Календарно-тематичне планування до підручника UPSTREAM B1+.

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1 Да та Тематика спілкування Календарно-тематичне планування до підручника UPSTREAM B1+. Мовна компетенція Мовленнєва компетенція Граматика Аудіювання Говоріння Читання Письмо І СЕМЕСТР MODULE 1. OUR WORLD Neighbours. Unit 1. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція представляти та описувати людей, вибачатися та приймати пробачення, просити про допомогу, висловлювати зацікавленість, висловлювати захоплення, підтримувати дискусію, розвивати основну тему розмови, обговорювати проблему стереотипів 1 Personality Ex.1a,2b p.8 Present Tenses Ex.1b p.10 2 Describing People. Introducing Ourselves and Others Ex.1a p.12 WB ex.2 p.4 Present Tenses WB ex.1 p.6 3 Neighbours WB ex.3 p.4 Stative verbs Ex.8, 9 p.11 4 Daily Routines and Chores Ex.4 p.9 Present Perfect Ex.4,5 p.11 Phrasal Verb to look Ex.6 p.9 5 Relationships WB ex.7 p.5 Present Perfect Cont. Ex.6 p.11 WB ex.1 p.6 6 Looking for a House 7 Describe Your Family Animal similes ex.7 p.9 8 Family Holidays. Father s Day 9 Socialising Ex.7 p.13 WB ex.2 p.9 Present Perfect Cont. ex.4 p.7 WB ex.4 p.4 Stative verbs WB ex.3 p.6 Transformation Ex.1a p.10 Ex.3 p.12 Ex.3 p.6 Listening to the partner s questions Ex.5a p.13 Ex.1b, 2a p.8 pairwork. Give reasons, compare answers Ex.1b p.12 describe people. Ex.4 p.12 - introduce people Ex.1, 2 p.6 talk about your neighbours. Ex.4,5 p.7 make up dialogues Talk in pairs about chores ex.4 p.9, about daily routines & free time activities ex.2, 5 p ex.5b p.13 find out about the people your partner knows WB ex.1 p.9 WB ex.1 p.8 - make up dialogues Ex.6 p.13 WB ex.5 p.11 develop the main idea using supportive sentences Ex.2a p.8 do the quiz Ex. 2, 3 p.12 read dialogues WB Ex.1 p.4 Ex.3 p. 6 multiple choice WB ex.5 p.5 short WB ex.6 p.5 gaps WB ex.2 p.6 read an and gaps WB ex.1 p.8 matching WB ex.2 p.10 ( ) Describe your friend Ex.2b p.8 Ex.1b p.12 describe one of the guests Ex.6 p.7 write a short paragr. about your neighbours Ex.5b p.11 talk about your partner s experience Ex.7 p.11 write about yourself and your family since/for Portfolio p.9 write a short paragraph about your friend WB ex.8 p.11 write an about your family Ex.2 p.129 Ex.1, 2, 3 p Ex.2 p.129 Project p.129 Ex.7 p.13 Ex.5 p.9 act out dialogues asking for help WB ex.2,3 p.9 read and complete WB ex.3 p.9 write a dialogue using the

2 10 Culture Clips. British Character Ex.1 p Giving News Open/Close remarks Ex.4 p REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVD Activity Book 14 Progress Test Ex.10 p.11 Transformation WB ex.6 p.11 Present Perfect Continuous WB ex.5 p.7 Grammar Check WB p.96 Ex.2 p.14 Expressing admiration Ex.8 p.13 Ex.9 p.13 discuss the picture. Ex.10 p.13 Ex.4,5,6 p.15 talk about stereotypes related to nations Ex.1 p.14 ask and answer quest. in pairs. Ex.8 p.13 act out short Pairwork Activities p.135 the dialogue Ex.2 p.15 read and gaps Ex.2 p.14 read & put the paragr. in the correct order pattern Project write a short article Ex.6 p.15 Ex.6 p.14 write an informal letter Call of the Wild. Unit 2. