.7 million carats a 16% increase year-on-year. Exports of coloured gemstone rose to $12.1 million. Exports of gold jewelry (both studded and fell 32% to $ Silver jewellery exports also dropped from $ in July 2016 to $ million in July CARAT FANCY BLUE GEM TO HEAD BONHAMS SEPTEMBER SALE The pear-shape diamond has a pre-sale estimate of $1.54-$1.9 million Bonhams London Fine Jewellery sale in September will be headlined by a 4.03-carat fancy intense blue diamond. The pear-shape diamond has a pre-sale estimate of million ($1.54-$1.9 million). The second headline is a diamond brooch with a central square step-cut 4.83-carat fancy grey-blue diamond, featuring a fancy dark brown-greenish yellow step-cut diamond to either side of 2.51 carats and 2.38 carats respectively. These suspend a pear-shape fancy pink diamond drop below, weighing 1.9 carats. The brooch has a pre-sale estimate of 650, ,000 ($836,390-$1.1 million). The sale will include 188 lots of white and coloured diamonds, sapphires from Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka, signed jewellery from Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels, and the largest private collection of jewellery ever to come to auction by Anglo-Italian designer Andrew Grima SEPT - OCT

51 Can You Guess the World's Largest Gold Jewelry Market? One market glimmers brighter than any other by far. The consensus stateside may be that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but that's not the case in the world's largest gold market -- China. The World Gold Council reported world jewelry demand was up slightly in Q1 2017, driven largely by India, where gold jewelry demand increased 16% year over year to 92.3 metric tons. Nonetheless, it's China that remains the largest market. In the first quarter of 2017, China's gold jewelry demand was metric tons, while global demand for the same period was metric tons. How does the United States rank? Despite the U.S. reporting its strongest first quarter since 2010, its demand metric tons -- pales in comparison. But that's just one quarter. Perhaps there's seasonal variation in the different markets? According to the World Gold Council, in fiscal 2016, China's jewelry demand was 629 metric tons. India and the U.S., meanwhile, had demand of 514 metric tons and metric tons for the full year, respectively. Big changes behind the Great Wall In China -- like the U.S. -- gold is a cultural symbol of wealth and luxury, so it's not surprising that the market is so large. For many years, however, ownership of the metal was illegal; the Chinese government had imposed a ban in 1950 which outlawed private ownership of gold. In 2004, though, the government lifted the ban, inspiring a gold rush of sorts. This was one of two factors that led to the nation's emergence as the world's premier gold jewelry market. Another main driver of China's burgeoning gold jewelry market is the country's rapidly growing middle class. With the lifting of the ban on private gold ownership occurring around the time millions of Chinese citizens were enjoying gains in wealth, it's no wonder the country has emerged as the largest gold jewelry market. It's improbable that gold will lose its cultural value in the future, and although there are signs that gold is losing popularity, it's unlikely that another country usurps China's position as the premier gold jewelry market anytime soon. Platinum and diamonds are challenging gold's desirability. Between past purchases and intended future purchases, gold is losing its luster among Chinese consumers: There is a smaller drop from past purchases to future purchases for platinuminterested consumers compared to gold-interested consumers. As for diamonds, there's no difference. But platinum and diamonds aren't the only things gaining in popularity. younger consumers are more interested in technology than gold jewelry. Unsurprisingly, tech companies recognize the potential. For thousands of years, gold jewelry has appealed to cultures around the world, and it will surely continue to do so in the years to come. Granted, it's appeal may ebb and flow between the younger and older generations, but those are merely trends -- far from an indication of a paradigm shift in the world's appreciation of the yellow stuff. As a result, gold miners should see no reason to put their shovels away anytime soon. fortunately, this hasn t yet gone mainstream -- most people haven t recognized the scale of opportunity either in china or in india.we believe that one market expert has the right answer for investors looking to get in early -- and potentially win big. SEPT - OCT

52 How Kate Middleton's engraved necklace is a subtle nod to mother-in-law Princess Diana Kate Middleton's style is always in the spotlight, whether she's stepping out in an Alexander McQueen bridal gown or a flowing Jenny Packham dress. The Duchess of Cambridge can elegantly wear both high fashion and high street looks, pulling off a Royal diamond encrusted tiara or a simple pair of earrings. But what many might not know is that she's been wearing a necklace with a secret engraving dedicated to her family - and it also acts as a subtle nod to the mother-in-law she never knew: Diana, Princess of Wales. The 79 necklace was given to her by sister Pippa in 2013 to "continue the family tradition", bought from London boutique Merci Maman, whose designers took Diana as inspiration for the piece. A simple gold chain, it bears a circular pendant with the engraving 'George Alexander Louis' alongside a small gold boy and a gold heart bearing the letter 'W' for husband William. The gift echoes a necklace Princess Diana was given by husband Prince Charles after the birth of their son William in Diana's gold hoop necklace, commonly known as a 'torque', bore a gold disc - similar to that of Kate - with 'William' written in loopy handwriting. The former princess reportedly wore her necklace mostly in private, but was pictured teaming it with a colourful polka dot dress at a polo match months after William's birth. They write: "Family was one of the closest things to Diana s heart so it s no surprise that this shone through in her jewellery, featuring personalised pieces and meaningful charms. "The young Lady Spencer owned a simple gold chain bearing her initial D, keeping her early jewellery minimal and personal. "Upon the birth of Prince William in 1982, Prince Charles gave Diana the gift of a gold pendant engraved their new son s name, which she always wore close to her heart. "In 2013, Pippa Middleton continued this family tradition by giving her sister Kate, The Duchess of Cambridge, our Personalised Duchess Necklace to celebrate the birth of Prince George. "Featuring a hand-engraved disc with the Prince s full name, a small boy charm and a heart engraved with a W to represent Prince William." It is not known whether Kate has had a jewellery update since the birth of daughter Charlotte in May 2015, but Merci Maman have introduced a new example of their 'Duchess necklace' on their website which includes Charlotte's name and a small girl pendant. SEPT - OCT