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція висловлювати зацікавленість, надавати пропозиції та згоду, оцінювати вплив прогресу на довкілля, пропонувати рішення проблем, обговорювати наміри, порівнювати стан проблем в Україні та в інших країнах 15 Wildlife and Habitats 16 Wildlife and Habitats. Endangered Species Тематична лексикаwb ex.1 p.12 WB ex.2,3 p Flora and Fauna WB ex.4 p Taking actions Ex.4a p.18 WBex.8p Technology and Ex.5 p.19 Modern Life 20 Endangered Species Similes WB ex.5 p.12 Modal verbs Ex.1 p.20 Phr. verbs Ex.8 p.19 Modal verbs Ex.2 p.20 Phrasal verbs WB ex.9 p.13 Prepositions WB ex.6 p.15 Modal verbs WB ex.1 p.14 Modal verbs WB ex.2 p.14 Will - to be going to Ex.6,7a p Global Warming Ex.7 p.19 Will - to be going to Ex.1,3a p.16 Ex.1,2,3b p.16 discuss the pictures, the title of the unit & the song Ex.6 p.16 Ex.2a p.18 Ex.3b p.18 Ex.3 p.20 WB ex.1a p.17 Ex.1 p.22 Ex.5 p.16 talk about wildlife and habitats Ex.1 p.18 discuss the pictures. Ex.2b p.18 give a short talk Ex.4b p.18 work in groups, suggest solutions Ex.5 p.19 discuss achievements in technology, pluses and minuses WB ex.1 p.16 discuss the text, talk about endangered species Ex.7b p.21 WB ex.1b p.17 talk about global warming WB ex.2 Ex.3a p.16 reading for gist (main idea) Ex.4 p.16 Ex.2a p.18 guess, read and check Ex.3a p.18 multiple choice Ex.3p.20complete the gaps. Advice for the Public. WB ex.1 p.16 WB ex.2a p.17 Ex.2 p.16 write about one of the animals Portfolio p.16 a short article about two wildlife habitats in Ukraine WB ex.6 p.13 write a short essay Why are trees important? WBex.7 p.13 make up sentences Ex.4 p.20 write what students should(not) do during a field trip WB ex.4 p.14 write about the arrangements using the diary Write a short paragraph using

3 22 Clean Environment. Making Suggestions and Agreeing 23 Raising Money for Endangered Species 24 Curricular Cut. Pesticides 25 Protecting local wildlife. Asking for information. пропозицій і згоди Ex.5 p.22 запиту інформації WB ex1p.18 Opening/ closing remarks WB ex.5 p.14 a p.17act out similes Future Ex.2,3 p.22 Ex.5 p.22 act out Ex.3,4 p.22 read Continuous/ dialogues(suggestions and Future Perfect how to help the sent.wbex.3 p.17 Ex.8 p.21 environment) fill in the gaps Future Tenses Time words Ex.10 p.21 WB ex.3 p. 14 Word formation Ex.5 p.20 WB ex.8 p.15 Direct/indirect questions. Word order ex.3 p.24 Ex.7 p.23 WB ex.2 p.18 answer the questions. Ex.8 p.23 act out dialogues (expressing interest) WBex.2 p.18 read the and fill in the paragraph plan Ex.4 p.25 Ex.5 p.25 Ex.1,2 p.25 partner Ex.1 p.24 Ex.1,2 p.24 compare formal (p.24) and informal letters (p.14) Ex.2 p.24 Ex.9 p. 21 write about yourself WB ex.4 p.19 WB ex.5 p.19 write an Project Ex.6 p.25 make a list Ex.4 p.24 write a letter 26 Self-assessment Module p Eco-friends 1 Ex.2,5 p.28 Ex.11 p.21 Ex.1 p.28 Ex.1,3,4 p.28 Ex.2 p.28 Ex.4 p Call of the Wild Vocabulary revision 29 REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVD Activity Book 31 Test (Module 1) WB ex.7 p.15 Ex.2 p.130 Ex.1,3,4,5 p.130 Ex.2 p.130 Ex.5 p.130 explain one of the sayings Grammar Ex.2 p.130 Pairwork Activities p.140 Songsheet 1 Check WB p.97 p.130 HOLIDAYS AND SCHOOLDAYS. MODULE 2 Take a Break. Unit 3 Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція висловлювати незадоволення, скаргу, робити замовлення, запитувати та надавати інформацію про послуги, характеризувати вчинки людей і стосунки між людьми, надавати оцінку подіям, соціальні правила поведінки 32 Holidays and Problems Word Formation WB ex. 5 p.22 Ex.1, 2 p.31 Answer the questions and discuss pp Holidays and Problems Ex.4 p.31 Past Tenses Ex.5a p.31 Ex.5b p.31talk about problems on holiday 34 Transport Ex.1,3,4 Past Tenses Ex.2 p.32 Ex.1 p.32 talk about p.32 Ex.2 p.34 your favourite means of transport Ex.3 p multiple choice Ex.1 p.31 answer the questions WB ex.1 p.20 gap Project p.31 filling a short article Ex.1 p.34 Ex.3c p.32 make sentences

4 35 Accommodation Ex.7a p.33 Used to/would Ex.6a,b p Holidays Idioms ex.6 Used to/would p.33 WB WB ex.1 p.22 ex.4 p Complaints. Sightseeing Tours 38 Booking a Guided Tour Ex.8 p.37 Ex.7 p Safari Adventure 40 Booking Tickets WB ex.3,5 p A Holiday to Linking Remember words WB Phrasal Verbs Ex.5 p.32 WB ex.6 p.21 Past tenses WB ex.6 p.23 Linking words Ex.4b p.38 transformations Ex.8 p.35 Past Tenses WB ex.4 p.27 ex.3 p Culture Clip Ex.3 p.39 transformations WB ex.7 p REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. Activity Book 45 Progress Test p.98 Ex.7b p.33 discuss in partner pairs facilities/service Ex.5 p.35 Game p.34 Ex.7 p.35 talk about your past habits Ex.4 p.36 Ex.8 p.37 act out dialogues. Ex.3 p.36 describe the pictures Ex.5b p.36 Ex.6 p.37 act out dialogues Ex.1 p.36 Ex.1 p.38. Ex.3 p.38 give the story a different ending WB ex.1 p.25 Booking tickets classmates stories Ex.1a p.39 WB ex.1, p. 25 WB ex.5 p.27 Ex1b,5 p39.prepare a one-min radio advert about the camp p.39 Pairwork Activities p.140 Ex.8 p.33 WB ex.1 p.24 read notices (multiple choice) WB ex.2 p.25 WB ex.3 p.25 Ex.5,6 p.36 Ex.2 p.38 put the paragraphs into the correct order WB ex.2 p.22 Aesop s Fable WB ex.2, p.26 read and complete a paragraph plan Ex.2 p.39 a holiday brochure article Write a letter. Project p.33 Ex.5 p.35 story Ex.8 p.37write a short letter of complaint write a short ad. (use ex.6 as a model) Ex.5 p.38 write a short para to set the scene Write a story Ex.6,7 p.38 Write a story WB ex.6 p.27 Ex.5b.p39write about an ideal holiday camp Live and Learn. Unit 4. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція правила ввічливості, етикет телефонних розмов, висловлювати власну думку ( за і проти ), порівнювати ситуації та факти, висловлювати згоду/незгоду, розповідати про свої плани, аргументуючи свій вибір 46 Mind Your Manners 47 Mind Your Manners 48 School Life. School Activities. ex.3 p.41 Ex. 5 p. 41 Ex.1,4 p.42 Ex.4 p.46 Prepositions ex. 4 p. 41 Reported statements Ex.1,2 p.44 Reported statements WB ex.1p.30 Ex. 2 p. 40 Ex.6 p.41 listen to Sts. Ex. 3 p. 42 Ex. 1 p. 40 discuss the pictures Game ex.6 p. 41 Talk about your school& sch.activities Ex. 2 p multiple choice WB ex. 1 p. 28 read and fill in the gaps WB ex 8 p.29 WB ex 2 p.33 short List Do s& Don t s for table manners Make a leaflet p.41 Compare school lives

5 Polite requests Phrasal verbs ex.7 p.43 ex.2, 4 p.42.act out ex.4 p School Life Ex.5 p.42 Ex.3,4 p.44 Ex. 1 p. 46 Make up similar dialogues ex.1 p. 46. Talking to a teacher 50 Telephone Etiquette Ex.2a p.46 Reported questions Ex. 2b p. 46 Act out telephone Ex.5 p.45 WB ex.3 conversations ex 3 p. p.30. Turn dialogues 46 into reported speech 51 Taking a Course Idioms Ex.6 p.42 WBex.4p Famous Educationalists of the Past Word Formation WB ex.5 p Boarding Schools Linkers WB ex.3 p Studying in a Foreign Country. Studying On-line WB ex.6 p.29 Reporting verbs Ex.5,6 p.45 Reporting verbs WB ex.5 p.31 Reporting modal verbs WB ex.6 p.31 transformations Ex.9 p Curricular Cut Literature 56 Self-Assessment Module pp Eco-friends 2 Ex.1b p. 52 Word formation Ex.2b p REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVD Activity book 60 Test (Module 2) Ex. 5 p. 