53 Millennials : Challenges and opportunities The jewelry industry has a problem selling diamonds to millennials. It s proving to be as hard a nut to crack as the rocks the industry sells.the problem with millennials is not just that they aren t getting married at anywhere near the rate of the three preceding generations, but many of the millennials are skeptical about the diamond engagement tradition. They don t buy the industry s suggestion that a groom should spend three-times his monthly salary on an engagement ring. And with their dedication to making informed and educated purchases, they troll the web doing pre-purchase research where they can often find stones for less. Further, their drive for selfexpression often translates into a distaste for doing what the old folks always have done. They seek out their own expressions and to establish their own personal traditions, which may make a colored stone their pick. Or with their propensity to indulge in experiences, they may forego an engagement ring entirely now to indulge in an extravagant honeymoon, figuring they can wait for a diamond later, if they want one eventually. Millennials spent nearly $26 billion on diamond jewellery in the four main markets last year, acquiring more than any other generation, a report said. Perhaps most encouragingly, millennials are still 10 years away from their most affluent life stage, presenting an opportunity for the sector to capitalize more fully on a generation comprising more than 220 million potential diamond consumers in the four main markets which includes U.S., China, India and Gulf/Middle East countries'it added. Because the U.S. market is by far the world s largest for diamonds, accounting for 45% of the world polished diamond jewelry market or $79 billion in totalthat's why jewellery industry is focusing on how the jewelry industry can bridge the diamond gap with American millennials. That is opening the door for jewelers putting old stones in new settings or selling vintage diamond jewelry to couples looking for something truly unique. For millennial couples choosing a vintage ring is not only about self-expression or a conscientious-consumption decision. It can be a smart financial But these promising marketing opportunities are not going to make up for the shortfall in the millennial engagement - wedding market. decision as well. In picking out the engagement ring, couples work out all kinds of things that are important in embarking on their life together. They talk about budgets, what is important to them, styles, aesthetic, price. They make compromises, until they get to a place they both feel good about, an american retailer said. Hearts on Fire is another diamond brand that uses its distinctive cut technology to create diamonds that display ultimate fire, sparkle, and brilliance every time to look larger and sparkle more than ordinary diamonds, i.e smaller stones, but more sparkle. fortunately, this hasn t yet gone mainstream -- most people haven t recognized the scale of opportunity either in china or in india.we believe that one market expert has the right answer for investors looking to get in early -- and potentially win big. Millennials spent nearly $26 billion on diamond jewellery in the four main markets last year, acquiring more than any other generation. SEPT - OCT

54 SWISS WATCH EXPORTS RISE IN JULY The country s watch exports rose 3.6% year-on-year to $1.8 billion - for the third month in a row Numbers released by The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry (FHS) and quoted by Gem Konnect show that the country s watch exports in July rose 3.6% year-on-year to $1.8 billion (CHF 1.7 billion) the third month in a row that exports have risen. According to the piece, FHS claims the industry is on track for a stabilisation. Exports to China grew 22.3% to $135 million (CHF million) and exports to Hong Kong grew 16.8% to $212 million (CHF million). Timepieces costing more than $517 (CHF 500) fell 14.7% in the number of pieces shipped and 18.2% in value. The segment costing more than $3,104 (CHF 3,000) grew 6.6% in terms of units shipped and 5.9% in value. Meanwhile, European markets registered a fall in exports. CHOW TAI FOOK LAUNCHES NEW DIAMOND BRAND "Touch" Collection debuts in a special show LVMH BRANDS LAUNCH NEW HIGH JEWELRY COLLECTIONS Four of LVMH French-based brands - Chaumet, Dior Joaillerie, Louis Vuitton and Bulgari have presented new high jewelry collections Four of LVMH French-based brands Chaumet, Dior Joaillerie, Louis Vuitton and Bulgari have presented new high jewelry collections in conjunction with autumn/winter 2017 Paris haute couture week held earlier this month. LVMH scans some of the highlights from each jewel collection. Chaumet Chaumet unveiled its music-themed high jewelry collection in the Musée des Arts Forains in Paris. The collection, dubbed Chaumet est une fête, features pieces connected to engagement, wedding, formal balls or an evening at the opera or 1920s music hall. Dior Joaillerie Dior Joaillerie presented a collection designed by Artistic Director Victoire de Castellane, who continues to explore an organic and idyllic Versailles. The diamonds in the pieces are cut to recall meticulously sculpted box trees, or the freer shapes of flower petals. They feature sapphire blues and tourmalines. Louis Vuitton Hong Kong-based conglomerate Chow Tai Fook Enterprises launched its new, HK$4 million diamond jewelry brand in a special exhibition held at Harbor City in Tsim Sha Tsui. The Tell the Truth Journey show, held between Aug. 10 and Aug. 16, was designed to give visitors a way to experience the amazing journey of T Mark diamonds through innovative technologies, the company said in a press release posted on its website. Chow Tai Fook s new T Mark diamond brand aims to revolutionize the diamond authentication process by introducing the pioneering 4Ts concept traceable, transparent, truthful and thoughtful. According to the company, each T Mark diamond is etched using proprietary, patented technology. The T Mark, which is essentially a unique serial number, traces the journey of each diamond from sourcing to production, and represents a trustworthy promise of sincerity, faith and belief. Louis Vuitton s new collection, called Conquêtes, celebrates the strong and independent Louis Vuitton woman. The collection brings together, for the first time, the Monogram flower and the V, two of the Maison s signature motifs. They feature Paraiba tourmalines, mandarin or tsavorite garnets, opals and imperial topaz. Bulgari The new Bulgari high jewelry collection, unveiled in Rome, is entitled Fiesta and features over a hundred jewels and watches. It is inspired by emblematic figures whose destinies helped shape the legend of Rome, such as Marie Mancini and Margherita di Savoia. Two highlights include the Palio necklace and bracelet, which are inspired by the famous annual horse race in the heart of Siena. The pieces inclue gold, enamel, diamonds as well as tourmalines, turquoise, coral and jade stones. SEPT - OCT

55 RFID TECH REDUCES STRESS LEVELS AT JEWELRY SHOPS Will using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology soon change the way jewelers conduct business in Singapore. Will using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology soon change the way jewelers conduct business in Singapore? According to a recent piece in Art of Jewellery, about 15 local jewelers are using RFID in their shops, which makes them more productive and reduces the high stress levels caused by the long time it used to take to locate missing high-value items. The RFID tech works as follows: it uses tags with embedded chips which can be detected by a scanner. It comes with a software program that accounts for the jewellery by checking the items against the total number stocked by the shop. In this way, it takes only one person to perform stock-taking, a job that used to take two employees to do so by hand. So, in essence, the RFID tech reduces the time it takes for employees to do stock-taking, as well as A very large rough diamond weighing almost 110 carats was recovered at the Processing Plant No. 3 of ALROSA s Mirny Mining and Processing Division. Two days earlier, a 75-carat rough diamond was recovered at the Processing Plant No. 14 of Aikhal Mining and Processing Division. These large rough diamonds became presents for two anniversaries celebrated by the Company 60 years of the diamond mining industry and 25 years the time taken to track and account for missing or stolen articles. Ngee Soon Jewellery is one of the earliest adopters of the technology, along with local retailer Poh Heng Jewellery and global chains such as Chow Tai Fook. Jan Ho, executive director of the company, told the website: : Today, it takes less than an hour to locate lost items, compared with a full day before the RFID system was implemented. Staff is also less worried about locating missing jewellery items, which used to cause high stress. This frees up more time for customer engagement and the selling of products. Now, the Singapore Jewellers Association (SJA), which has close to 300 members, is trying to get more jewelers to adopt the technology. The tech isn t cheap, although it has become more affordable in recent years. The price of a system, according to the piece, has dropped by more than 80% from the more than $100,000 when it was first launched in Two large rough diamonds found in Yakutia Split up into three different collections Brilliance, Allure, and Naturale, the overall focus for the season has been on embracing simplicity with the use of rich textures, mixed material combinations, and contemporary designs complete with intricate details. The Brilliance collection comprises new ear crawlers, adjustable bracelets, statement cocktail rings, and asymmetrical necklaces. The range features crystals of different shapes and sizes, used in combination with various crystal effects, including metallic and iridescent coatings. of ALROSA. Both rough diamonds are initially estimated as gem-quality. They are octahedron crystals with small inclusions, one of them with a straw-yellow tint. In just a few days, diamonds will arrive to ALROSA s Diamond Sorting Center, where they will be studied thoroughly and each of them will receive a special passport. By ALROSA s tradition, the facts of recovery of large diamonds may be given names. Adore Jewellery has unveiled its AW17 offering Elsewhere, Adore s new Allure and Naturale collections showcase rich textures, innovative componentry.in Allure, metallic crystals shine against beaded antiqued surfaces in a range of delicate to bold styling, while Naturale, which is inspired by natural elements, utilises a varied mix of different in-layed resin, pavé, and single coloured crystal accents to create feminine styles. SEPT - OCT