47 WB ex.1 p. 33 Ex.6p.47listen to and assess other Sts descriptions reports about H.Keller Ex.2,6 p.51 Talk about a course you are taking or would like to take (in pairs). Report to class Describe pictures ex.6 p.47. Discuss the problem of ICT in learning ex.7 p.47 Discuss reasons for and against boarding schools Discuss pros&cons of studying in a foreign country WB ex.5p.35 ex. 3 p. 42 Ex.8 p. 43 read short texts WB ex.3 p. 33 telephone conversation WB ex.4 p.31 WB ex.1 p. 32 multiple choice WB ex. 2 p. 34 read and plan Ex.2 p. 48 Write a note (use ex.8c p.43 and ex 1 p.46) Make notes for the telephone conversation Write about the course you would like to take Project. Find info about H. Keller / Make a list of for/against points Ex.5 p.49 write the ending to the dialogue Slang WB ex.7 p.31 Ex. 5 p. 49 Ex. 4 p. 49 Ex. 2 p. 49 Write a short story ex.7 p.51 p.99 Ex.2 p. 52 Ex. 1, 3 p. 52. Act out the scene Ex.2 p.131 Pairwork Activities p.136 Ex.2 p. 52 Songsheet 2 p.131 Project. Make a poster p. 52 LET S HAVE FUN. MODULE 3. Weird and Wonderful. Unit 5. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція запрошення, висловлювання своїх вражень, почуттів та емоцій (вигуки), прийняття рішень, порівняння персонажів та їхніх вчинків, переконання співрозмовника

6 61 Myths and Legends Ex. 5,6 p.54 Word formation Ex. 6 p Myths and Legends WB ex. 2 p Moods and Ex.1,2a,4 Feelings p.56 WB 64 Moods and Feelings. Halloween ex.3 p.36 WB ex.8 p Body Language Idioms Ex.6a p Party time WB ex.7 p.37 Word formation WB ex. 5 p. 38 Prepositions WB ex. 4 p. 36 Ex.5 p.56 Relative Clauses Ex.3 p Party time Ex.6 p.59 Comparatives and Superlatives ex. 4, 5 p Festivals Ex.8 p.57 Comparatives/Superlatives WB ex. 6,7 p Festivals WB ex.9 p Adventure story Adjectives WB Ex. 4 p Culture Clip Ex. 2 p. 63 explain the words/ bold 72 REVISION WB Word Perfect p.90 Ex. 1,3 p. 54 St s stories Ex.3 p. 56 partner Ex. 2 p. 58 Ex. 2, 3, 7 p. 54 talk about the pictures; exchange questions with another group Ex.8 p.55 discuss in groups Describe the people ex.1p.56 & act out ex.2b p.56 Ex. 1a, 2 p. 58 sentences about yourself Relative Clauses WB ex. 1, 2 p.38 WB ex. 3, 4 p.38 Ex.1,2 p. 60 Ex.1 p.60 describe the scene.ex.3 p. 60 act out dialogues Ex. 7 p. 59 Reporting verbs WB ex.5 p.43 Participles ex.6 p.43 Ex. 4 p. 54 WB ex. 1 p. 36 fill in the gaps WB ex. 5 p. 37 WB ex. 3 p. 41read dialogue in pairs Ex.1 p. 58 WB ex.3 p.41 Ex.10 p. 57 Ex.7b p. 57 Ex.7 p. 57 answer the questions Ex. 2 p. 60 read and guess, answer the questions WB ex. 1 p. 41 Ex. 5,7 p.61 partner Ex.8 p.59 Ex. 1 p. 62 listen to the Ex. 4 p make decisions, act out the dialogue Ex.5,6 p.61 express feelings/exclamations Ex. 8 p.59 talk about festivals in Ukraine Suggest another beginning/ending to the story sounds WB ex. 9 p. 39 Ex. 1 p. 63 Ex. 1,3 p.63 act out a dialogue and try to persuade your partner p.100 Pairwork Activities p.141 WB ex. 2 p. 41 short WB ex. 8 p. 39 fill in the gaps WB ex. 1 p. 40 multiple choice Find the info about mythical creatures from Ukraine p.55 Project p. 55 Ex.1b p.56 Ex. 2 p. 58 listen to your partner and make notes Ex.6b p. 57 Write an invitation to the party Write a letter declining an invitation Compare characters from the film you likewbex6p39 Project p. 59 WB Ex. 2 p. 43 WB Ex. 7 p. 43 write a story Ex. 2 p. 63 read and summary Write an advertisement Portfolio p. 63