56 Small Town Consumers Driving Rise in Digital Gold Purchases in India Consumers in small towns across India such as Kanchipuram, Dhanbad, 24 Paraganas, Burdawan, Godavari and Thiruvallur are the main purchasers of digital gold, an investment product that can be bought online through Paytm, India s payment bank cum digital wallet company, according to media reports. The scheme, which was launched on Akshaya Tritiya, the popular and auspicious occasion for purchasing gold in India, has sold more than 100 kg of gold via transactions carried out by consumers spread over 6,000 pin codes. Krishna Hegde, senior vicepresident, Paytm told the media that the opportunity to make small purchases from a website or App on a mobile phone has even proved attractive to consumers in rural India. The volume of transactions is said to be growing at almost 150% per month! A consumer who makes a purchase (there is no minimum, and some of the micro-investments have even been for sums as low as Rs 10!) the amount is credited to his / her account and the physical gold is stored in a vault with the MMTC. The 3% GST applicable on the transaction is added to the cost. The tie up with one of India s largest metals trading companies gives consumers the added confidence that they are actually purchasing 24-carat gold with 99.9% purity. The reports state that the average ticket size of a purchase is between Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,500, but the company official said that they are even targeting road side Named the Wisteria Suite, new designs are bursting with vibrant colours and playful shapes.as the name suggests, the collection takes inspiration from the wisteria that graces London townhouses in the summer, transforming the brickwork into rich spectacles with their cascades of vivid blooms. The flowers represent longevity and grace, and are used in Feng Shui as they symbolise honour and respect.vibrant pearshaped stones nestle in the jewels of rich fuchsias, summer yellows, deep blues and lustrous greens. Playful arrangements of baguette vendors who would like to make an investment of just Rs 1. Consumers have the option of monetizing their gold by selling it back to MMTC the amount will be credited online with a token convenience fee of Rs 10. They can also purchase gold coins and receive home delivery with a charge of Rs 600 per 10gm. Buying jewellery with the gold in your account is also an option, the reports state. Paytm has partnered with some of the bigger jewellery chains so that a buyer can transfer an equivalent amount of gold from his/her Paytm account to the jeweller and buy jewellery after separately paying the making and any other charges. According to the reports, Paytm aims to have similar tie-ups with jewellers in at least 50 Indian cities and also offer smaller single-shop jewellers the chance to register directly on the Paytm website. The digital gold product, it is hoped, will be the model for similar micro-payment methods to attract investors to other wealth management products, including mutual funds, equities, etc. Sarah Ho unveils second chapter of Hidden Gems Award winning jewellery designer Sarah Ho has added a second chapter to her Hidden Gems collection. shapes and beads mimic the clusters of tapering blooms. Each colour combination reflects a personality, from romantic pinks to spiritual blues. by historically high volatility. A surge in demand for diamonds from the economic and social liberation in China along with other emerging economies that consequentially benefited, was followed with overt speculation by industry players that left the industry oversupplied when the growth tempered. SEPT - OCT

57 Signet to Buy James Allen for $328M Signet and R2Net will redefine the jewelry shopping experience and help Signet improve the way its online and offline selling platforms work together Signet Jewelers will acquire the owner of online jewelry retailer James Allen for $328 million, the companies announced. Signet will purchase R2Net in an all-cash deal, taking control of both JamesAllen.com and Segoma Imaging Technologies, which creates 3D displays of diamonds and jewelry for consumers buying on the web. With plans to implement R2Net s technology across its own retail platforms, Signet expects the positive impact of the takeover to outweigh its costs within the first year, it said. This is a highly strategic acquisition for Signet, said Virginia Drosos, the US jewelry giant s CEO. The James Allen brand and R2Net s technologies and innovative approach present a unique opportunity to rapidly enhance our digital capabilities and create a distinctive customer shopping experience which more seamlessly integrates our digital and physical retail platforms. Signet announced better results Thursday, crediting improvements to its e-commerce platforms and a strong Mother s Day, among other factors. Revenue rose 1.9% to $1.4 billion in the second fiscal quarter, which ended July 29, while same-store sales grew 1.4%. E-commerce sales jumped 18% to $82.2 million, while group profit increased 14% to $93.4 million. SCIENTISTS CREATE DIAMOND RAIN OF NEPTUNE AND URANUS The experiment mimiced the conditions deep inside the icy giant planets of our solar system In an experiment designed to mimic the conditions deep inside the icy giant planets of Uranus and Neptune, scientists at the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source in Stanford were able to observe diamond rain for the first time as it formed in high-pressure conditions. According to SLAC, extremely high pressure squeezes hydrogen and carbon found in the interior of these planets to form solid diamonds that sink slowly down further into the interior. The glittering precipitation has long been hypothesized to arise more than 5,000 miles below the surface of Uranus and Neptune. Researchers simulated the environment found inside these planets by creating shock waves in plastic with an intense optical laser. On Uranus and Neptune, the study authors predict that diamonds are extremely large, maybe millions of carats in weight. Researchers also think it s possible that over thousands of years, the diamonds slowly sink through the planets ice layers and assemble into a thick layer around the core. Brikk Launches Headphones with 3 Carats of Diamonds The Lux Listen HD costs US$9,995 Opulent tech company Brikk unveils its newest product, the Lux Listen HD Headphones. CEO Cyrus Blacksmith will be hosting private showings at Brikk Pop-Up Lounges in Asia The Lux Listen HD Headphones by Brikk feature in-ear monitors that are connected to precision machined cases coated in 24k gold and hand set with over 300 colorless diamonds (3.0 TCW). The monitors contain 6 digitally calibrated hybrid speakers worthy of any opulent audiophile on the go. Whether worn while performing for 60,000 devoted fans in a national arena or while receiving an important call while boarding your plane, the Lux Listen HD will attract the attention and admiration of those around you. The Lux Listen HD features a custom made dynamic driver and a specially balanced armature driver that provide a three dimensional frequency range. Low ranges are enhanced and extremely deep, while high sounds are fully extended, crisp, and bridged by perfectly balanced and energetic midrange. The headphones are ideal for artists and music professionals, as they are auditorily compatible with music of any genre. Specialized in-ear fit allows for a 25dB reduction of ambient noise. The Lux Listen HD includes 4 sets of differing tips, including Lux Ultra Fit memory foam inserts, all housed in a waterproof protection case. The built-in microphone allows for hands-free communication. Each Lux Listen HD comes with a 3.5mm connector or Lightning connector. VOD Dubai Jewellery Show partners with DMCC The organisers of VOD Dubai International Jewellery Show have announced that the show has partnered with Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), says Guld News. The partnership will enhance the show's platform as a conduit for increased jewellery trading specifically gold, precious metals, and gems out of Dubai. The deal will also deliver increased networking potential for the 500-plus exhibitors, strengthen innovations, and foster technological development across the jewellery trading ecosystem. The show will run from November at Dubai World Trade Centre. SEPT - OCT

58 Designer Desk Bina Goenka Hailing from a family of lawyers, Bina Goenka initially followed in her parents footsteps, graduating in criminal law in her hometown of Mumbai. But after taking time out of her career to raise a family, she decided to follow a more creative path. A keen jewellery connoisseur, Goenka had amassed a collection of traditional Indian jewellery and more modern pieces. Armed with the knowledge of what she did and didn t like to wear, in 1990 she started to work with a local craftsman to make pieces for herself and her close friends. Entirely self-taught, Goenka built up a client base through word of mouth. From 2003 to 2007 she designed pieces for the Indian luxury house Ravissant, before officially launching her eponymous brand with the opening of a boutique within the The Grand Hyatt Hotel in Mumbai in Over the last ten years Goenka has built a reputation for creating unique, one-ofa-kind pieces using colourful and precious materials that she sources from around the world. Creating just 20 to 30 pieces per year from her Mumbai workshop, it s not unusual for clients to wait 12 months or more before a piece is completed, due to the rarity of the gemstones used. Goenka, who is based between London and Mumbai, shares the most precious pieces from her vast personal collection. SEPT - OCT

59 Vilandi earrings These were given to me by my mother-in-law before I got married: they are traditional Indian Vilandi earrings which many Indian women wear for weddings and parties. I wore them on my wedding day 30 years ago and out of all of the jewellery I received these were my favourites so I wore them frequently after that. The Vilandi technique involves using filaments of 23-carat gold in layers to add depth, which is then combined with oldcut diamonds, enamel, pearls, silver: there s a multitude of different materials used, a lot that catches your eye. I loved that they are so typically Indian, so glamorous and festive. Even though the materials used aren t necessarily the best, it s a type of Indian art and these are what every woman in India wants to own. Because of all the materials used these earrings are very heavy. Traditionally Indian women didn t care about the weight of their jewellery, they didn t mind the pain, but today jewellery is very different so I don t wear them any more. It s a tradition for mothers to hold on to these pieces and pass them on, so I will probably give them to my daughter. Gold mesh choker I bought this in Germany almost 25 years ago, while I was on holiday in Frankfurt. The minute I saw it I fell in love with it. It s a very unusual colour of gold: not shiny, it s dull and muted, like antique gold. That s the most attractive thing about it. I also loved the fact that it was completely handmade: even back then I appreciated that jewellery had to be handmade. Before I launched my own brand I invested a lot in jewellery, I had quite the collection. This is one of my favourite pieces I bought because it s so timeless. I wore it a lot back then and it still looks contemporary now, as chokers are so fashionable. The gold wire is so light that it s virtually mesh, so it s very comfortable to wear. I frequently work with gold mesh, so this piece has definitely been an inspiration. Venetian mosaic ruby ring I stopped buying jewellery from other designers many years ago, when I started making pieces for myself. This ring is an exception. I bought it last year when I was on holiday in Venice with my daughter; we were walking around St Mark s Square and went into a little jewellery shop where we spotted this very beautiful ruby. It s an important, certified 10-carat ruby set in a stunning micromosaic ring which is very reminiscent of Venice. I found the micromosaic absolutely fascinating and I loved that it is all handmade by three artists. My daughter and I both fell in love with it. I don t do micromosaic in my own work but it s a real art form, which I am a great believer in. I would like to bring it into my pieces but it s a technique that you have to perfect - this was made by artisans who have generations of experience, so we ll see. SEPT - OCT