7 73 Video lesson. DVD Activity Book. 74 Progress Test (Unit 5) 75 Контроль аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма. Семестрове оцінювання II СЕМЕСТР State-of-the-art. Unit 6 Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція висловлювання невпевненості, надання рекомендацій, уточнення проблеми та пропонування допомоги, розповідь про улюблену книгу/фільм та аргументація вибору, збір інформації за допомогою анкетування 1 Entertainment. Types of films Ex. 2, 4, p.64 Adverbs Ex. 4 p.68 WB Ex. 4 p.46 Ex.1, 3a p.64 Ex.3b p.64 multiple choice 2 Entertainment. Types of films 3 Entertainment. Types of films Ex. 5 p. 64 Ex. 1 a, b p.66 4 Entertainment. Ex. 2, 3, 4 p Entertainment. Recommending 6 Entertainment. Music, concerts 7 Technology. Gadgets. 8 Technology. The Internet Idioms Ex.10 p.67 WBex.4p.44 Ex.6(2)p.65 WB ex.2,3 p.44 Ex. 5a p. 66 Ex. 1a p. 70 Reflexive pronouns Ex. 8, 9 p. 69 Reflexive pronouns WB Ex. 5 p. 47 Quantifiers WB Ex. 3 p.46 Quantifiers Ex. 2 p.68 Phrasal verbs Ex.9 p. 67 WB Ex. 7 p.47 Word formation Ex. 7 p. 71 WB Ex. 5 p. 45 transformations WB ex.8 p.47 Ex. 8 p. 65 friends preferences WB Ex.1 p.49 Listen to students stories partner partner Ex. 2, 3 p. 70 Ex.1,2 p. 64 talk about different types of films Ex. 2 p.63 Ex. 6 p.65 talk about your favourite film Ex. 1c p. 66 and decide which film is the most suitable for them Make up similar dialogues WB Ex.1 p.49 Ex. 8 p.71 act out Ex. 3 p.72 talk in pairs about your favourite book /CD Ex. 5b p. 66 rank the objects; ex. 6b p. 67 act out dialogues Ex. 1b,4 p.70 talk about the Internet Ex. 6 p 65 WB ex.1 p.44 fill in the gaps WB Ex. 1 p.48 WB Ex. 8a p.45 Ex. 8 p. 71 WB Ex.2 p.49 short WB Ex. 8b p.45 Ex.2 p.72 Ex.6a p.67 put the sentences in the correct order Ex. 7 p.65 write down questions for interview Ex. 6 p.65 write about your favourite film/cd/play Make notes about your friends preferences while listening Write a short review of a film p.65 Write a short recommendation Wr.a letter ab. your favourite CD ex. 4 p. 72 Project p67 wr. the text giving instructions. Ex.2 p.70 Ex. 4 p.70 9 Having Problems Ex. 5a p.70 Question tags Ex. 6 p.69 Ex. 5b p. 70 Ex. 5b p. 69 Write a short

8 and Offering Help Ex. 6a p.71 WB Ex. 6 p.47 Ex. 6c p. 71 act out dialogues Prepositional Articles Ex. 1a p.68 Ex. 1b, 3 describe the phrases Ex. 1 p.68 pie chart p.68. Ex.7b Ex. 8 p.67 p.69 read and respond 10 The Role of Techno logy in Our Life. Communication 11 Teen Culture. WB Ex. 6,7 p The Event You Attended WB ex.3,5,6 p Articles WB ex.1p.46 Echo tags Ex.7 p.69 Ex.7 p.69 Ex.1b p.68 talk about teenagers in Ukraine Ex. 6b p. 71 Ex. 1 p.68 complete the text WB ex.3 p.49 Ex.10 p.69 Ex. 6 p.75 WB ex.1,2 p.50 WB ex.2 p.50 read & complete a plan WB ex.4 p Curricular Cut. Literature Ex. 4,6 p.73 Articles WB ex.2 p Self-Assessment Module 3 (pp.74-75) 15 Eco-friends Ex. 4 p.76 Giving instructions Ex. 5 p.76 Ex. 1 p.76 Project (report to the class) 16 REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVDV Activity Book. 18 Test (Module 3) p.101 stating the problem Write a paragr. analysing a pie chart Prepare a questionnaire. Portfolio p. 69 WB ex.7 p.51 write a draft Ex.2 p.73 Ex.1,2,5,6,7 p.73 Ex. 1,3 p.73 WB ex. 7 p.51 write a letter Ex.2 p.132 Pairwork Activities p.141 Ex. 2,3 p.76 Songsheet 3 p.132 BUSY PEOPLE. MODULE 4 All in a Day s Work. Unit 7 Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція висловлювати цілі, бажання, жаль, висловлювати згоду/незгоду з думками співрозмовника, запитувати та відповідати про плани на майбутнє, визначати пріоритети 19 Jobs. Ex.1a,2 p.78 WB ex.1,2 p Unusual Jobs. Ex.4 p.78 Ex.5 p Jobs. Ex.1 p.80 WB ex.7 p Skills and Qualities Ex. 3 p.80 Ex. 5,6,7 Conditionals Ex.1 p.82 Conditionals Ex. 2 p.84 WB ex.1 p.54 Conditionals Ex. 3 p.82 WB ex. 3 p.54 Conditionals Ex.4,6 p.82 Ex.1b p.78 Ex.2 p.78 Class discussion p. 77 Ex.1a p.82 read a joke. WB ex.3 p.52 short Ex. 3 p.78 Ex. 7 p.79 Ex. 3 p.78 /Not Given Ex. 6 p.79 partner (in Ex. 1b,2 p.80 talk about different jobs Ex.3, 4 p.80 talk about the skills and WB ex. 5 p.53 Ex. 4 p.80 Write the steps on how to grow plants Ex.2c p.78 write about your family Questionnaire to interview the person p.79 Write a short article. Project p. 79 Ex.4 p.80 write a para about

9 23 Looking for a Job. Idioms Ex.9 p.81 WB ex.4 p Jobs Advertisements. p.81 pairs)ex.3p.80 qualities your pers. type Clauses of Purpose WB ex. 1 p.57 Decide on the most WB ex.1, p.56 Project p.81 Ex. 8 p.83 joining the suitable jobs match the jobs to write an WB ex. 6 p.55 course the people WB ex.6 p.53 Phrasal Verbs Ex.10 p.81 WB ex.8 p Clothes at Work Ex. 1a p.84 Wishes Ex. 9a p.83 WB ex. 4 p Getting a Job Wordlist p Talking About Ex. 5,7 p.85 Ambitions. Agreeing/disagreeing. 28 Applying for a Job. Formal/ informal expressions Ex. 5 p Culture Clip. Ex. 2b p.87 Unusual Jobs 30 REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVD Activity Book. 32 Progress Test Wishes Ex. 9b p.83 Wishes and Regrets Ex.10 p.83 Transformation Ex. 12 p.83 Transformation WB ex. 7 p. 55 p.102 St s stories (Game p.81) Ex.2 p.84.ex 6b p.85 evaluate partner s performance Ex. 3 p.84 Ex.5a p.85 Ex. 11 p.83 classmates (project) Work in pairs and present work adverts using texts as models. Game p.81. Ex. 1b p.84 Ex. 6 p.85 describe the picture Ex. 4 p.85 talk about your part-time job Ex.5b p.85 talk about your ambitions Ex.7 p.85 discuss jobs WB ex. 5 p.59 discus the skills and qualifications WB ex.6 p.53 WB ex.1 p.58 read the job adverts WB ex. 3 p.57 conversation Ex. 3 p.84 read and complete dialogue Ex.3 p.86 read and paragraph plan WB ex. 1,2,5a p match sentences in letter A to sentences in letter B Make up a story using the phrasal verbs p.81 Ex. 5 p.82 write what would you do if you were Ex. 9b p.83 Write about two things you regret (not) having done WB ex. 6 p.59 write a letter of application Ex. 3,4 p.87 Ex. 2 p.87 Project p.87 Pairwork Activities p.138 Staying Safe. Unit 8. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція представляти результат та наслідки, попереджати про небезпеку, висловлювати стурбованість, заспокоювати, знаходити рішення проблем та передбачати наслідки, наводити аргументи за і проти 33 Self Defence. Ex.2a p.88 Ex.4 p.89 The Passive Voice Ex.1 p.92 WB ex.1 p.62 Ex.1a p.88 Ex.2b p.88 Ex.1b p.88 Ex.2a p.88 Ex.2,3 p multiple choice Ex.6 p.89make notes under the headings 34 Stay Safe! Ex.5 p.89 The Passive Voice Ex.7 p.89 Ex.6 p.89 give a short Ex.7 p.89 read the Portfolio p.89