60 mbai skyline cuff I bought this cuff at a jewellery fair in India about 25 years ago: I can t remember the name of the artisan who made it but it had won a design award. It is based on the architecture and skyline of Mumbai at the time - I wish the skyline looked as simple as that now! Each diamond represents all the buildings in Mumbai. There s a symmetry about it that is very beautiful. I was very into big cuffs at the time, and this is very heavy. It s not handmade: it s machine-made, which was the trend back then. Machines were new and mass production was the thing, so handmade jewellery went out of fashion because it became too expensive. For me what s most interesting about this piece is that even though it was made so long ago, it could have been made today. It looks so modern - it was iconic then and it s still beautiful now. Even many years before I started my career in jewellery, I recognised it as a really strong piece of design and craftsmanship. I would buy it again today in a heartbeat. Bina Goenka pearl necklace This is the only piece I ve made that I have chosen to keep for myself and wear. I hadn t intended to keep it but it was so many years in the making and such a colossal achievement that I had to. It s made of thousands of tiny natural keshi pearls, each one 0.2mm big and all exactly matched in colour and pierced through the centre. Keshi pearls are formed when the mollusc spits on the oyster and they can come in all sorts of colours so to find so many that match is a huge achievement. There isn t a thread thin enough to string through pearls this small so we had to use a thread that had been unravelled into four parts - that itself is an enormous task. I don t know exactly how many pearls are used but there are 1, carats; hundreds of strands that densely cover the whole torso. I wore it for my son s wedding two years ago with a very plain, blood red Dior gown and it felt fantastic. The way it s made is finer than embroidery, it feels like fabric but it is incredibly delicate. That s the main reason I haven t sold it: if two of the strands get tangled then I d have to send it to Japan for almost a year to be restrung, piece by piece. Every string would have to be reattached - it s a very, very tedious job. Of course, if somebody wanted to order the same thing, having understood all of these constraints, then they could, but I don t know how many years it would take for me to complete it. Many of my pieces are like that. When we finally manage to put together a piece that we ve been working on for years it s a very special moment. SEPT - OCT

61 BEWARE OF PENALTIES IN CASE OF SEARCH In the course of Search operations, generally the Assessee manner in which such income has been derived; declares his undisclosed income in the statement recorded u/s 132(4) under the impression that if the disclosure of b) he substantiates the manner in which the undisclosed income was derived; undisclosed income is made then penalty shall not be initiated / levied.but now, entire undisclosed income as detected in the c) he pays the tax, together with interest, if any, in respect of the undisclosed income; Search shall be subject to the penalty provisions irrespective of the fact whether the same is duly disclosed or admitted by the Assessee at the time of Search. d) he furnishes the return of income for the specified previous year declaring such undisclosed income therein. As per amended Section 271AAB(1A), if search is initiated on or after 15the December, 2016, the assesse has to pay a penalty in addition to tax as follows: 2. In any other case, penalty will be levied at the rate of 60 per cent(before 15the December,2016, the rate was between 30% to 90% as the case may be)of the 1. If undisclosed income is admitted during the course of search, the taxpayer will be liable for penalty at the rate of 30 per cent (before 15the December,2016, the rate was 10% or 20% as the case may be) of undisclosed income provided the following conditions are satisfied, undisclosed income of the specified previous year. Specified Previous Year means the previous year in which search is conducted. It also includes the previous year which has ended before the date of search but the due date of furnishing return of income under section 139(1) has not a) the assessee admits his undisclosed income in the statement recorded u/s 132(4) and specifies the expired before the date of search and the assesse has not furnished his return of income for the previous year. BEWARE OF TAXES AND PENALTIES IN CASE OF UNEXPLAINED MONEY, DEPOSIT, INVESTMENT, EXP. TAX: As per section 115BBE amended by the Taxation Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 2016, w.e.f : (1) Where the total income of an assessee, (a) includes any income referred to in section 68 (Unexplained cash credit), section 69 (Unexplained investments), section 69A (Unexplained money), section 69B (Undisclosed investments), section 69C (Unexplained expenditures) or section 69D (Amount borrowed or repaid on hundi)and reflected in the return of income furnished under section 139; or (b) determined by the Assessing Officer includes any income referred to in section 68, section 69, section 69A, section 69B, section 69C or section 69D, if such income is not covered under clause (a), the income-tax payable shall be the aggregate of MUMBAI OFFICE (i) the amount of income-tax calculated on the income referred to in clause (a) and clause (b), at the rate of 60 per cent; and (ii) the amount of income-tax with which the assessee would have been chargeable had his total income been reduced by the amount of income referred to in clause (i). Apart from this, there is a cess of 25% which takes the effective rate of tax to 77.25% (75% + 3% education cess) PENALTY: Section 271AAC shall be inserted after section 271AAB by the Taxation Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 2016, w.e.f : The Assessing Officer may, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act other than the provisions of section 271AAB, direct that, in a case where the income determined includes any income referred to in section 68, section 69, Pradeepkumar Singhi & Associates (B.Com, F.C.A.) 315, Kalabhavan, Mathew Road, Opera House, Mumbai. Ph No /05 section 69A, section 69B, section 69C or section 69D for any previous year, the assessee shall pay by way of penalty, in addition to tax payable under section 115BBE, a sum computed at the rate of 10 per cent of the tax payable under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 115BBE: Provided that no penalty shall be levied in respect of income referred to in section 68, section 69, section 69A, section 69B, section 69C or section 69D to the extent such income has been included by the assessee in the return of income furnished under section 139 and the tax in accordance with the provisions of clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 115BBE has been paid on or before the end of the relevant previous year. IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. If you disclose in tax return but do not pay the tax by March 31 of the respective financial year (presumably by way of advance tax), there is a penalty of 10% this takes the effective tax rate to 83.25%(i.e % + 6%).The same rate will also apply if income is found by AO himself in assessment proceedings. 2. The taxpayer can give disclosure under the tax return made u/s 139 this means, original/revised/belated all returns qualify. However, a return filed in response to a tax notice received u/s 142 or 148 will NOT qualify for the voluntary disclosure. Thus, apart from a situation where the Assessing Officer (AO) finding out undisclosed income in any assessment, new Section 115BBE now gives you the opportunity to come forward and declare your undisclosed income of past years in a tax return filed u/s 139. SURAT OFFICE Pamita P. Doshi (A. C. A., B.Com) A/601, President Plaza, Near RTO Office, Ring Road, Nanpura, Surat. Mobile : Phone : (0261) SEPT - OCT