10 35 Self Defence Advice. Making Your Home Safe. WB ex.2,3 p Watch Out! Ex.2 p.90 WB ex.4 p Street Crime Prepositional Phrases Ex.6 p Crime. Law Ex.4 p.90 Breakers Ex.5 p Safety Rules/tips Idioms Ex.8 p.91 WB ex.6 p Eye Witness Account 41 Reporting an Emergency. Teen Issues 42 Vandalism at School 43 Providing Solutions to Problems Ex.4 p.94 WB ex.2 p.65 Ex.4a p.96 WB ex.4 p.67 WB ex.2 p.62 The Passive Voice Ex.2,4 p.92 WB ex.3, p.62 Word Formation WB ex.4, p.65 Phrasal Verbs Ex.7 p.91 WB ex.7 p.61 WB ex.4, p.62 Clauses of result Ex.8 p.93 Clauses of Result WB ex.8,9 p.63 Causative Form Ex.6,7 p.9 Causative Form WB ex.6,7 p.63 Every/each/either/ neither Ex.9 p.93 WB ex.10 p Curricular Cut Ex.3 p.97 transformations Ex. 10p.93 WB ex.11p Self-Assessment. Module 4 (pp.98-99) Ex.2 p.92 listen to your partner s questions talk about self defence Ex.2 p.92 discuss how to make your home safe Ex.1 p.90 Ex.1b p.90 Ex.3 p.90 St s stories St s reports WB ex.1 p.65 Ex.2 p.94 Ex.6 p.95 Ex.5b p.92 make up short stories with phrasal verbs Talk about criminal cases (short reports) Ex.9 p.91 discuss how you can avoid danger Ex.1 guess & check,3 p.94 act out dialogues Ex.5 p.95 Ex.6a,c p.95 talk about the emergency services in Ukraine Ex.8 p.95 group safety rules make a list of Dos & Don ts WB ex.1 p.60 Ex.3 p.92 Ex.1 p.90 read and WB ex.5 p.62 answer the questions Ex.5a p.92 Ex.5b p.92 write about pros and cons Ex.4b p short A script for a WB ex.3 p.65 fill in the gaps Ex.2 p.94 WB ex.1 p.64 Ex.7 p.95 Ex.2 p.96 main discussion Ex.5b p.96 ideas Listen to St s WB ex.1,3,4,5 p.66- WB ex.2 p.66 read suggestions 67 make suggestions, and and make present results para plan, underline notes topic sentences Ex.4 p.97 Ex.1,2,4 p.97 Ex.4,5 p.97 Following the Rules. radio presenter Portfolio p.91 prepare a leaflet Ex.3 p.95 notes for a witness statement A report to the emergency services Ex.5c p.96 write an article WB ex.6 p.67 provide solutions to the problems Project p.97 the set of rules for your class 46 Eco-friends 4 Ex.2,4p100 Ex.1b p.100 Ex.1a,3 p.100 Ex.2 p.100 Project p REVISION WB Word Perfect p.93 p.103 Ex.2 p.133 Pairwork Activities p.141 Songsheet 4 p.133

11 48 Video lesson. DVD Book. 49 Test (Module 4) IN ACTION. MODULE 5 Forces of Nature. Unit 9 Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція висловлювати вирогідність, можливість, впевненість, необхідність, робити припущення, запрошувати та реагувати на запрошення 50 Animals Ex.1a,6 pp WB ex.1,2 p.68 Phrasal Verbs Ex.9 p.105 WB ex.1 p Animals. Insects Ex.4,5p.103 Modals WB ex.3 p Insects Ex.7 p.103 Modals WB ex.2 p Weather Ex.1,2a,3 Modals p.104 Ex.2,3 p Weather. Modals Extreme Weather WB ex.3 p.70 WB ex.3,4 p.68 Collocations WB ex6 p68 55 Natural Disasters Idioms Ex.8 p.105 WB ex.7 p Natural Disasters. Making Deductions & Assumptions WB ex.8 p Seasonal Festivals Derivatives Ex.9 p Weather and Activities. Expressing Probability. 59 Weather and Activities. Making Speculations. Ex.5 p.109 make spidergrams Modals WB ex.4 p.70 Deductions Assumptions Ex.4b,5,6 p.106 Word Formation WB ex.9 p.69 Ex.1a p.102 Class discussion p.101 Ex.1b p.102 WB ex.1 p.70 short Ex.2 p.103 Ex.8 p.103 Ex.2 p.103 predict Ex. 3 p.103 T/False Ex.9 p.103 Project p.103 talk Ex.9 p.103 about insects Ex.2b p.104 Ex.2b p.104 Ex.1 p.104 Ex.6 p.105 Ex.1 p.106 Ex.4a p.109 Ex.4 p.104 discuss he listen to St s situations forecasts and take notes Ex.5 p.105 listen to your partner Ex.4a p.106 St s reports Ex.5 p talk in pairs about natural disasters Ex.8 p.107 look at the pictures and make deductions Talk about seasonal or weather-related festival p.107 Ex.3 p.108 WB ex.1 p.73 Ex.3c p.108 WB ex.2 p.73 act out similar dialogues WB ex.3 p.73 Ex.6b p.109 Ex.1,2 p.108 act out dialogues Ex.5 p.109 talk about activities Ex.6 p.109 describe pictures Make up sentences using phrasal verbs Ex.10 p.103 Write a short fact file(p.103) Ex.6 p.105 WB ex.5 p.68 Ex.4 p.104 write down weather forecast Ex.5 p read the headlines WB ex.5 p.71 read the dialogue Ex.9 p.107 fill in the gaps Project p.105 write an WB ex.6 p.71 Write a draft p.107 WB ex.1 p.72 Project p. 107 Ex.3a p.108 short Ex.2 p.108 Ex.7 p.109