62 Most Expensive Necklaces In The World 2017 Jewelry is loved by every woman who is fond of styling and women become incomplete if they are not wearing jewels. Jewelry includes a lot of things and one of them is the most expensive necklace. The jewelry also includes bracelets, earrings, rings and necklaces. These jewels are available in the market which are made of the diamonds and are very expensive and precious. It increases the beauty and is considered an elegant beauty due to its rare availability. There are many pieces which are the most expensive necklace and value so much to the friends and to other people as well. 1 L Incomparable Diamond Necklace Cost : different prices The necklace is diamond and is made of the records which feature the price. This is the most expensive necklace which weighs carats and it was worn by a girl in Congo and was declared as the most precious necklace. This is available in many items of jewelry. It finishes the dealers and traders of the items of jewelry. SEPT - OCT

63 2 The Heart of the Ocean Cost different prices Heart of the Ocean is the necklace of diamond which is famous in this whole world. It is famous in the romantic movies and it shows the rich class of the people and it also shows the popularity. It is known to be the most expensive necklace which is featured with the blue diamonds. It is available in the Academy Awards in It is the perfect and beautiful one. 3 The Heart of the Kingdom Cost different prices The necklace shows to be the most special and precious gift to give someone else and has got very high prices which includes its weight which is about carats and also it is composed of the Gerrard and the jewelry is made of the company which is in this world. 150 diamonds are made with it and they become expensive in this way. 4 Leviev s Vivid Yellow Diamond Pendant Cost $ 10 Million This is the most expensive necklace which has a total weight of carats and has yellow diamonds and the white diamonds have its strings. The necklace is the tycoon of Israeli diamond and the value of this necklace is $ 10 Million and looks very rare with stones. The diamonds are beautiful and rare. SEPT - OCT

64 5 Christie s Diamond Necklace Cost different prices Christie s diamond necklace is increased in its beauty with the rounded diamonds in 52 numbers. It weighs about carats and it looks beautiful and elegant as well. The price and quality look according to the necklace. It looks rich and amazing in its own way. The auction is big and has been sold at different prices. 6 Etcetera s Burmese Ruby Necklace Cost $ 6.4 Million This is the necklace which has got many precious diamonds and it includes among the most expensive necklace which has been sold at a very high rate in the auction and they are available everywhere in the world. The pearls increase the rubies, oval diamonds and white pearls. The necklace costs about $ 6.4 Million. It weighs about carats. 7 The Mrs. Winston Cost $ 5.8 Million Mrs. Winston is the necklace which looks beautiful and is famous and called as the Jessica Alba in the awards of Golden Globes. It came up with the weight of carats and contains diamonds which are available in very limited quantity. These diamonds have been weighed about diamonds which adds bottom perfection and weight much. The necklace costs about $ 5.8 Million. SEPT - OCT