12 60 Invitation Ex.2,3,4 p.110 WB ex.3 p Replying to Invitation WB ex.4 p.75 Ex.7 p.107 Ex.4 p.109 Ex.1 p.110 WB ex.7 p.71 act out short transformations Ex.10 p Culture Clip Ex.3 p.111 transformations WB ex.8 p REVISION WB Word Perfect p Video lesson. DVD Activity Book. 65 Progress Test Grammar Check WB p.104 Ex.5 p.110 match the paragraphs to the headings WB ex.1 p.74 WB ex.2 p.74 paragraph plan Ex.6 p.110 write an WB ex.5 p.75 replying to invitation Ex.2 p.111 Ex.1,2,4 p.111 Ex.2 p.111 A popular winter festival in Ukraine p.111 Pairwork Activities p.142 Festive Time.Unit 10. Мовленнєві функції та соціокультурна компетенція віддавати перевагу/висловлювати прихільність, запитувати про напрямки та надавати пояснення, уникати відповідей на прямі запитання, переконувати співрозмовника, використовуючи аргументацію різного типу, спілкуватися під час виконання проектної роботи 66 The Summer Solstice Ex.5 p.126 Infinitive/-ing forms Ex.1 p.116 Ex.3 p.126 Ex.1,6 p.126 Ex.2,3 p.126 Make notes ex.6 p Festive Time. Ex.1 p.112 Infinitive/-ing forms Ex.2 p Festive Food Calendar Ex.6,7p.112 WB ex.2,3 p.76 Infinitive/-ing forms WB ex.1 p Eating Contest. Ex.8 p.112 WB ex.3 p.78 Although/despite Ex.6a p115 WB ex.7 p Sports Ex.1,3a,5 p Keeping Fit. Healthy Lifestyle Compound Nouns Infinitive/-ing forms Ex.3 p.116 Infinitive/-ing forms Ex.4 p.117 Ex.2 p.112 Ex.1 p.112 ex.9 p.113 talk about festivals Ex.2 p.112 describe the scene Ex.3 p.112 Ex.3 p.112 look at the pictures and guess Ex.4,5 p.112 WB ex.1 p.81 WB ex.2 p.81 ex.5b p.119 act out dialogues avoiding direct answers Ex.2 p.114 Ex.2b,3b p.114 Ex.6b p.115 talk about different sports Ex.9 p.115 Ex.10 p.115 persuade your friends WB ex.1 p.76 fill in the blanks Ex.1 p.116 Ex.3 p.112 WB ex.1 p.80 Ex.4 p.114 short Body Image Ex.9 p Make a list of festivals in Ukraine ex.9 p.113 Portfolio p.113 Write a recipe of a traditional dish Ex.2b p.114 Portfolio p.115 write an

13 72 Attending a Gym. Asking for/giving Directions. 73 Attending a Gym. Idioms Ex.7 p.115 WB ex.6 p.77 Ex.7 p.117 WB ex.2 p.78 Ex.2b p.118 WB ex.7 p.79 WB ex.4 p.79 Infinitive/-ing forms Ex.5 p.117 Infinitive/-ing forms WB ex.5 p Eating Habits Ex.3 p.120 Preferences Ex.6 p Carrying Out a WB ex.4 WB ex.6 p.79 Survey p.83 Ex.1 p.118 Ex.2 p.118 Ex.6 p.119 Ex.3 p.118 Ex.6 p.123 results of St s survey Ex.4 p.119 act out a dialogue Game p.117 Ex.3 p.120 describe a pie chart Discuss the results of survey Ex.5a p.119 read the poster WB ex.3 p.81 Ex.3d p.119 read and correct the statements Ex.1,2b p.120 Ex.6 p.119 Game p.117- write a story Prepare a questionnaire WB ex.2 p.82 Ex.4 p.120 write a report 76 Curricular Cut Ex.3 p.121 Ex.8 p.117 Ex.2 p.121 Ex.1,4 p.121 give a short presentation Ex.2 p.121 Ex.4 p.121 Project Self-Assessment Module 5 pp Eco-friends Ex.1a p.124 WB ex.8 p.79 Ex.2 p.124 Ex.1b p.124 Ex.3 p.124 Ex.1b p REVISION WB Word Perfect p.95 p.105 Ex.2 p.134 Pairwork Activities p.139 Songsheet 5 p Video Lesson. DVD Activity Book 81 Test Контроль аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма. Семестрове оцінювання.

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