65 8 The Red Scarlet Cost $ 5.1 Million This red scarlet is the famous designer jewelry which is known as the James W. Currens and they sell it at a very high price which is about $ 5.1 Million. It is sold in 2012 at an auction and they increase the rubies with 26 pigeons. They weigh much and look beautiful in pear shape. The set of stones are finished with the platinum and white gold. The roses are designed with colors and every person loves them for its colors. 9 Christie s Diamond Pendant Cost $ 4.8 Million The diamond pendant of Christie s was the one which was sold at $ 4.8 Million and it weighs about carats. It looks luxurious and rich. The chain looks simple and all the diamonds in round shape were installed in it and it is composed of the white gold. This is the most expensive necklace with diamond pendant. 10 The Marie Antoinette Necklace Cost : $ 3.7 Million The Marie Antoinette necklace is the French Queen who has the lifestyle in its very own luxurious way and it lavishes the living style. It has diamonds in yellow color and has too much value in it. The weight of the diamond is about 0.85 carats and the size is focused overall on it which makes it the increased valuable diamond. They are also covered with the other colored diamonds. It costs $ 3.7 Million. SEPT - OCT

66 JAIPUR JEWELLERY SHOW, India, Reengus Sept 2017 Jaipur Jewellery Show is the significant event in the calender of the gems and jewelery show the world over. Aptly christened The December Show the dates from 22 to 25 December 2012 will remain slotted year after year. Jaipur Jewelery Show is the India's biggest jewelry show, it is fast emerging as one of the Asia's largest jewelry trade show also. INDIA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR, India, New Delhi Nov 2017 The 31st edition of the popular annual mega trade fair, the India International Trade Fair (IITF), shall take place at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from November 14 to 27, Pragati Maidan, the largest fair complex in the country has excellent connectivity by air, road, rail and metro. IITF is the largest integrated Trade Fair with both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) components. It presents an impressive range of products from artisans to MNCs covering diverse sectors primarily from consumer goods category. MUMBAI JEWELLERY & GEM, India, Navi Mumbai Nov 2017 WHY INDIA? India has a well deserved and established reputation as one of the world's leading manufacturers of fine jewellery, diamonds and gemstones. And as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, it is also a rapidly growing consumer market for fine jewellery, not only for its vast traditional purchasing of gold jewellery but also for the latest designs of diamond, gemset and pearl jewellery. WHY MUMBAI? Mumbai city is the richest city and the financial capital of India. The Mumbai jewellery market is as exciting as the city. KOLKATA JEWELLERY SHOW in India, Kolkata Jan 2018 Kolkata Jewellery Show is a premier and one of the most popular trade fair for Gem and Jewelry in Kolkata. The event will showcase the best of local and international trends in diamond, gold, silver, colour gem stones, watches & fashion jewellery under one roof at the Science City Exhibition Ground. This is 4th edition of the session and being organized by Kolkata Jewellery Show Committee. SEPT - OCT

67 ZAK JEWELS in India, New Delhi Feb 2018 Zak Jewels Expo is a 3 days event which is organized by ZAK Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Private Limited. Chennai Trade & Convention Centre of Chennai, in Tamilnadu, will become the venue for the event in India. It will welcome huge number of buyers, sellers, exporters, importers and many more from the gems & jewellery industry of different parts of the world. The event will be held between 01 to 03 Feb GEM & JEWELLERY INDIA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION in India, Chennai March 2018 GJIIE 2012 was a unique event for the jewellery industry in southern India and is proved to be the best International B-2-B Jewellery Exhibition in the region, jointly organized by UBM India and The Madras Jewellers and Diamond Merchants Association (MJDMA).UBM is the organizer and owner of several jewellery trade fairs in India & globally too. Asia 's biggest international jewellery trade fair, the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair, which is held annually by UBM saw this year 3,450 exhibitors from 46 countries and regions, greeting... HIGJE in India, Hyderabad Jun 2018 Having recently acquired HIGJE, The Art of Jewellery, is pleased to present the 8th edition of the Hitex International Gems & Jewellery Expo which is scheduled to be held from July 2012 at the Hitex Fair Grounds, Hyderabad. Perfectly timed before auspicious occasion - the Varamahalakshmi Vratam, a festival avidly associated with wealth and prosperity and a fitting occasion to buy gold and diamond Jewellery, the HIGJE is sure to be a hit this time again! HYDERABAD JEWELLERY in India, Hyderabad Jun 2018 UBM is back with its sixth edition of the Hyderabad Jewellery, Pearl & Gem Fair (HJF) to be held from 7-9 June 2018 at HITEX Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, India. The fair is a perfect trading platform for launching and sourcing the newest jewellery collections from the worldwide jewellery industry. The fair is one key international trade fair in South India. Following its debut in 2008 the 5th edition of the HJF created the right business opportunities for the industry. The fair attracted 125 exhibitors from domestic and international. IIJS in India, Navi Mumbai Jul 2018 We invite you to join us at the most well planned city of India to explore the huge potential that the global rice, sugar and maize industry has to offer. More than an exhibition, ISRMAX will be a high impact business forum to look at the lucrative business opportunities that the global rice, sugar and maize industry presents.


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